PART AU.K.Microbiological parameters
Parameter | Parametric value(number/100 ml) |
Escherichia coli (E. coli) | 0 |
Enterococci | 0 |
The following applies to water offered for sale in bottles or containers:
Parameter | Parametric value |
Escherichia coli (E. coli) | 0/250 ml |
Enterococci | 0/250 ml |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 0/250 ml |
Colony count 22 °C | 100/ml |
Colony count 37 °C | 20/ml |
PART BU.K.Chemical parameters
Parameter | Parametric value | Unit | Notes |
Acrylamide | 0,1 | μg/l | Note 1 |
Antimony | 5,0 | μg/l | |
Arsenic | 10 | μg/l | |
Benzene | 1,0 | μg/l | |
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0,01 | μg/l | |
Boron | 1,0 | mg/l | |
Bromate | 10 | μg/l | Note 2 |
Cadmium | 5,0 | μg/l | |
Chromium | 50 | μg/l | |
Copper | 2,0 | mg/l | Note 3 |
Cyanide | 50 | μg/l | |
1,2-dichloroethane | 3,0 | μg/l | |
Epichlorohydrin | 0,1 | μg/l | Note 1 |
Fluoride | 1,5 | mg/l | |
Lead | 10 | μg/l | Notes 3 and 4 |
Mercury | 1,0 | μg/l | |
Nickel | 20 | μg/l | Note 3 |
Nitrate | 50 | mg/l | Note 5 |
Nitrite | 0,5 | mg/l | Note 5 |
Pesticides | 0,1 | μg/l | Notes 6 and 7 |
Pesticides — Total | 0,5 | μg/l | Notes 6 and 8 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | 0,1 | μg/l | Sum of concentrations of specified compounds; Note 9 |
Selenium | 10 | μg/l | |
Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene | 10 | μg/l | Sum of concentrations of specified parameters |
Trihalomethanes — Total | 100 | μg/l | Sum of concentrations of specified compounds; Note 10 |
Vinyl chloride | 0,5 | μg/l | Note 1 |
Note 1:U.K.
The parametric value refers to the residual monomer concentration in the water as calculated according to specifications of the maximum release from the corresponding polymer in contact with the water.U.K.
Note 2:U.K.
Where possible, without compromising disinfection, Member States should strive for a lower value.U.K.
For the water referred to in Article 6(1)(a), (b) and (d), the value must be met, at the latest, 10 calendar years after the entry into force of the Directive. The parametric value for bromate from five years after the entry into force of this Directive until 10 years after its entry into force is 25 μg/l.
Note 3:U.K.
The value applies to a sample of water intended for human consumption obtained by an adequate sampling method(1) at the tap and taken so as to be representative of a weekly average value ingested by consumers. Where appropriate the sampling and monitoring methods must be applied in a harmonised fashion to be drawn up in accordance with Article 7(4). Member States must take account of the occurrence of peak levels that may cause adverse effects on human health.U.K.
Note 4:U.K.
For water referred to in Article 6(1)(a), (b) and (d), the value must be met, at the latest, 15 calendar years after the entry into force of this Directive. The parametric value for lead from five years after the entry into force of this Directive until 15 years after its entry into force is 25 μg/l.U.K.
Member States must ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to reduce the concentration of lead in water intended for human consumption as much as possible during the period needed to achieve compliance with the parametric value.
When implementing the measures to achieve compliance with that value Member States must progressively give priority where lead concentrations in water intended for human consumption are highest.
Note 5:U.K.
Member States must ensure that the condition that [nitrate]/50 + [nitrite]/3 ≤ 1, the square brackets signifying the concentrations in mg/l for nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2), is complied with and that the value of 0,10 mg/l for nitrites is complied with ex water treatment works.U.K.
Note 6:U.K.
‘Pesticides’ means:U.K.
organic insecticides,
organic herbicides,
organic fungicides,
organic nematocides,
organic acaricides,
organic algicides,
organic rodenticides
organic slimicides,
related products (inter alia, growth regulators)
and their relevant metabolites, degradation and reaction products.
Only those pesticides which are likely to be present in a given supply need be monitored.
Note 7:U.K.
The parametric value applies to each individual pesticide. In the case of aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide the parametric value is 0,030 μg/l.U.K.
Note 8:U.K.
‘Pesticides — Total’ means the sum of all individual pesticides detected and quantified in the monitoring procedure.U.K.
Note 9:U.K.
The specified compounds are:U.K.
Note 10:U.K.
Where possible, without compromising disinfection, Member States should strive for a lower value.U.K.
The specified compounds are: chloroform, bromoform, dibromochloromethane, bromodichloromethane.
For the water referred to in Article 6(1)(a), (b) and (d), the value must be met, at the latest, 10 calendar years after the entry into force of this Directive. The parametric value for total THMs from five years after the entry into force of this Directive until 10 years after its entry into force is 150 μg/l.
Member States must ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to reduce the concentration of THMs in water intended for human consumption as much as possible during the period needed to achieve compliance with the parametric value.
When implementing the measures to achieve this value, Member States must progressively give priority to those areas where THM concentrations in water intended for human consumption are highest.
PART CU.K.Indicator parameters
Parameter | Parametric value | Unit | Notes |
Aluminium | 200 | μg/l | |
Ammonium | 0,50 | mg/l | |
Chloride | 250 | mg/l | Note 1 |
Clostridium perfringens (including spores) | 0 | number/100 ml | Note 2 |
Colour | Acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change | ||
Conductivity | 2 500 | μS cm-1 at 20 °C | Note 1 |
Hydrogen ion concentration | ≥ 6,5 and ≤ 9,5 | pH units | Notes 1 and 3 |
Iron | 200 | μg/l | |
Manganese | 50 | μg/l | |
Odour | Acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change | ||
Oxidisability | 5,0 | mg/l O2 | Note 4 |
Sulphate | 250 | mg/l | Note 1 |
Sodium | 200 | mg/l | |
Taste | Acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change | ||
Colony count 22o | No abnormal change | ||
Coliform bacteria | 0 | number/100 ml | Note 5 |
Total organic carbon (TOC) | No abnormal change | Note 6 | |
Turbidity | Acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change | Note 7 |
Parameter | Parametric value | Unit | Notes |
Tritium | 100 | Bq/l | Notes 8 and 10 |
Total indicative dose | 0,10 | mSv/year | Notes 9 and 10 |
Note 1:U.K.
The water should not be aggressive.U.K.
Note 2:U.K.
This parameter need not be measured unless the water originates from or is influenced by surface water. In the event of non-compliance with this parametric value, the Member State concerned must investigate the supply to ensure that there is no potential danger to human health arising from the presence of pathogenic micro-organisms, e.g. cryptosporidium. Member States must include the results of all such investigations in the reports they must submit under Article 13(2).U.K.
Note 3:U.K.
For still water put into bottles or containers, the minimum value may be reduced to 4,5 pH units.U.K.
For water put into bottles or containers which is naturally rich in or artificially enriched with carbon dioxide, the minimum value may be lower.
Note 4:U.K.
This parameter need not be measured if the parameter TOC is analysed.U.K.
Note 5:U.K.
For water put into bottles or containers the unit is number/250 ml.U.K.
Note 6:U.K.
This parameter need not be measured for supplies of less than 10 000 m3 a day.U.K.
Note 7:U.K.
In the case of surface water treatment, Member States should strive for a parametric value not exceeding 1,0 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) in the water ex treatment works.U.K.
Note 8:U.K.
Monitoring frequencies to be set later in Annex II.U.K.
Note 9:U.K.
Excluding tritium, potassium -40, radon and radon decay products; monitoring frequencies, monitoring methods and the most relevant locations for monitoring points to be set later in Annex II.U.K.
Note 10:U.K.
[F1The Commission shall adopt the measures required under Note 8 on monitoring frequencies, and Note 9 on monitoring frequencies, monitoring methods and the most relevant locations for monitoring points in Annex II. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).
When elaborating those measures the Commission shall take into account, inter alia, the relevant provisions under existing legislation or appropriate monitoring programmes including monitoring results as derived from them.]
A Member State is not required to monitor drinking water for tritium or radioactivity to establish total indicative dose where it is satisfied that, on the basis of other monitoring carried out, [X1the levels of tritium or the calculated total indicative dose] are well below the parametric value. In that case, it shall communicate the grounds for its decision to the Commission, including the results of this other monitoring carried out.
Editorial Information
X1 Substituted by Corrigendum to Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (Official Journal of the European Communities L 330 of 5 December 1998).
Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part Four.
To be added following the outcome of the study currently being carried out.