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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1999 numbered between 500 and 599 has returned 60 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The A1 Trunk Road (Barnet and Haringey) Red Route (Clearway) Experimental Traffic Order 19991999 No. 555UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Airport Companies (Capital Finance) (Amendment) Order 19991999 No. 554UK Statutory Instruments
    The A1 Trunk Road (Barnet and Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 19991999 No. 553UK Statutory Instruments
    The A41 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Prohibited Turn) Experimental Traffic Order 19991999 No. 552UK Statutory Instruments
    The Common Investment (Amendment) Scheme 19991999 No. 551 (L. 1)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income-related Benefits (Subsidy to Authorities) Amendment Order 19991999 No. 550UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) Regulations 19991999 No. 549UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) Order 19991999 No. 547UK Statutory Instruments
    The Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 546UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Parishes and Parish Councils) Regulations 19991999 No. 545UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Health Service (Dental Charges) Amendment Regulations 19991999 No. 544UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police (Secretary of State’s Objectives) Order 19991999 No. 543UK Statutory Instruments
    The Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 540UK Statutory Instruments
    The Specified Risk Material (Inspection Charges) Regulations 19991999 No. 539UK Statutory Instruments
    The Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Boarley Lane Diversion) Order 19991999 No. 537UK Statutory Instruments
    The Council Tax (Exempt Dwellings) (Amendment) Order 19991999 No. 536UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Cycles (Eye Protectors) Regulations 19991999 No. 535UK Statutory Instruments
    The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 534UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police Act 1996 (Commencement and Transitional Provisions) Order 19991999 No. 533 (C. 14)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Schedule 32 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) (England) Regulations 19991999 No. 532UK Statutory Instruments

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