The Avian Influenza (Wales) (Amendment and Revocation) Order 2022

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Title and commencement

  3. 2.Amendments to the Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals (Wales) (No 2) Order 2006

  4. 3.Amendments to article 2 (interpretation)

  5. 4.Amendment to article 11 (derogations from restrictions applicable at suspect premises)

  6. 5.Amendment to article 12 (veterinary inquiries and sampling)

  7. 6.Amendment to article 22 (measures on special category premises)

  8. 7.Amendments relating to restrictions on the movement of wild game bird products

  9. 8.Amendment to article 34 (measures in restricted zones)

  10. 9.Amendments to article 36 (ending of protection, surveillance and restricted zones)

  11. 10.Amendment to article 41 (measures at border inspection posts)

  12. 11.Amendments to article 44 (reintroduction of poultry and other captive birds)

  13. 12.Amendments to article 47 (killing of poultry and other captive birds)

  14. 13.Amendment to article 48 (movement of eggs from premises where low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed)

  15. 14.Amendments relating to the duration of low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zones

  16. 15.Amendment to article 64 (poultry moved to premises outside controlled zones other than for slaughter)

  17. 16.Amendment to article 68 (surveillance at restocked commercial poultry premises)

  18. 17.Amendment to article 81 (veterinary investigations)

  19. 18.Amendment to Schedule 1 (measures where avian influenza or avian influenza virus is suspected on premises)

  20. 19.Amendment to Schedule 2 (measures on premises where highly pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed)

  21. 20.Amendments to Schedule 4 (measures in a protection zone)

  22. 21.Amendments to Schedule 5 (measures in a surveillance zone)

  23. 22.Amendment to Schedule 7 (measures in a low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zone)

  24. 23.After Schedule 7 insert— Schedule 8 Wild Game Bird Products...

  25. 24.Revocation

  26. Signature

  27. Explanatory Note