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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1999 numbered between 500 and 599 has returned 60 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (Appointed Day) Order 19991999 No. 531 (C. 13)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Jobseeker’s Allowance (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 530UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Dependency) (Permitted Earnings Limits) Order 19991999 No. 529UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security Act 1998 (Commencement No. 5) Order 19991999 No. 528 (C. 12)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Act 1999 (Commencement No. 1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 19991999 No. 527 (C. 11)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security Act 1998 (Commencement No.4) Order 19991999 No. 526 (C. 10)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996 (Amendment) Order 19991999 No. 525UK Statutory Instruments
    The Children (Allocation of Proceedings) (Amendment) Order 19991999 No. 524UK Statutory Instruments
    The Magistrates' Courts Committees (Hampshire and Isle of Wight) Amalgamation Order 19991999 No. 523UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pensions Increase (Review) Order 19991999 No. 522UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Education Standards Grants) (Wales) Regulations 19991999 No. 521UK Statutory Instruments
    The Rail Vehicle Accessibility (Midland Metro T69 Vehicles) Exemption Order 19991999 No. 520UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Application of the Superannuation Act 1972, Section 1) Order 19991999 No. 519UK Statutory Instruments
    The Competition Act 1998 (Competition Commission) Transitional, Consequential and Supplemental Provisions Order 19991999 No. 506UK Statutory Instruments
    The Competition Act 1998 (Commencement No. 3) Order 19991999 No. 505 (C. 9)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Weights and Measures (Prescribed Stamp) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 504UK Statutory Instruments
    The Deregulation (Weights and Measures) Order 19991999 No. 503UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Discretionary Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 502UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Capital Finance) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 501UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) (Amendment) Regulations 19991999 No. 500UK Statutory Instruments

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