PART 6Storage of organic manure and silage

Storage capacity29


An occupier of a holding who keeps any of the animals specified in Schedule 1 must provide sufficient storage for all slurry produced on the holding during the storage period, and all poultry manure produced in a yard or building on the holding during the storage period.


The volume of the manure produced by the animals on the holding must be calculated in accordance with Schedule 1.


A slurry store must have the capacity to store, in addition to the manure, any rainfall, washings or other liquid that enters the vessel (either directly or indirectly) during the storage period.


Storage facilities are not necessary for slurry or poultry manure—


sent off the holding, or


spread on land that has a low run-off risk (provided that this is done in accordance with the restrictions on spreading in these Regulations); but in this case storage facilities for an additional one week’s manure must be provided as a contingency measure in the event of spreading not being possible on some dates.


For the purposes of this regulation the “storage period” (all dates inclusive) is—


the period between 1 October and 1 April for pigs and poultry;


the period between 1 October and 1 March in any other case.