F1SCHEDULEOn-board statement

Regulations 3, 3A and 4




The information to be provided for the purposes of regulations 3(2)(a)(i), (3)(2)(b)(i), 3(2)(c)(i), 3A(4)(b)(i) and 3A(4)(c) is—


The United Kingdom is taking steps to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

1) All persons (including UK nationals and residents) arriving in the UK from outside the common travel area must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 3 days of departure to the UK. For further information please visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-people-travelling-wales

2) To protect your health and others’, everyone must complete an online passenger locator form before arrival in the United Kingdom.

F33) All arrivals must quarantine for 10 days unless exempt. If you have travelled through a red list country in the last 10 days, you must have a valid Managed Quarantine Facility booked prior to departure. For information please visit: www.gov.uk/travel-quarantine-and-testing. Check the list of exempt countries immediately before travel and the list of work-related exemptions if travelling for work.

4) Everyone is required to take a coronavirus test on days 2 and 8 of their quarantine. You must have this booked prior to departure. For information please visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-people-travelling-wales.

F45) It is a legal requirement that you wear a face covering on public transport in the UK.

F75) If you quarantine in England, you may opt in to Test to Release. For further information please visit www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-test-to-release-for-international-travel.

Failure to comply with these measures is a criminal offence and you could be fined. Please visit www.gov.uk/uk-border-control for detailed public health advice and requirements for entering the  UK."


The statement to be provided for the purposes of regulation 4 is—


Welsh language version—

Dyma neges iechyd y cyhoedd ar ran asiantaethau iechyd y cyhoedd y Deyrnas Unedig.

F5Cyn dod i’r DU, rhaid ichi lenwi ffurflen lleoli teithwyr ar lein, ni waeth o ble yr ydych yn cyrraedd. Rhaid ichi hefyd fynd i gwarantin am y 10 niwrnod cyntaf ar ôl ichi gyrraedd, oni bai eich bod mewn categori esempt. Mae hyn er mwyn eich gwarchod chi ac eraill. Mae hyn yn cynnwys archebu cwarantin mewn gwesty os ydych wedi teithio drwy wlad sydd ar y rhestr goch yn ystod y 10 niwrnod diwethaf, neu archebu profion cwarantin yn y cartref os ydych wedi teithio mewn unrhyw wlad arall.

Ewch i gov.uk/coronavirus i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.

Symptomau’r coronafeirws yw peswch cyson newydd, tymheredd uchel neu golli eich synnwyr blasu neu arogli arferol, neu newid yn eich synnwyr blasu neu arogli arferol. Os ydych yn profi unrhyw un o’r symptomau hyn, ni waeth pa mor ysgafn ydynt, fe’ch cynghorir i wneud eich hunan yn hysbys i’r criw.

Camau syml y gallwch eu cymryd i helpu i’ch diogelu chi a’ch teulu yw:

Golchi eich dwylo

Osgoi cyffwrdd â’ch wyneb â’ch dwylo

Dal peswch a thisian mewn hances bapur a’i gwaredu ar unwaith.


English language version—

The following is a public health message on behalf of the UK’s public health agencies.

F6Before entering the UK, you must complete a passenger locator form online, regardless of where you are arriving from. You must also quarantine for the first 10 days after you arrive, unless you are in an exempt category. This is to protect yourself and others. This includes booking hotel quarantine if you have travelled through a red list country in the last 10 days, or booking home quarantine tests if you have travelled in any other country.

Visit gov.uk/coronavirus for more information.

The symptoms of coronavirus are a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell. If you experience any of these symptoms, however mild, you are advised to make yourself known to the crew.

Simple measures you can take to help protect yourself and family are:

Wash your hands

Avoid touching your face with your hands

Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue and dispose of it immediately.


the statement in paragraph (a) or (b) translated into an officially recognised language of the country of departure.