Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1992
1992 CHAPTER ii
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936, relating to Aberdeen Harbour.
[6th March 1992]
Whereas the Provisional Order set forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed has been made by the Secretary of State under the provisions of the [1936 c. 52.] Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936, and it is requisite that the said Order should be confirmed by Parliament:
Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—
1Confirmation of Order in Schedule
The Provisional Order contained in the Schedule hereunto annexed is hereby confirmed.
2Short title
This Act may be cited as the Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1992.
SCHEDULEAberdeen Harbour
Provisional Order relating to road traffic offences on harbour roads and the application to those roads of certain provisions of the Traffic Acts.
(1)The port and harbour of Aberdeen is vested in and administered by the Aberdeen Harbour Board pursuant to the provisions of the Aberdeen Harbour Orders 1960 to 1990:
(2) It is expedient that the Board be enabled to regulate motor vehicle traffic on harbour roads and on other places within the harbour limits and, for that purpose, to apply within those limits certain provisions of the Traffic Acts:
(3) The purposes of this Order cannot be effected without an Order confirmed by Parliament under the provisions of the [1936 c. 52.] Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936:
Now therefore, in pursuance of the powers contained in the said Act of 1936, the Secretary of State orders as follows:—
1Short and collective titles
(1)This Order may be cited as the Aberdeen Harbour Order 1992.
(2)The Aberdeen Harbour Orders 1960 to 1990 and this Order may be cited together as the Aberdeen Harbour Orders 1960 to 1992.
In this Order, except where the context otherwise requires—
“the Board” means the Aberdeen Harbour Board;
“harbour road” means any road, pier, wharf, quay, bridge, cargo handling area or other work or any land which is—
vested in, or the property of, the Board;
situated within the area shown coloured red on a plan signed by Gavin Douglas, Q.C., Senior Counsel to the Secretary of State under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936, copies of which plan shall, within one month after the commencement of this Order, be deposited as follows, that is to say, one at the principal office of the Board, one at the office of the Secretary of State in Edinburgh, one at the Department of Transport, one at the office of the Chief Constable of Grampian Police in Aberdeen and one at the office of the Chief Executive of Grampian Regional Council in Aberdeen; and
accessible to motor vehicles;
“motor vehicle” has the same meaning as in the [1988 c. 52.] Road Traffic Act 1988;
“the Road Traffic Acts” and“the Traffic Acts” have the same meanings as in the Road Traffic Act 1988.
3Road traffic offences on harbour roads
(1)(a)The Traffic Acts shall have effect as if, in the provisions thereof hereinafter mentioned, the expression “road” included a harbour road and any person who commits an offence under any of those provisions as extended by this section shall be liable to be dealt with in all respects as if the offence had been committed under those provisions on a road as defined by section 151 of the [1984 c. 54.] Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, and all the provisions of the Traffic Acts, so far as applicable, shall apply accordingly.
(b)Where any such provision confers power to make regulations the reference to that provision includes a reference to any regulations thereunder from time to time in force.
(2)The provisions referred to in subsection (1) above are—
(3)(a)This subsection applies to a motor vehicle of any class other than one falling within section 86 (6) of the [1984 c. 27.] Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
(b)It shall not be lawful to drive a motor vehicle to which this subsection applies—
(i)on a harbour road (not being a designated harbour road) at a speed exceeding 30 miles per hour; or
(ii)on a designated harbour road at a speed exceeding 15 miles per hour;
and a contravention or alleged contravention of this subsection shall be treated for all purposes as though it were a contravention or alleged contravention of section 89 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
(c)The Board may designate a harbour road for the purposes of paragraph (b) (ii) above by passing a resolution to that effect and that designation shall come into operation 28 days after notice of the resolution has been served on the Chief Constable of Grampian Police and published in the Edinburgh Gazette and in a local newspaper circulating in the area of the Board; and the expression “designated harbour road” shall be construed accordingly.
(4)For the purposes of the Traffic Acts as extended and applied by this section, the expressions“local authority”,“local roads authority” and“roads authority” mean the Board in relation to any harbour road.