(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 2021/77 (W. 20)) (“the 2021 Regulations”).

Regulation 3 amends regulation 2 (transitional measures for holdings not previously in a nitrate vulnerable zone) of the 2021 Regulations. It changes the implementation date for regulation 4 (application of livestock manure – total nitrogen limit for the whole holding) for holdings or parts of holdings not previously situated within a nitrate vulnerable zone (“NVZ”) as shown on the NVZ index map, where 80% or more of the agricultural area is sown with grass (“qualifying grassland holdings”) from 1 January 2024 to 1 January 2025. This means that the total nitrogen limit in livestock manure for the whole holding (170kg multiplied by the area of the holding in hectares) in regulation 4 of the 2021 Regulations does not apply to qualifying grassland holdings until 1 January 2025.

Regulation 4 amends regulation 3 (interpretation) of the 2021 Regulations by inserting definitions of the terms “enhanced nutrient management plan”, “precision spreading equipment”, “qualifying grassland holding” and “relevant period”. It also substitutes a definition of “NRW” for “NRBW”.

Regulation 5 inserts new regulations 4A and 4B into the 2021 Regulations. Regulation 4A (application of grazing and non-grazing livestock manure on qualifying grassland holdings during the relevant period) requires the occupier of a qualifying grassland holding to ensure that for the calendar year 2024 (“the relevant period”) the area of the holding (in hectares) is greater than or equal to the sum of the total amount of nitrogen in grazing livestock manure applied to the holding divided by 250, plus the total amount of nitrogen in non-grazing livestock manure applied to the holding divided by 170. The purpose of this calculation is to limit the total amount of nitrogen in livestock manure that an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding is permitted to apply to the holding, whether directly by an animal or by spreading, during the relevant period. It ensures that where an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding is only applying grazing livestock manure to the holding, they must not apply more than 250kg of nitrogen in grazing livestock manure per hectare during the relevant period. It also ensures that where an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding is only applying non-grazing livestock manure to the holding, they must not apply more than 170kg of nitrogen in non-grazing livestock manure per hectare during the relevant period. Where an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding is applying both grazing and non-grazing livestock manures to the holding during the relevant period, the calculation also makes provision for the application of both to be adjusted on a pro-rata basis.

Regulation 4A(2) provides that where an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding intends to apply to the holding during the relevant period, a total amount of nitrogen in grazing livestock manure which exceeds 170kg multiplied by the area of the holding in hectares, they must comply with additional enhanced nutrient management requirements established under Schedule 1A (enhanced nutrient management requirements) and notify Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”). Regulation 4B (notice requirements) sets out the notice requirements that the occupier of a qualifying grassland holding must comply with when notifying NRW.

Regulation 6 makes minor amendments to regulation 14 (spreading organic manure near surface water, boreholes, springs or wells) of the 2021 Regulations to assist with clarity.

Regulation 7 replaces references to “NRBW with references to “NRW” wherever they occur in the Regulations. This is in consequence of replacing the definition of “NRBW” with “NRW” under regulation 3.

Regulation 8 inserts a new Schedule 1A (enhanced nutrient management requirements) into the 2021 Regulations which sets out the additional enhanced nutrient management requirements to be met by an occupier of a qualifying grassland holding if the occupier intends, during the relevant period, to apply to the holding a total amount of nitrogen in grazing livestock manure which exceeds 170kg multiplied by the area of the holding in hectares.

Regulation 9 revokes the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2023.

The Welsh Ministers’ Code of Practice on the carrying out of regulatory impact assessments was considered in relation to these Regulations. As a result, a regulatory impact assessment has been prepared as to the likely costs and benefits of complying with these Regulations. A copy can be obtained from Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ and is published on www.gov.wales.