SCHEDULE 5Terms of service for NHS pharmacists who provide pharmaceutical services in particular by the provisions of drugs

PART 3Pharmacy opening hours

Temporary opening hours and closures during an emergency requiring the flexible provision of pharmaceutical servicesI127


Notwithstanding the provisions of this Schedule, during an emergency requiring the flexible provision of pharmaceutical services, the Local Health Board in whose pharmaceutical list the NHS pharmacist is included may, on application from the NHS pharmacist, permit the NHS pharmacist a temporary change to the days on which or times at which the NHS pharmacist is obliged to provide pharmaceutical services at the premises from which the NHS pharmacist has undertaken to provide pharmaceutical services, or permit temporary closure of those premises, if—


the NHS pharmacist gives at least 24 hours’ notice of the change or closure, and


the reasons given by the NHS pharmacist for the request are, in the opinion of the Local Health Board, adequate reasons.


The Local Health Board need not approve the request in advance of the change or closure, and if it does not do so but decides subsequently that the NHS pharmacist’s reasons are not, in its opinion, adequate reasons, then the days on which or times at which the NHS pharmacist is obliged to provide pharmaceutical services at the premises are to revert to the overridden days or times, from the day after the date on which that decision is given to the NHS pharmacist.