RHAN 3Gofynion ynglŷn â chyfarfodydd

Ethol cadeirydd y cyd-fwrdd gan Awdurdod Iechyd Porthladd Bae Abertawe yn y cyfarfod blynyddol13

Mae erthygl 5 o Orchymyn Awdurdod Iechyd Porthladd Bae Abertawe 199115 i’w darllen fel pe bai—


“unless, in relation to the annual meeting held in 2020, the board decides not to hold an election of a chair at that meeting; if there is no election at that meeting the person holding office as chair immediately before that meeting may hold office for more than one year” wedi ei fewnosod ym mharagraff (1), ar ôl “amongst the members”;


“unless, in relation to the annual meeting held in 2020, the board decides not to hold an election of a chair at that meeting” wedi ei fewnosod ym mharagraff (2), ar ôl “board”.