1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General

    1. 1.Title, commencement, extent and application

    2. 2.Interpretation

  3. PART 2 Establishment of the Scheme

    1. 3.Establishment of the Scheme

  4. PART 3 Payment of grants and making of loans by the Welsh Ministers

    1. 4.Payments of grants and making of loans

    2. 5.Advertisement and guidance

    3. 6.Application for a grant or loan

    4. 7.Decision and notification

    5. 8.Evidence of expenditure etc.

    6. 9.Method of payment

    7. 10.Records, inspection and notification of changes

    8. 11.Variation, suspension and revocation of approval

    9. 12.Procedure for making representations in respect of a notified decision

    10. 13.Notice of recovery of payment

    11. 14.Enforcement

  5. Signature


      Activities for which the Welsh Ministers may pay grants and make loans under this Scheme

      1. PART 1

        1. 1.For the purpose of the conservation, enhancement or restoration of the marine and aquatic environment

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        5. 5.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        6. 6.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        7. 7.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        8. 8.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        9. 9.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        10. 10.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        11. 11.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        12. 12.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      2. PART 2

        1. 1.For the purpose of the promotion or development of commercial fish or aquaculture activities

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        7. 7.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        8. 8.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        9. 9.Activities which support fishers or aquaculture farmers to establish new...

        10. 10.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        11. 11.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        12. 12.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        13. 13.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        14. 14.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        15. 15.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        16. 16.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        17. 17.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        18. 18.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      3. PART 3

        1. 1.For the purpose of the reorganisation of businesses involved in commercial fish or aquaculture activities

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities that promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        7. 7.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        8. 8.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        9. 9.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        10. 10.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        11. 11.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        12. 12.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        13. 13.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        14. 14.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        15. 15.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      4. PART 4

        1. 1.For the purpose of contributing to the expenses of persons involved in commercial fish or aquaculture activities

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        7. 7.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        8. 8.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        9. 9.Activities which support fishers or aquaculture farmers to establish new...

        10. 10.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        11. 11.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        12. 12.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        13. 13.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        14. 14.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        15. 15.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        16. 16.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        17. 17.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        18. 18.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      5. PART 5

        1. 1.For the purpose of maintaining or improving the health and safety of individuals who are involved in commercial fish or aquaculture activities

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities that promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        6. 6.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

      6. PART 6

        1. 1.For the purpose of the training of individuals who are, were or intend to become involved in commercial fish or aquaculture activities, or are family members of such individuals

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities that promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities to support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        7. 7.Activities which support fishers or aquaculture farmers to establish new...

        8. 8.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        9. 9.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        10. 10.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        11. 11.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        12. 12.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        13. 13.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        14. 14.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        15. 15.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      7. PART 7

        1. 1.For the purpose of the economic development or social improvement of areas in which commercial fish or aquaculture activities are carried out

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        7. 7.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        8. 8.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        9. 9.Activities which support fishers or aquaculture farmers to establish new...

        10. 10.Activities which contribute to the sustainable development of aquaculture sites....

        11. 11.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        12. 12.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        13. 13.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        14. 14.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        15. 15.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        16. 16.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

        17. 17.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        18. 18.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

      8. PART 8

        1. 1.For the purpose of improving the arrangements for the use of catch quotas or effort quotas

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        4. 4.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        5. 5.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        6. 6.Activities which reduce the impact of seafood production on the...

        7. 7.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        8. 8.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

        9. 9.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        10. 10.Activities which contribute to the design and implementation of conservation...

        11. 11.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

      9. PART 9

        1. 1.For the purpose of the promotion or development of recreational fishing

        2. 2.Activities relating to professional advisory services.

        3. 3.Activities which promote human capital and networking.

        4. 4.Activities which improve hygiene, health, safety, and wellbeing.

        5. 5.Activities which support diversification of businesses.

        6. 6.Activities which mitigate the effects of adverse extenuating circumstances.

        7. 7.Activities which establish or improve infrastructure for marine and freshwater...

        8. 8.Activities which promote job creation and encourages new entrants to...

        9. 9.Activities which support the marketing of marine, fisheries and aquaculture...

        10. 10.Activities which lead to new or improved products, processes or...

        11. 11.Activities which contribute towards conservation, restoration or enhancement of aquatic...

        12. 12.Activities which contribute towards the mitigation of climate change or...

        13. 13.Activities which maintain or improve animal health and welfare.

        14. 14.Activities which support marine spatial planning for the sustainable use...

  6. Explanatory Note