PART 3Amendments to the Public Health Information Regulations

Provision of information during journey

10.—(1) Part 2 of the Public Health Information Regulations (requirement to provide information to passengers) is amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (4).

(2) In regulation 4(2) omit “orally”.

(3) In the Welsh language version of the on-board statement in the Schedule—

(a)for “Llywodraeth Cymru a Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru” substitute “asiantaethau iechyd y cyhoedd y DU”;

(b)omit “ar”;

(c)after “14 o ddiwrnodau ar ôl i chi gyrraedd” insert “, oni bai eich bod mewn categori esempt. Ewch i i weld y rhestr esemptiadau.”;

(d)omit the text from “Wedi cyrraedd,” to “”.

(4) In the English language version of the on-board statement in the Schedule—

(a)for “Welsh Government and Public Health Wales” substitute “UK’s public health agencies”;

(b)omit “at”;

(c)after “14 days after you arrive” insert “, unless you are in an exempt category. To view the exemptions list, visit”;

(d)omit the text from “When you arrive” to “”.

Change to review period

11.  In Part 4 of the Public Health Information Regulations (miscellaneous), in regulation 9(1) (review of requirements), for sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) substitute—

(b)by 27 July 2020;

(c)at least once in the period of 28 days beginning with 28 July 2020;

(d)at least once in each subsequent period of 28 days.

Miscellaneous amendment

12.  In Part 2 of the Public Health Information Regulations (requirements to provide information to passengers), in regulation 3(2), in the words before sub-paragraph (a), for “paragraph (1)(a)” substitute “paragraph (1)”.