
SCHEDULE 4Provision of information to patients

Information to be included on a practice’s online resource and written practice leaflet

1.  A contractor’s online resource and written practice leaflet must include—

(a)the name of the contractor;

(b)in the case of a contract with a partnership—

(i)whether or not it is a limited partnership, and

(ii)the names of all the partners and, in the case of a limited partnership, their status as a general or limited partner;

(c)in the case of a contract with a company—

(i)the names of the directors, the company secretary and the shareholders of that company, and

(ii)the address of the company’s registered office;

(d)the full name of each person performing services under the contract;

(e)in the case of each health care professional performing services under the contract the health care professional’s professional qualifications;

(f)whether the contractor undertakes the teaching or training of health care professionals or persons intending to become health care professionals;

(g)the contractor’s practice area, by reference to a sketch diagram, plan or postcode;

(h)the address of each of the practice premises;

(i)the contractor’s telephone and fax numbers and the address of its online resource;

(j)whether the practice premises have suitable access for disabled patients and, if not, the alternative arrangements for providing services to such patients;

(k)how to register as a patient;

(l)the right of patients to express a preference of practitioner in accordance with paragraph 27 of Schedule 3 and the means of expressing such a preference;

(m)the services available under the contract;

(n)the opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout the core hours;

(o)the criteria for home visits and the method of obtaining such a visit;

(p)the consultations available to patients under regulation 17 and Part 1 of Schedule 3;

(q)the arrangements for services in the out of hours period (whether or not provided by the contractor) and how the patient may contact such services;

(r)if the services in sub-paragraph (q) are not provided by the contractor, the fact that the Local Health Board referred to in paragraph (bb) is responsible for commissioning the services;

(s)the name and address of any local walk-in centre;

(t)the telephone number of NHS 111 Wales and details of NHS 111 Wales online;

(u)the method by which patients are to obtain repeat prescriptions;

(v)if the contractor offers repeatable prescribing services, the arrangements for providing such services;

(w)if the contractor is a dispensing contractor, the arrangements for dispensing prescriptions subject to paragraph 60(2)(b);

(x)how patients may notify a concern or complaint in accordance with the provisions of the National Health Service (Concerns, Complaints and Redress Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2011, or comment on the provision of the contractor’s services;

(y)the rights and responsibilities of the patient, including keeping appointments;

(z)the action that may be taken where a patient is violent or abusive to the contractor or his staff or other persons on the practice premises or in the place where treatment is provided under the contract or other persons specified in paragraph 30 of Schedule 3;

(aa)details of who has access to patient information (including information from which the identity of the individual can be ascertained), the patient’s rights in relation to disclosure of such information and how patients can access the contractor’s privacy notice or privacy policy;

(bb)the name, address and telephone number of the Local Health Board which is a party to the contract and from whom details of primary medical services in the area may be obtained; and

(cc)the fees charged for non-NHS services that are not private services.