Diwygiadau i Reoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 200115

Yn rheoliad 32ZBD (canfasiad blynyddol ar gyfer eiddo pan allai fod angen ychwanegu gwybodaeth at gofrestr etholiadol, neu ddileu gwybodaeth ohoni, a’r camau i’w cymryd pan na cheir ymateb)—


ym mharagraff 1 hepgorer “of parliamentary electors in England or Wales, or a register of local government electors in England,”;


ym mharagraff 4—


ar ôl is-baragraff (b) mewnosoder—


where the registration officer holds a telephone number for one or more persons aged 16 or over who are registered in the register of local government electors in Wales, at the address, and whom the registration officer believes are resident at that address, by means of a telephone call to each of those persons;


ar ddiwedd is-baragraff (c) hepgorer “or”;


ar ôl is-baragraff (c) mewnosoder—


where the registration officer holds relevant contact details for one or more persons aged 16 or over who are registered in the register of local government electors in Wales, at the address, and whom the registration officer believes are resident at that address, by sending a communication by electronic means to each of those persons; or


ym mharagraff 9—


yn is-baragraff (a)(i) hepgorer “in a register of parliamentary electors in England or Wales, or a register of local government electors in England,”;


ar ddiwedd is-baragraff (a)(ii) hepgorer “and”;


ar ôl is-baragraff (a)(iii) mewnosoder—


the full name, date of birth and nationality of each person whose application to be registered at the address in a register of local government electors in Wales, under section 10ZC(1) or 10ZD(1) of the 1983 Act has been successfully determined, where the date on which the applicant’s name will be published in a notice of alteration under section 13A(2) of the 1983 Act is after the date on which the form will be sent, with the exception of persons registered as mentioned in section 9D(6) of the 1983 Act; and


ar ôl paragraff 9 mewnosoder—


In relation to a register of local government electors in Wales, the registration officer must not, under paragraph 9, print on the form the date of birth of any person aged under 16.