Article 16U.K.General principles for public service obligations
1.[The Secretary of State, following consultation with the airports concerned, the Government of Gibraltar, if such an airport is located there,] and air carriers operating on the route, may impose a public service obligation in respect of scheduled air services between an airport in [the United Kingdom or Gibraltar and an airport serving either a peripheral or development region of the United Kingdom or Gibraltar, or on a thin route to any airport in the United Kingdom or Gibraltar,] any such route being considered vital for the economic and social development of the region which the airport serves [or of Gibraltar]. That obligation shall be imposed only to the extent necessary to ensure on that route the minimum provision of scheduled air services satisfying fixed standards of continuity, regularity, pricing or minimum capacity, which air carriers would not assume if they were solely considering their commercial interest.
The fixed standards imposed on the route subject to that public service obligation shall be set in a transparent and non-discriminatory way.
2.In instances where other modes of transport cannot ensure an uninterrupted service with at least two daily frequencies, the [Secretary of State] may include in the public service obligation the requirement that any [qualifying air carrier] intending to operate the route gives a guarantee that it will operate the route for a certain period, to be specified, in accordance with the other terms of the public service obligation.
3.The necessity and the adequacy of an envisaged public service obligation shall be assessed by the [Secretary of State] having regard to:
(a)the proportionality between the envisaged obligation and the economic development needs of the region concerned [or, as the case may be, Gibraltar];
(b)the possibility of having recourse to other modes of transport and the ability of such modes to meet the transport needs under consideration, in particular when existing rail services serve the envisaged route with a travel time of less than three hours and with sufficient frequencies, connections and suitable timings;
(c)the air fares and conditions which can be quoted to users;
(d)the combined effect of all air carriers operating or intending to operate on the route.
4.[When the Secretary of State proposes to impose a public service obligation, the Secretary of State must in writing communicate the details of the envisaged public service obligation to—
(a)the airports concerned,
(b)the Government of Gibraltar, if such an airport is located there, and
(c)any qualifying air carriers operating the route in question.]
[The Secretary of State must publish an information notice in the London, Edinburgh and Belfast Gazettes:]
(a)identifying the two airports connected by the route concerned and possible intermediate stop-over point(s);
(b)mentioning the date of entry into force of the public service obligation; and
(c)indicating the complete address where the text and any relevant information and/or documentation related to the public service obligation shall be made available without delay and free of charge by the [Secretary of State].
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6.The date of entry into force of a public service obligation shall not be earlier than the date of publication of the information notice referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 4.
7.When a public service obligation has been imposed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 the [qualifying air carrier] shall be able to offer seat-only sales provided that the air service in question meets all the requirements of the public service obligation. Consequently that air service shall be considered as a scheduled air service.
8.When a public service obligation has been imposed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, any other [qualifying air carrier] shall at any time be allowed to commence scheduled air services meeting all the requirements of the public service obligation, including the period of operation that may be required in accordance with paragraph 2.
9.Notwithstanding paragraph 8, if no [qualifying air carrier] has commenced or can demonstrate that it is about to commence sustainable scheduled air services on a route in accordance with the public service obligation which has been imposed on that route, the [Secretary of State] may limit access to the scheduled air services on that route to only one [qualifying air carrier] for a period of up to four years, after which the situation shall be reviewed.
10.The right to operate the services referred to in paragraph 9 shall be offered by public tender in accordance with Article 17, either singly or, in cases where justified for reasons of operational efficiency, for a group of such routes to any [qualifying air carrier] entitled to operate such air services. For reasons of administrative efficiency, [a single invitation to tender covering different routes may be issued].
11.A public service obligation shall be deemed to have expired if no scheduled air service has been operated during a period of 12 months on the route subject to such obligation.
12.In case of sudden interruption of service by the [qualifying air carrier] selected in accordance with Article 17, the [Secretary of State] may, in case of emergency, select by mutual agreement a different [qualifying air carrier] to operate the public service obligation for a period up to seven months, not renewable, under the following conditions:
(a)any compensation paid ... shall be made in compliance with Article 17(8);
(b)the selection shall be made among [qualifying air carriers] in compliance with the principles of transparency and non-discrimination;
(c)a new call for tender shall be launched.