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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1978 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
Act of Adjournal (Circuits) 19781978 No. 1425 (S. 130)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Adjournal (Criminal Legal Aid Fees Amendment) 19781978 No. 1686 (S. 151)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Adjournal (Forms of Complaint) 19781978 No. 834 (S. 72)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Adjournal (References to European Court) (Amendment) 19781978 No. 125 (S. 14)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Adjournal (Sentencing Powers etc) (Amendment) 19781978 No. 491 (S. 46)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Adjournal (Sentencing Powers etc) 19781978 No. 123 (S. 12)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees for Sheriff Clerks) 19781978 No. 116 (S. 10)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment to Maintenance Orders Rules) 19781978 No. 117 (S. 11)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Betting and Gaming Appeals) 19781978 No. 229 (S. 30)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Commissary Business) (Amendment) 19781978 No. 1509 (S. 140)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-Arms) (Value Added Tax) 19781978 No. 114 (S. 8)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-Arms) 19781978 No. 1424 (S. 129)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) (Value Added Tax) 19781978 No. 115 (S. 9)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 19781978 No. 1423 (S. 128)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Presumption of Death) 19781978 No. 162 (S. 21)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 1) (Consistorial Causes) 19781978 No. 106 (S. 5)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 10) (Induciae) 19781978 No. 1804 (S. 159)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 2) (Court Fees) 19781978 No. 113 (S. 7)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 3) (Presumption of Death) 19781978 No. 161 (S. 20)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 4) (Commercial Causes) 19781978 No. 690 (S. 62)UK Statutory Instruments

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