Section 79: Amendments to enactments
291.This section gives effect to the minor and consequential amendments in the schedule.
Section 80: Interpretation
292.Subsection (1) gives the meaning of certain terms. The majority of the terms have already been discussed in the Notes to the earlier sections.
293.Under subsection (2) expressions used in the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 are to have the same meaning unless otherwise provided. Section 122 of the 2003 Act is the interpretation provision. This technique allows a number of terms to be used without further explanation – including, for example, benefited property, burdened property, conservation body, conservation burden, economic development burden, enactment, facility burden, service burden, health care burden, manager burden, and notary public.
Section 81: Ancillary provision
294.This section provides ancillary order-making powers for Ministers.
Section 82: Subordinate legislation
295.This section regulates the making of subordinate legislation under the Act.
Section 83: Commencement
296.This section deals with the date of commencement. Different elements of the Act may be commenced at different times.
Section 84: Short title
297.This section deals with the short title.