Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig o 2020 wedi ei rifo between 800 a 899 s'yn berthnasol i Gymru wedi dod o hyd i 26 o ganlyniadau.

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1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

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    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Blackburn with Darwen and Bradford) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 898Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North of England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 897Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 886 (W. 196)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio Rhyngwladol) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 6) 2020
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulations 20202020 No. 884 (W. 195)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 6) 2020
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 882Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) (Amendment) (No. 9) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 881Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Leicester) (No. 2) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 875Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Power to Award Degrees etc. (Arden University Limited) Order 20202020 No. 873Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 20202020 No. 867 (W. 189)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 5) 2020
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions on Gatherings) (North of England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 865Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 863Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Higher Education (Fee Limits and Student Support) (England) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 853Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Product Safety and Metrology (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 20202020 No. 852Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine Order 20202020 No. 847Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions on Gatherings) (North of England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 846Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 20202020 No. 843 (W. 186)Offerynnau Statudol Cymru
    Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 4) 2020
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 839Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions ...) (North of England) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 828Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Leicester) (No. 2) Regulations 20202020 No. 824Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Leicester) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (revoked)2020 No. 823Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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