Commission Regulation (EC) No 2120/2004Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2120/2004 of 10 December 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 2729/2000 laying down detailed implementing rules on controls in the wine sector


ANNEX IIQuestionnaire on the collection and vinification of samples of grapes intended for analysis by isotopic methods

The analytical methods and the expression of results (units) to be used are those described in the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2676/90 (or proved equivalent by the laboratories involved in the analysis).

Part IU.K.

1.General informationU.K.

1.1.Sample number:U.K.
1.2.Name and function of the official or authorised person who took the sample:U.K.
1.3.Name and address of the competent body responsible for taking the sample:U.K.
1.4.Name and address of the competent body responsible for vinification and dispatch of the sample, if other than the body referred to at 1.3:U.K.

2.General description of the samplesU.K.

2.1.Origin (country, region):U.K.
2.2.Year of harvest:U.K.
2.3.Vine variety:U.K.
2.4.Colour of the grapes:U.K.

3.Description of the vineyardU.K.

3.1.Name and address of person farming the plot:U.K.
3.2.Location of the plot:U.K.
  • wine village:

  • locality:

  • cadastral reference:

  • latitude and longitude:

3.3.Soil type (e.g. limey, clayey, lime-clay, sandy):U.K.
3.4.Situation (e.g. slope, plain, exposed to sun):U.K.
3.5.Number of vines per hectare:U.K.
3.6.Approximate age of vineyard (less than 10 years/between 10 and 25 years/more than 25 years):U.K.
3.8.Method of training and pruning:U.K.
3.9.Type of wine into which the grapes are normally made (table wine, quality wine psr, other)(see definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, Annex 1):U.K.

4.Crop and must characteristicsU.K.

4.1.Estimated yield per hectare for the plot harvested: (kg/ha)U.K.
4.2.State of health of the grapes (e.g. sound, rotten), specifying whether the grapes were dry or wet when the sample was taken:U.K.
4.3.Date on which sample was taken:U.K.

5.Weather conditions preceding harvestU.K.

5.1.Precipitation in the ten days preceding harvest: yes/no. If yes, additional information where available.U.K.

6.Irrigated vineyardsU.K.

If the crop is irrigated, date of last watering:

(Stamp of the competent body responsible for taking the sample, and name, position and signature of official taking the sample)

Part IIU.K.


1.1.Weight of the sample of grapes, in kg:U.K.
1.2.Method of pressing:U.K.
1.3.Volume of must obtained:U.K.
1.4.Characteristics of the must:U.K.
  • sugar concentration expressed in g/l by refractometry:

  • total acidity expressed in g/l of tartaric acid: (optional)

1.5.Method of treating the must (e. g. settling, centrifugation):U.K.
1.6.Yeasting (variety of yeast used). Indicate whether or not there was spontaneous fermentation.U.K.
1.7.Temperature during fermentation:U.K.
1.8.Method for determining end of fermentation:U.K.
1.9.Method of treating the wine (e. g. racking.):U.K.
1.10.Addition of sulphur dioxide in mg/l:U.K.
1.11.Analysis of the wine obtained:U.K.
  • actual alcoholic strength in % vol.:

  • total dry extract:

  • reducing sugars expressed as g/l of invert sugar:

2.Chronological table of vinification of the sampleU.K.


  • on which sample was taken: (same date as date of harvest, part I-4.3)

  • of pressing:

  • of commencement of fermentation:

  • of end of fermentation:

  • of bottling:

Date on which Part II was completed:

(Stamp of the competent body which carried out vinification and signature of competent official of that body)’