PART 3Restrictions on businesses and services whose premises are ordinarily open to the public

CHAPTER 5Mixed businesses

Mixed businessesI116




a person responsible for carrying on a business (“business A”) is required, by virtue of regulation 11(1), 12(1) or 13(1), to cease carrying on business A at premises, and


business A forms part of a larger business (“business B”),

the requirement in regulation 11(1), 12(1) or 13(1) is complied with if the person responsible for carrying on business B ceases to carry on business A at the premises.


So for the avoidance of doubt, where—


premises operated by a business or service may continue to be open by virtue of regulation 15(1), and


that business or service forms part of a larger undertaking which includes the carrying on of another business or service on the same premises,

the person responsible for that other business or service must cease to carry it on if required to do so by virtue of regulation 11(1), 12(1) or 13(1).