PART 1General

Incapacity etc I114


Where in a relevant year a producer dies, becomes bankrupt or incapacitated (“the first producer”), that person ceases to be subject to any obligations under these Regulations for that year.


Any person who carries on the activities of the first producer following that event is to be treated as a producer and to have the obligations of the producer for that year and subsequent years.


Any person carrying on the activities of the first producer referred to in paragraph (1) must, within 28 days beginning with the day on which that person commences to do so, inform NRW in writing of that fact and the date of the death, the date of bankruptcy or the nature of the incapacity and the date on which it began carrying on the activities of the first producer.


In relation to a producer which is a company, the references to a person becoming bankrupt or incapacitated in paragraphs (1) and (3) are to be construed as references to it going into liquidation or receivership or entering administration.