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Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021

Newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth:

Ar hyn o bryd nid oes unrhyw effeithiau heb eu gweithredu yn hysbys ar gyfer y Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021, ATODLEN 2. Help about Changes to Legislation


Changes to Legislation

Efallai na fydd deddfwriaeth ddiwygiedig sydd ar y safle hwn yn gwbl gyfoes. Ar hyn o bryd mae unrhyw newidiadau neu effeithiau hysbys a wnaed gan ddeddfwriaeth ddilynol wedi'u gwneud i destun y ddeddfwriaeth yr ydych yn edrych arni gan y tîm golygyddol. Gweler 'Cwestiynau Cyffredin' am fanylion ynglŷn â'r amserlenni ar gyfer nodi a chofnodi effeithiau newydd ar y safle hwn.

(a gyflwynir gan adran 23)

ATODLEN 2LL+CMân ddiwygiadau a diwygiadau canlyniadol mewn perthynas â Rhan 1: etholiadau

This schedule has no associated Explanatory Notes

RHAN 1LL+CDeddfwriaeth sylfaenol

Deddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 (p. 70)LL+C

1(1)Mae Deddf 1972 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 25 (cyfnodau swyddi cynghorwyr a’u hymddeoliad)—

(a)yn is-adran (1)—

(i)yn lle “and Part 1” rhodder “, Part 1”;

(ii)ar ôl “1983” mewnosoder “, and Part 1 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021”;

(b)yn is-adran (2)—

(i)yn lle “divisions” rhodder “wards”;

(ii)ar ôl “2013 (anaw 4)” mewnosoder “, or by regulations under paragraph 9 or 10 of Schedule 1 to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021”;

(c)yn is-adran (3) yn lle “division” rhodder “ward”.

(3)Yn adran 80 (anghymhwysiad person rhag cael ei ethol a dal swydd fel aelod o awdurdod lleol)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “local authority”, yn y lle cyntaf y mae’n digwydd, mewnosoder “in England”;

(b)yn is-adran (2), ar ôl “paid officer of a local authority” mewnosoder “in England”;

(c)hepgorer is-adran (3B);

(d)yn y pennawd, yn lle “local authority” rhodder “a local authority in England”.

(4)Yn adran 86(1)(b) (datganiad bod lle aelod awdurdod lleol yn wag), ar ôl “otherwise than under” mewnosoder “section 80A(1)(c) of this Act,”.

(5)Yn adran 87(1)(y dyddiad y mae seddau yn digwydd dod yn wag), ar ôl paragraff (d) mewnosoder—

(da)in the case of disqualification of a member of a local authority in Wales under paragraph (c) of section 80A(1), on the date on which the person becomes disqualified under that paragraph;.

(6)Yn adran 89 (llenwi seddau sy’n digwydd dod yn wag yn achos cynghorwyr), yn is-adran (6), ar y diwedd, mewnosoder “in the case of a parish council or, in the case of a community council, made under section 36A of the 1983 Act”.

(7)Yn adran 116 (ni chaniateir penodi aelodau o awdurdodau lleol yn swyddogion)—

(a)ar ôl “local authority”, yn y ddau le y mae’n digwydd, mewnosoder “in England”;

(b)yn y pennawd ar ôl “local authorities” mewnosoder “in England”.

F1(8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(9)Yn y Ddeddf hon, hepgorer paragraff 2 o Atodlen 6 (addasu adrannau 80 a 116 o Ddeddf 1972 mewn perthynas â chynorthwywyr i’r weithrediaeth).

Diwygiadau Testunol

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I1Atod. 2 para. 1(1)(2)(6)(8) mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)(i)

I2Atod. 2 para. 1(3)-(5)(7) mewn grym ar 17.11.2021 gan O.S. 2021/1249, ergl. 2(b) (ynghyd ag ergl. 4)

I3Atod. 2 para. 1(9) mewn grym ar 17.11.2021 gan O.S. 2021/1249, ergl. 2(b)

Deddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 1983 (p. 2)LL+C

2(1)Mae Deddf 1983 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 7B (preswylfa dybiannol: datganiadau o gysylltiad lleol)—

(a)yn is-adran (2A) hepgorer paragraff (a);

(b)yn lle is-adran (2B) rhodder—

(2B)The requirements are that the person—

(a)is under 18 years of age and is, or has been, a child who is looked after by a local authority, or

(b)is being kept in secure accommodation.;

(c)hepgorer is-adran (2C);

(d)yn is-adran (2D), yn lle “for the purpose of restricting the liberty of persons under the age of 18” rhodder “in the United Kingdom provided for the purpose of lawfully restricting the liberty of persons under the age of 18, other than a penal institution within the meaning given in section 3(2)(b)”.

(3)Yn adran 31(1A) (rhanbarthau a gorsafoedd pleidleisio mewn etholiadau llywodraeth leol), yn lle “division” rhodder “ward”.

(4)Yn adran 36 (etholiadau lleol yng Nghymru a Lloegr)—

(a)yn y pennawd, hepgorer “and Wales”;

(b)hepgorer is-adran (3AB);

(c)yn is-adran (4)—

(i)ar ôl “principal area” mewnosoder “in England”;

(ii)hepgorer “a county borough”;

(d)hepgorer is-adran (5A);

(e)yn is-adran (6)—

(i)hepgorer “and Wales”;

(ii)hepgorer “or community”;

(f)yn is-adran (6A), hepgorer “and Wales”.

(5)Ar ôl adran 36A (rheolau ar gyfer etholiadau lleol yng Nghymru) (fel a fewnosodir gan adran 13(3) o’r Ddeddf hon), mewnosoder—

36BCombination of local elections in Wales

(1)Where the polls at—

(a)the ordinary election of councillors of a Welsh county or county borough or an election to fill a casual vacancy occurring in the office of such a councillor, and

(b)the ordinary election of community councillors or an election to fill a casual vacancy occurring in the office of such a councillor,

are to be taken on the same day and the elections are for related electoral areas, the polls at those elections must be taken together.

(2)For the purposes of this section electoral areas are related if they are coterminous or if one is situated within the other.

(3)Where the polls at any elections are combined under this section the cost of taking the combined polls (excluding any cost solely attributable to one election) and any cost attributable to their combination must be apportioned equally among the elections.

(4)The Welsh Ministers may by regulations make provision in connection with the combining of polls at any elections under this section including provision modifying the Representation of the People Acts in relation to such elections.

(5)Before making regulations under this section the Welsh Ministers must consult such persons as they consider appropriate.

(6)The requirement to consult imposed by subsection (5) may be satisfied by consultation undertaken before the coming into force of this section.

(7)The power to make regulations under this section is exercisable by statutory instrument.

(8)Regulations must not be made under this section unless a draft of the regulations has been laid before and approved by a resolution of Senedd Cymru.

36CExpenditure by returning officers at local elections in Wales

(1)All expenditure properly incurred by a returning officer in relation to the holding of an election of a councillor for a county or county borough in Wales must, in so far as it does not, in cases where there is a scale fixed for the purposes of this section by the council for that area, exceed that scale, be paid by that council.

(2)All the expenditure properly incurred by a returning officer in relation to the holding of an election of a community councillor must, in so far as it does not, in cases where there is a scale fixed for the purposes of this section by the council of the county or county borough in which the community is situated (“the principal council”), exceed that scale, be paid by the principal council; and if the principal council so require, any expenditure so incurred must be repaid to them by the community council.

(3)Before a poll is taken at an election of a councillor for any local government area in Wales the council of that area or, in the case of an election of a community councillor, the council who appointed the returning officer must, at the request of the returning officer (including any person acting as returning officer), advance to the officer such reasonable sum in respect of the officer’s expenses at the election as the officer may require.

(6)Mae rheoliadau a wneir o dan adran 36(3C) o Ddeddf 1983 sydd mewn grym yn union cyn i adran 13(2) ddod i rym yn parhau i gael effaith, i’r graddau y maent yn gymwys i ethol cynghorwyr ar gyfer ardaloedd llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru, fel pe bai’r rheoliadau wedi eu gwneud o dan adran 36B(4) o’r Ddeddf honno (fel a fewnosodir gan is-baragraff (5)).

(7)Yn adran 39 (etholiad i lenwi sedd wag pan fo etholiad lleol yn ddi-rym etc.)—

(a)yn is-adran (5)(a), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or section 36A”;

(b)yn is-adran (6), ym mharagraffau (a)(i) a (b)(i), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or section 36A”.

(8)Yn adran 40(3) (cyfrifo cyfnodau o amser ar gyfer etholiadau lleol), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or section 36A”.

(9)Yn adran 46 (darpariaeth bellach o ran pleidleisio mewn etholiad lleol)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “area”, yn y lle cyntaf y mae’n digwydd, mewnosoder “in England”;

(b)yn is-adran (2), ar ôl “election” mewnosoder “in England”;

(c)yn y pennawd, ar ôl “voting” mewnosoder “in England”.

(10)Ar ôl adran 46 mewnosoder—

46AFurther provision as to local election voting in Wales

(1)Subsection (2) applies to a local government election for an electoral area in Wales where a simple majority system applies.

(2)An elector or person acting as proxy for an elector—

(a)may not give more than one vote for any one candidate;

(b)may not give more votes in all than the total number of councillors to be elected for the electoral ward.

(3)Subsection (4) applies to an election for an electoral ward of a county council or county borough council in Wales where a single transferable vote system applies.

(4)An elector or a person acting as proxy for an elector may not give more than one vote (whether as first preference or any subsequent preference) for any one candidate.

(5)No person is subject to an incapacity to vote at a local government election in Wales by reason of the fact that the person is, or is acting as, the returning officer at that election.

(11)Yn adran 48(1) (dilysrwydd etholiadau lleol), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “, section 36A”.

(12)Yn adran 49(5)(b) (effaith cofrestrau), ar ôl is-baragraff (iv) mewnosoder—

(v)in the case of a person registered as a local government elector in Wales or entered in the list of proxies by virtue of being a qualifying foreign citizen, a qualifying foreign citizen,.

(13)Yn y darpariaethau a ganlyn, ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or section 36A”—

(a)adran 90(1)(b) (treuliau etholiadol mewn etholiad ar gyfer cynghorwyr cymuned neu gynghorwyr plwyf);

(b)adran 94(2) (cardiau pleidleisio ffug mewn etholiadau lleol);

(c)adran 96(1) (hawolgaeth i ddefnyddio ystafelloedd ar gyfer cyfarfodydd etholiad lleol);

(d)adran 97(2)(b) (cythryflon mewn cyfarfodydd etholiad lleol).

(14)Yn adran 99(1)(b) (ni chaiff swyddog neu glerc weithredu fel asiant i ymgeisydd), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “, section 36A”.

(15)Yn adran 139(6) (treial deiseb etholiad: pleidleisiau cyfartal), yn y geiriau cyn paragraff (a), ac ym mharagraff (a), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “, section 36A”.

(16)Yn adran 187(1) (cymhwyso’r Ddeddf i etholiadau cynghorau cymuned etc.) ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or section 36A”.

(17)Yn adran 202(1) (darpariaethau dehongli cyffredinol), yn y diffiniad o “voter”, ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “, 36A”.

(18)Yn adran 203(1) (darpariaethau llywodraeth leol o ran Cymru a Lloegr)—

(a)yn y diffiniad o “electoral area”, yn lle paragraff (a) rhodder—

(a)in England, any electoral division or ward or, in the case of a parish in which there are no wards, the parish, for which the election of councillors is held under the local government Act;

(aa)in Wales, any electoral ward of a county council or county borough council or community ward or, in the case of a community in which there are no wards, the community, for which the election of councillors is held under the local government Act;;

(b)yn y lle priodol mewnosoder—

  • “simple majority system” has the meaning given by section 6(1) of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021;

  • ”single transferable vote system” has the meaning given by section 6(2) of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I4Atod. 2 para. 2(1)(3)-(8)(11)(13)(18)(a) mewn grym, gweler a. 175(3)(f)(i)

I5Atod. 2 para. 2(12) mewn grym ar 20.3.2021 (yn ddarostyngedig i a. 3), gweler a. 175(3)(f)(ii)

I6Atod. 2 para. 2(2) mewn grym ar 21.1.2021, gweler a. 175(1)(k)

I7Atod. 2 para. 2(9)(10)(18)(b) mewn grym ar 6.5.2021, gweler a. 175(6)(c)

Deddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 1985 (p. 50)LL+C

3Yn adran 15(2) o Ddeddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 1985 (cyfuno cynnal pleidleisiau), ar ôl “section 36” rhodder “or section 36B”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I8Atod. 2 para. 3 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Etholaethau Seneddol 1986 (p. 56)LL+C

4Yn rheol 9(3)(b) o Atodlen 2 i Ddeddf Etholaethau Seneddol 1986 (ystyr “local government boundaries”), yn lle “divisions” rhodder “wards”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I9Atod. 2 para. 4 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Llywodraeth Leol a Thai 1989 (p. 42)LL+C

5Yn adran 12 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol a Thai 1989 (gwrthdaro buddiannau mewn negodiadau staff), yn is-adran (2) ar ôl “section 80(1)(a)” mewnosoder “or section 80C(1)”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I10Atod. 2 para. 5 ddim mewn grym ar y Cydsyniad Brenhinol, gweler a. 175(7)

I11Atod. 2 para. 5 mewn grym ar 17.11.2021 gan O.S. 2021/1249, ergl. 2(b)

Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 1994 (p. 19)LL+C

6Ym mharagraff 68 o Atodlen 16 i Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 1994 (diwygiadau canlyniadol)—

(a)yn is-baragraff (8) hepgorer y geiriau o “and after that subsection insert—“ hyd at y diwedd;

(b)hepgorer is-baragraff (9);

(c)yn is-baragraff (10) hepgorer y geiriau o “and after that subsection insert—“ hyd at y diwedd.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I12Atod. 2 para. 6 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf yr Amgylchedd 1995 (p. 25)LL+C

7Ym mharagraff 2(4) o Atodlen 7 i Ddeddf yr Amgylchedd 1995 (aelodau awdurdod lleol o awdurdodau Parciau Cenedlaethol), yn lle “divisions” rhodder “wards”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I13Atod. 2 para. 7 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2000 (p. 2)LL+C

8(1)Mae Deddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2000 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 11 (diwygio gweithdrefnau yng ngoleuni cynlluniau treialu)—

(a)yn is-adran (6)—

(i)hepgorer “and Wales”;

(ii)ar ôl “made”, yr ail dro y mae’n digwydd, mewnosoder “in relation to local government elections in England”;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (6), mewnosoder—

(6A)Rules made under section 36A of the 1983 Act (local elections rules in Wales) may make such provision as the Welsh Ministers consider appropriate in connection with any provision made by an order under subsection (1) in relation to local government elections in Wales.

(3)Yn Atodlen 4 (pleidleisio absennol ym Mhrydain Fawr)—

(a)ym mharagraff 1(1), yn y diffiniad o “the appropriate rules”, ym mharagraff (b), ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “, section 36A”;

(b)ym mharagraff 6—

(i)yn is-baragraff (5), ar ôl “election” mewnosoder “(other than a local government election in Wales)”;

(ii)ar ôl is-baragraff (5) mewosoder—

(5A)A person is not capable of voting as proxy at a local government election in Wales unless on the date of the election the person has attained the age of 16.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I14Atod. 2 para. 8(1)(2)(3)(a) mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)(i)

I15Atod. 2 para. 8(3)(b) mewn grym ar 20.3.2021 (yn ddarostyngedig i a. 3), gweler a. 175(3)(f)(ii)

Deddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000 (p. 22)LL+C

9(1)Mae Deddf 2000 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 85 (opsiynau ar gyfer etholiadau)—

(a)yn is-adran (1) ar ôl “Part” mewnosoder “as it applies in relation to a principal council for an area in England,”;

(b)yn yr is-adran honno, o flaen “a principal council” mewnosoder “such”;

(c)yn y pennawd, ar ôl “elections” mewnosoder ”England”.

(3)Yn adran 86 (pŵer i bennu cynllun ar gyfer etholiadau), hepgorer is-adran (1).

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I16Atod. 2 para. 9 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Cefn Gwlad a Hawliau Tramwy 2000 (p. 37)LL+C

10Ym mharagraff 4(3) o Atodlen 13 i Ddeddf Cefn Gwlad a Hawliau Tramwy 2000 (aelodau awdurdod lleol o fyrddau cadwraeth) yn lle “divisions” rhodder “wards”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I17Atod. 2 para. 10 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Pleidiau Gwleidyddol, Etholiadau a Refferenda 2000 (p. 41)LL+C

11Yn adran 7(2)(d) o Ddeddf Pleidiau Gwleidyddol, Etholiadau a Refferenda 2000 (gofyniad i ymgynghori â’r Comisiwn Etholiadol ar newidiadau i’r gyfraith etholiadol) hepgorer “and Wales”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I18Atod. 2 para. 11 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 (p. 32)LL+C

12Yn adran 17E o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 (eithriad rhag anghymhwyso cynghorwyr rhag bod yn Aelodau o’r Senedd), yn is-adran (4)(a), ar ôl “section 37ZA(1)” mewnosoder “or (1A)”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I19Atod. 2 para. 12 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Llywodraeth Leol a Chynnwys y Cyhoedd mewn Iechyd 2007 (p. 28)LL+C

13(1)Mae Deddf Llywodraeth Leol a Chynnwys y Cyhoedd mewn Iechyd 2007 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 218 (diffinio termau penodol mewn deddfiadau)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), hepgorer paragraff (a);

(b)yn is-adran (2), hepgorer “the Local Government Act 1972 (c. 70).”

(3)Yn Atodlen 14, ym mharagraff 2(3), hepgorer yr is-adran (3B) sydd i’w mewnosod yn adran 80 o Ddeddf 1972.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I20Atod. 2 para. 13 ddim mewn grym ar y Cydsyniad Brenhinol, gweler a. 175(7)

I21Atod. 2 para. 13 mewn grym ar 17.11.2021 gan O.S. 2021/1249, ergl. 2(b)

Mesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011 (mccc 4)LL+C

14(1)Mae Mesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011 wedi ei ddiwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 56(3)(a) (arfer swyddogaethau gan gynghorwyr), yn lle “adran” rhodder “ward”.

(3)Yn adran 116(1)(b) (hysbysiadau cyhoeddus sy’n ymwneud â sedd wag ar gyngor cymuned sydd i’w llenwi drwy gyfethol), yn lle “adran 36(2)” rhodder “adran 36A”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I22Atod. 2 para. 14 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Deddf Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2020 (dccc 1)LL+C

15(1)Mae Deddf Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2020 wedi ei diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn adran 24 (diogelu gwybodaeth am bersonau o dan 16 oed)—

(a)yn is-adran (2), yn y diffiniad o “cofnod neu restr o bleidleiswyr absennol”, ar ôl paragraff (b) mewnosoder—

(c)i’r graddau y mae’n ymwneud ag etholiadau llywodraeth leol, cofnod a gedwir o dan baragraff 3(4) neu 7(6) o Atodlen 4 i Ddeddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2000 (p. 2) (pleidleisio absennol);

(d)i’r graddau y mae’n ymwneud ag etholiadau llywodraeth leol, rhestr a gedwir o dan baragraff 5 neu 7(8) o’r Atodlen honno;;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosoder—

(3)Yn adrannau 25 a 26, ystyr “etholiad llywodraeth leol” yw—

(a)etholiad ar gyfer cynghorwyr dros unrhyw ward etholiadol neu ward gymunedol yng Nghymru neu, yn achos cymuned yng Nghymru lle nad oes unrhyw wardiau, y gymuned, y cynhelir yr etholiad ar gyfer cynghorwyr ar ei chyfer o dan Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 (p. 70), neu

(b)etholiad i ethol maer etholedig (o fewn ystyr adran 39(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000 (p. 22)) ar gyfer awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru.

(3)Yn adran 25 (eithriadau i’r gwaharddiad ar ddatgelu)—

(a)yn is-adran (3), yn lle “32ZA(5) a (5A)” rhodder “32ZBD(9) a (9A)”;

(b)yn is-adran (5)—

(i)ym mharagraff (b), ar ôl “Senedd” mewnosoder “, i aelod o awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru, i faer etholedig ar gyfer awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru neu i ymgeiswyr mewn etholiadau llywodraeth leol”;

(ii)ym mharagraff (c), ar ôl “Senedd” mewnosoder “neu mewn etholiadau llywodraeth leol”;

(iii)yn lle paragraff (e) rhodder—

(e)rheoliad 61 o reoliadau 2001 (cofnodion neu restrau pleidleiswyr absennol) i’r graddau y mae’n gymwys i etholiadau llywodraeth leol ac unrhyw ddeddfiad sy’n gwneud darpariaeth sy’n cyfateb i’r rheoliad hwnnw mewn perthynas ag etholiadau’r Senedd;;

(iv)yn lle paragraff (f) rhodder—

(f)rheoliad 98 o reoliadau 2001 (cyflenwi i swyddogion canlyniadau) i’r graddau y mae’n gymwys i swyddogion canlyniadau cynghorau cymuned a swyddogion canlyniadau ar gyfer unrhyw etholiadau’r Senedd ac unrhyw ddeddfiad sy’n gwneud darpariaeth sy’n cyfateb i reoliad 98(4) mewn perthynas ag etholiadau’r Senedd.

(4)Yn adran 26 (darpariaeth bellach ar gyfer eithriadau)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “Senedd” mewnosoder “, etholiadau llywodraeth leol neu refferenda lleol”;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (4), mewnosoder—

(5)Yn yr adran hon, ystyr “refferendwm lleol” yw refferendwm a gynhelir o dan—

(a)adran 27 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000 (p. 22) neu yn rhinwedd rheoliadau neu orchymyn a wnaed o dan Ran 2 o’r Ddeddf honno, neu

(b)adran 40 o Fesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011 (mccc 2).

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I23Atod. 2 para. 15 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021 (yn ddarostyngedig i a. 3), gweler a. 175(3)(f)(ii)

RHAN 2LL+CIs-ddeddfwriaeth

Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 (O.S. 2001/341)LL+C

16(1)Mae Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 wedi eu diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn rheoliad 32(1) ar ôl “(aza),” mewnosoder “(azaa),”.

(3)Yn rheoliad 42—

(a)ym mharagraff (1), ar ôl “(3),” mewnosoder “(3A),”;

(b)ar ôl paragraff (3), mewnosoder—

(3A)To indicate that a qualifying foreign citizen is registered only in the register of local government electors in Wales, the letter “M” shall be placed against the person’s entry.

(4)Yn rheoliad 65(b)—

(a)hepgorer “or (3AB)”;

(b)ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “or subsection (1) of section 36B”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I24Atod. 2 para. 16(1) mewn grym, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

I25Atod. 2 para. 16(3) mewn grym ar 21.1.2021, gweler a. 175(1)(l)

I26Atod. 2 para. 16(1) mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cyfuno Cynnal Pleidleisiau) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2004 (O.S. 2004/294)LL+C

17(1)Mae Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cyfuno Cynnal Pleidleisiau) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2004 wedi eu diwygio fel a ganlyn.

(2)Yn rheoliad 4(10), yn y diffiniad o “relevant enactment”, ym mharagraff (b)—

(a)hepgorer “(3AB) or”;

(b)ar ôl ”(3AC)” mewnosoder “, or section 36B(1)”.

(3)Yn rheoliad 5(1)—

(a)ym mharagraff (c), ar ôl “election” mewnosoder “in England,”;

(b)ar ôl paragraff (c), mewnosoder—

(ca)at a local government election in Wales, by those rules in the rules made under section 36A of the 1983 Act which correspond to the rules specified in paragraph (2);.

(4)Yn rheoliad 6—

(a)ym mharagraff (1)(c)—

(i)ar ôl “section 36” mewnosoder “of the 1983 Act”;

(ii)hepgorer “and Wales”;

(iii)o flaen “of the 1983 ” mewnosoder “and subsections (1) to (3) of section 36C”;

(iv)ar ôl “Act” mewnosoder “(local elections in Wales)”;

(b)ym mharagraff (2) ar ôl “section 36(6)” mewnosoder “and section 36C(3)”;

(c)ym mharagraff (4)—

(i)hepgorer “, (3AB)”;

(ii)ar ôl “(3AC)” mewnosoder “or section 36B(1)”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I27Atod. 2 para. 17 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Rheoliadau Ardaloedd Gwella Busnes (Cymru) 2005 (O.S. 2005/1312)LL+C

18Yn rheoliad 6(1) o Reoliadau Ardaloedd Gwella Busnes (Cymru) 2005 (trefnydd y bleidlais), yn lle’r geiriau o “a benodwyd” hyd at y diwedd, rhodder “sydd, yn rhinwedd adran 35(1A) o Ddeddf Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 1983, yn swyddog canlyniadau ar gyfer etholiadau i’r awdurdod bilio perthnasol”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I28Atod. 2 para. 18 mewn grym ar 20.3.2021, gweler a. 175(3)(f)

Rheolau Etholiadau Lleol (Prif Ardaloedd) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2006 (O.S. 2006/3304)LL+C

F219. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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