Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig o 2013 wedi ei rifo between 1500 a 1599 wedi dod o hyd i 100 o ganlyniadau.

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1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

    Sort ascending by TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauMath o ddeddfwriaeth
    The Elections (Fresh Signatures for Absent Voters) Regulations 20132013 No. 1599Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Evidence Through Television Links (England and Wales) Order 20132013 No. 1598Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The M18 Motorway (Junction 3 to Junction 4) Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1597Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A46 Trunk Road (Groby to Anstey, Leicestershire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1596Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A5 Trunk Road (Lutterworth, Leicestershire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1595Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A5 Trunk Road (Between A47 Longshoot Junction and the A444 Redgate Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1594Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A50 Trunk Road (Findern to Aston on Trent) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1593Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A6 Trunk Road (Alvaston, Derby) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1592Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The M5 Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 5) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1591Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Commencement No. 2, Transitional and Savings Provisions) (England) Order 20132013 No. 1590 (C. 64)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A487 Trunk Road (Oakeley Drive, East of Maentwrog, Gwynedd) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Prohibition) Order 20132013 No. 1589 (W. 151)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A487 (Oakeley Drive, Man i’r Dwyrain o Faentwrog, Gwynedd) (Cyfyngiadau a Gwaharddiad Traffig Dros Dro) 2013
    The A483 Trunk Road (Abermule Flood Relief Bridge, Abermule, Powys) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Prohibition) Order 20132013 No. 1588 (W. 150)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A483 (Pont Lleddfu Llifogydd Aber-miwl, Aber-miwl, Powys) (Cyfyngiadau a Gwaharddiad Traffig Dros Dro) 2013
    The A470 Trunk Road (Dôl-gefeiliau to North of Ganllwyd, Gwynedd) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Prohibition) Order 20132013 No. 1587 (W. 149)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A470 (Dôl-gefeiliau i Fan i'r Gogledd o Ganllwyd, Gwynedd) (Cyfyngiadau a Gwaharddiad Traffig Dros Dro) 2013
    The M48 Motorway (Mathern Bridge, Near Chepstow, Monmouthshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Vehicles) Order 20132013 No. 1586 (W. 148)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Traffordd yr M48 (Pont Matharn, Ger Cas-gwent, Sir Fynwy) (Gwahardd Cerbydau Dros Dro) 2013
    The A55 Trunk Road (Westbound Slip Roads at Junction 32a & Junction 32, Flintshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Vehicles, Cyclists & Pedestrians) Order 20132013 No. 1585 (W. 147)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A55 (Y Ffyrdd Ymuno ac Ymadael tua’r Gorllewin wrth Gyffordd 32a a Chyffordd 32, Sir y Fflint) (Gwahardd Cerbydau, Beicwyr a Cherddwyr Dros Dro) 2013
    The A477 Trunk Road (St Clears, Carmarthenshire to Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Vehicles, Cyclists & Pedestrians) Order 20132013 No. 1584 (W. 146)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A477 (Sanclêr Sir Gaerfyrddin i Ddoc Penfro, Sir Benfro) (Gwahardd Cerbydau, Beicwyr a Cherddwyr Dros Dro) 2013
    The Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 20132013 No. 1583Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Water Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations 20132013 No. 1582Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A5 Trunk Road (North East of Rugby) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1581Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The A30 Trunk Road (Pennygillam Westbound Exit Slip Road, Launceston) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20132013 No. 1580Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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