Sanitary Group A () U.K.
Switzerland (CH), Greenland (GL), Iceland (IS)
Sanitary Group B () U.K.
Australia (AU), Belarus (BY), Montenegro (ME), former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia () (MK), New Zealand (NZ), Serbia (RS), Russia () (RU), Ukraine (UA).
Sanitary Group C () U.K.
Canada (CA), China () (CN), Hong Kong (HK), Indonesia () () (ID), Japan (JP), Korea Republic (KR), Macao (MO), Malaysia (peninsula) (MY), Singapore (SG), Thailand (TH), United States of America (US)
Sanitary Group D () U.K.
Argentina (AR), Barbados (BB), Bermuda (BM), Bolivia (BO), Brazil () (BR), Chile (CL), Costa Rica () (CR), Cuba (CU), Jamaica (JM), Mexico () (MX), Peru () (PE), Paraguay (PY), Uruguay (UY)
Sanitary Group E () U.K.
United Arab Emirates (AE), Bahrain (BH), Algeria (DZ), Israel () (IL), Jordan (JO), Kuwait (KW), Lebanon (LB), Morocco (MA), Oman (OM), Qatar (QA), Saudi Arabia () (SA), Tunisia (TN), Turkey () (TR).]
[ANNEX II U.K. HEALTH CERTIFICATE for the re-entry into the European Union of registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary export for a period of not more than 30 days]
[ANNEX VIII U.K. HEALTH CERTIFICATE for re-entry into the Union of registered horses that have taken part in International Group/Grade meetings in Australia, Canada, the United States of America, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates or Qatar after temporary export for less than 90 days
Certificate No:
Responsible Ministry:
(insert name of Ministry)
I. Identification of the horse U.K.
No of identification document:
Validated by:
(name of competent authority)
II. Origin of the horse U.K.
The horse is to be sent from:
(place of consignment)
(place of destination)
by air:
(flight number)
Name and address of consignor:
Name and address of consignee:
III. Health information U.K.
I, the undersigned, certify that the horse described above meets the following requirements:
it comes from a third country where the following diseases are compulsorily notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomyelitis (of all types including Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis), equine infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies, anthrax;
it has been examined today and shows no clinical signs of disease () ;
it is not intended for slaughter under a national programme of infectious or contagious disease eradication;
since its entry into the country of dispatch or, in the case of official regionalisation according to Union legislation, a part of the territory of the country of dispatch () , it has been resident on holdings under veterinary supervision, accommodated in separated stables without coming into contact with equidae of a lower health status, except during racing;
it comes from the territory or, in the case of official regionalisation according to Union legislation, from a part of the territory of the country of dispatch in which:
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred during the last two years;
dourine has not occurred during the last six months;
glanders has not occurred during the last six months;
it does not come from the territory or from a part of the territory of the country of dispatch considered, in accordance with Union legislation, as infected with African horse sickness;
it does not come from a holding which was subject to a prohibition order for animal health reasons nor had contact with equidae from a holding which was subject to a prohibition order for animal health reasons which laid down the following conditions:
if not all animals of species susceptible to one or more of the diseases referred to hereinafter were removed from the holding, the prohibition lasted for:
six months in the case of equine encephalomyelitis (of all types except Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis), beginning on the date on which the equidae suffering from the disease were slaughtered or removed from the holding,
a period required to carry out two Coggins tests giving negative results on samples taken three months apart from the animals remaining after infected animals have been slaughtered, in the case of equine infectious anaemia,
six months in the case of vesicular stomatitis,
six months in the case of equine viral arteritis,
one month from the last recorded case, in the case of rabies,
15 days from the last recorded case, in the case of anthrax.
if all the animals of species susceptible to the disease have been slaughtered or removed from the holding, the period of prohibition shall be 30 days, or 15 days in the case of anthrax, beginning on the day on which the premises were cleaned and disinfected following the destruction or removal of the animals.
to the best of my knowledge, it has not been in contact with equidae suffering from an infectious or contagious disease during the 15 days prior to this declaration.
IV. Residence and quarantine information: U.K.
The horse entered the territory of the country of dispatch on () .
The horse arrived in the country of dispatch from a Member State of the European Union () or from () () .
The horse entered the country of dispatch under animal health conditions at least as strict as those set out in this certificate.
As far as can be ascertained, and based on the attached declaration of the owner () of the horse, or his representative () , which is part of this certificate, the horse has not been continuously outside the European Union for 90 days or more, including the date of scheduled return in accordance with this certificate, and has not been outside the countries listed above.
V. The horse will be sent in a vehicle cleaned and disinfected in advance with a disinfectant officially approved in the third country of dispatch and designed in a way that droppings, litter or fodder cannot escape during transportation. U.K.
VI. This certificate is valid for 10 days. U.K.
Date | Place | Stamp and signature of the official veterinarian |
| | |
Name in block capitals and capacity. |
I, the undersigned
(insert in block letters the name of the owner () , or representative of the owner () , of the horse described above)
declare that:
the horse will be sent directly from the premises of dispatch to the premises of destination without coming into contact with other equidae not of the same health status;
the horse is moved only between premises approved for horses participating in Group/Grade meetings in Australia, Canada, United States of America, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates or Qatar;
the horse was exported from a Member State of the European Union on () .
(Place, date)