Article 24U.K.Request for use of an alternative chemical name
1.The manufacturer, importer or downstream user of a substance in a mixture may submit a request to the Agency to use an alternative chemical name which refers to that substance in a mixture either by means of a name that identifies the most important functional chemical groups or by means of an alternative designation, where the substance meets the criteria set out in Part 1 of Annex I and where he can demonstrate that disclosure on the label or in the safety data sheet of the chemical identity of that substance puts the confidential nature of his business, in particular his intellectual property rights, at risk.
2.Any request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be made in the format [specified by the Agency. The Agency may require the request to] be accompanied by a fee.
A reduced fee shall be set for SMEs.
3.The Agency may require further information from the manufacturer, importer or downstream user making the request if such information is necessary to take a decision. If the Agency raises no objection within six weeks of the request or the receipt of further required information, the use of the requested name shall be deemed to be allowed.
[4.If the Agency does not accept the request, the manufacturer, importer or downstream user may ask the Agency to review its decision.]
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6.Where new information shows that an alternative chemical name used does not provide sufficient information for necessary health and safety precautions to be taken at the workplace and to ensure that risks from handling the mixture can be controlled, the Agency shall review its decision on the use of that alternative chemical name. The Agency may withdraw its decision or amend it by a decision specifying which alternative chemical name is allowed to be used. If the Agency withdraws or amends its decision, the [manufacturer, importer or downstream user may ask the Agency to review the withdrawal or amendment.]
7.Where the use of an alternative chemical name has been allowed, but the classification of the substance in a mixture for which the alternative name is used no longer meets the criteria set out in section 1.4.1 of Annex I, the supplier of that substance in a mixture shall use the product identifier for the substance in accordance with Article 18 on the label and in the safety data sheet, and not the alternative chemical name.
8.For substances, whether on their own or in a mixture, where a justification in accordance with Article 10(a)(xi) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 regarding information referred to in Article 119(2)(f) or (g) of that Regulation has been accepted as valid by the Agency, the manufacturer, importer or downstream user may use on the label and in the safety data sheet a name that will be made publicly available over the Internet. For those substances in a mixture for which Article 119(2)(f) or (g) of that Regulation no longer applies, the manufacturer, importer or downstream user may submit a request to the Agency to use an alternative chemical name as provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.
9.Where the supplier of a mixture, before 1 June 2015, has demonstrated under Article 15 of Directive 1999/45/EC that the disclosure of the chemical identity of a substance in a mixture puts the confidential nature of his business at risk, he can continue to use the agreed alternative name for the purposes of this Regulation.