Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig o 1986 wedi ei rifo between 1100 a 1199 wedi dod o hyd i 81 o ganlyniadau.

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Deddfwriaeth fesul Blwyddyn

Deddfwriaeth yn ôl Rhif

Deddfwriaeth yn ôl Pennawd Pwnc

1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

    Sort ascending by TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauMath o ddeddfwriaeth
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 69) Order 19861986 No. 1199Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 68) Order 19861986 No. 1198Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 67) Order 19861986 No. 1197Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 66) Order 19861986 No. 1196Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 65) Order 19861986 No. 1195Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 64) Order 19861986 No. 1194Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 63) Order 19861986 No. 1193Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The National Health Service (Payments for Optical Appliances) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19861986 No. 1192 (S. 99)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    Act of Adjournal (Summary Procedure) (Amendment) 19861986 No. 1191 (S. 98)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Anglesey Marine Terminal Act 1972 (Exemption from Cessation) Order 19861986 No. 1190Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The County Court (Amendment No. 2) Rules 19861986 No. 1189 (L. 10)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The London Taxis (Licensing Appeals) Regulations 19861986 No. 1188Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rules of the Supreme Court (Amendment No. 2) 19861986 No. 1187 (L. 9)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19861986 No. 1186Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (No. 3) (Amendment) Order 19861986 No. 1185Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Video Recordings Act 1984 (Scotland) (Commencement No. 3) Order 19861986 No. 1182 (C. 33) (S. 97)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Income Tax (Interest on Unpaid Tax and Repayment Supplement) Order 19861986 No. 1181Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Medicines (Exemptions from Licences and Animal Test Certificates) Order 19861986 No. 1180Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (No. 4) Order 19861986 No. 1179Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19861986 No. 1178Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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