Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Rheoliadau Tir a Halogwyd yn Ymbelydrol (Addasu Deddfiadau) (Cymru) 2006


Dyma’r fersiwn wreiddiol (fel y’i gwnaed yn wreiddiol).

Enwi, cychwyn a chymhwyso

1.—(1Enw'r Rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau Tir a Halogwyd yn Ymbelydrol (Addasu Deddfiadau) (Cymru) 2006.

(2Daw'r Rheoliadau hyn i rym—

(a)i'r graddau y mae Rhan 2A o Ddeddf 1990 yn rhoi'r pŵer i'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol i wneud rheoliadau neu orchmynion, i roi cyfarwyddiadau neu i gyhoeddi canllawiau, neu i'r graddau y mae Rhan 2A yn darparu mewn perthynas ag arfer unrhyw bŵer o'r fath, ar 16 Tachwedd 2006; a

(b)ar gyfer pob diben arall, ar 10 Rhagfyr 2006.

(3Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn gymwys o ran Cymru.


2.  Yn y Rheoliadau hyn, ystyr “Rhan 2A” yw Rhan 2A o Ddeddf 1990 ac, oni nodir fel arall, mae unrhyw gyfeiriad yn y Rheoliadau hyn at adran â Rhif yn gyfeiriad at yr adran o Ddeddf 1990 sy'n dwyn y Rhif hwnnw.

Addasu Rhan 2A

3.  I'r graddau y mae niwed i'w briodoli i unrhyw ymbelydredd sy'n perthyn i unrhyw sylwedd, mae Rhan 2A yn gymwys mewn cysylltiad â'r niwed, ac at ddibenion ymdrin ag ef, ac mae'n effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau a wneir gan reoliadau 4 i 18.

Dehongli addasiadau

4.—(1Mae'r diffiniadau a geir yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn (sy'n ailadrodd diffiniadau a geir yn Erthygl 1 o'r Gyfarwyddeb) yn gymwys at ddiben dehongli'r addasiadau a wneir i Ran 2A gan y Rheoliadau hyn.

(2Yn y rheoliad hwn ac yn yr Atodlen, ystyr “the Directive” yw Cyfarwyddeb y Cyngor 96/29/Euratom(1), sy'n gosod safonau diogelwch sylfaenol ar gyfer diogelu iechyd gweithwyr a'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol rhag y peryglon sy'n deillio o ymbelydredd ïoneiddio ac, at ddibenion yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn, mae i “this Directive” yr un ystyr.

(3Mae unrhyw gyfeiriad yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn at “Article” neu “Title” â Rhif yn gyfeiriad at yr Erthygl neu'r Teitl sy'n dwyn y Rhif hwnnw yn y Gyfarwyddeb.

Adran 78A (rhagarweiniol)

5.—(1Mae adran 78A (rhagarweiniol) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn lle is-adran (2), rhodder—

(2) “Contaminated land” is any land which appears to the local authority in whose area it is situated to be in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land, that—

(a)harm is being caused; or

(b)there is a significant possibility of harm being caused;

and in determining whether any land appears to be such land, a local authority shall, subject to subsection (5) below, act in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 78YA below with respect to the manner in which that determination is to be made..

(3Yn lle is-adran (4), rhodder—

(4) “Harm” means lasting exposure to any person resulting from the after-effects of a radiological emergency, past practice or past work activity..

(4Yn lle is-adran (5), rhodder—

(5) The questions—

(a)whether harm is being caused, and

(b)whether the possibility of harm being caused is “significant”,

shall be determined in accordance with guidance issued for the purpose by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 78YA below..

(5Yn lle is-adran (6), rhodder—

(6) Without prejudice to the guidance that may be issued under subsection (5) above—

(a)guidance under paragraph (a) of that subsection may make provision for different degrees and descriptions of harm;

(b)guidance under paragraph (b) of that subsection may make provision for different degrees of possibility to be regarded as “significant” (or as not being “significant”) in relation to different descriptions of harm..

(6Yn lle is-adran (7), rhodder—

(7) “Remediation” means—

(a)the doing of anything for the purpose of assessing the condition of—

(i)the contaminated land in question; or

(ii)any land adjoining or adjacent to that land;

(b)the doing of any works, the carrying out of any operations or the taking of any steps in relation to any such land for the purpose—

(i)of preventing or minimising, or remedying or mitigating the effects of, any harm by reason of which the contaminated land is such land; or

(ii)of restoring the land to its former state; or

(c)the making of subsequent inspections from time to time for the purpose of keeping under review the condition of the land;

and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly.

(7A) For the purpose of paragraph (b) of subsection (7) above, “the doing of any works, the carrying out of any operations or the taking of any steps in relation to any such land” shall include ensuring that—

(a)any such area is demarcated;

(b)arrangements for the monitoring of the harm are made;

(c)any appropriate intervention is implemented; and

(d)access to or use of land or buildings situated in the demarcated area is regulated..

(7Hepgorir is-adran (8).

(8Yn is-adran (9)—

(a)hepgorer y diffiniadau o “controlled waters” a “pollution of controlled waters”;

(b)ar ôl y diffiniad o “required to be designated as a special site” ychwaneger—

“Secretary of State”, in relation to Wales, means the National Assembly for Wales;; ac

(c)yn lle'r diffiniad o “substance”, rhodder—

“substance” means, whether in solid or liquid form or in the form of a gas or vapour, any substance which contains radionuclides which have resulted from the after-effects of a radiological emergency or which are or have been processed as part of a past practice or past work activity, but shall not include radon gas or the following radionuclides: Po-218, Pb-214, At-218, Bi-214, Rn-218, Po-214 and TI-210;.

Adran 78B (adnabod tir halogedig)

6.—(1Mae adran 78B (adnabod tir halogedig) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn lle is-adran (1), rhodder—

(1) Where a local authority considers that there are reasonable grounds for believing that any land may be contaminated, it shall cause the land to be inspected for the purpose of—

(a)identifying whether it is contaminated land; and

(b)enabling the authority to decide whether the land is land which is required to be designated as a special site.

(1A) The fact that substances have been or are present on the land shall not of itself be taken to be reasonable grounds for the purposes of subsection (1)..

Adran 78C (adnabod a dynodi safleoedd arbennig)

7.—(1Mae adran 78C (adnabod a dynodi safleoedd arbennig) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn is-adran (10), yn lle paragraffau (a) a (b) rhodder—

(a)whether land of the description in question appears to the Secretary of State to be land which is likely to be in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land that serious harm would or might be caused; or

(b)whether the appropriate Agency is likely to have expertise in dealing with the kind of harm by reason of which land of the description in question is contaminated land..

Adran 78E (dyletswydd ar yr awdurdod gorfodi i wneud adfer tir halogedig yn ofynnol etc)

8.—(1Mae adran 78E (dyletswydd ar yr awdurdod gorfodi i wneud adfer tir halogedig yn ofynnol etc) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn is-adran (2), hepgorer “or waters”.

(3Yn lle is-adran (4), rhodder—

(4) Subject to subsection (4A), the only things by way of remediation which the enforcing authority may do, or require to be done, under or by virtue of this Part are things which it considers reasonable, having regard to—

(a)the cost which is likely to be involved; and

(b)the seriousness of the harm in question.

(4A) Where remediation includes an intervention, that part of the remediation which consists of an intervention may only be considered reasonable—

(a)where the reduction in detriment due to radiation is sufficient to justify any adverse effects and costs, including social costs, of the intervention; and

(b)where the form, scale and duration of the intervention is optimised.

(4B) For the purpose of subsection (4A), the form, scale and duration of the intervention shall be taken to be optimised if the benefit of the reduction in health detriment less the detriment associated with the intervention is maximised..

(4Yn is-adran (5), ym mharagraff (b), hepgorer “, or waters are,”.

Adran 78F (penderfynu pwy yw'r person priodol i fod yn gyfrifol am adfer)

9.  Mae is-adran (9) o adran 78F (penderfynu pwy yw'r person priodol i fod yn gyfrifoldeb am adfer) yn effeithiol gyda'r geiriau “or radioactive decay” wedi'u mewnosod ar ôl “biological process”.

Adran 78G (caniatáu hawliau mynediad ac iawndal mewn cysylltiad â hwy etc)

10.—(1Mae adran 78G (caniatáu hawliau mynediad ac iawndal mewn cysylltiad â hwy etc) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn is-adran (2), yn lle “any of the relevant land or waters”, rhodder “any relevant land”.

(3Yn is-adran (3), ym mharagraff (a), hepgorer “or waters”.

(4Yn is-adran (4), hepgorer “or serious pollution of controlled waters,”.

(5Yn lle is-adran (7), rhodder—

(7) In this section, “relevant land” means—

(a)the contaminated land in question; or

(b)any land adjoining or adjacent to that land..

Adran 78H (cyfyngiadau a gwaharddiadau ar gyflwyno hysbysiadau adfer)

11.  Mae is-adran (4) o adran 78H (cyfyngiadau a gwaharddiadau ar gyflwyno hysbysiadau adfer) yn effeithiol gyda'r geiriau “, or serious pollution of controlled waters,” wedi'u hepgor.

Adran 78J (cyfyngiadau ar atebolrwydd mewn perthynas â llygru dyfroedd a reolir)

12.  Hepgorer adran 78J.

Adran 78K (atebolrwydd o ran sylweddau sy'n halogi ac sy'n gollwng i dir arall)

13.—(1Mae adran 78K (atebolrwydd o ran sylweddau sy'n halogi ac sy'n gollwng i dir arall) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn lle is-adran (3), rhodder—

(3) Where this subsection applies, no remediation notice shall require a person—

(a)who is the owner or occupier of land A, and

(b)who has not caused or knowingly permitted the substances in question to be in, on or under that land,

to do anything by way of remediation to any land (other than land of which that person is the owner or occupier) in consequence of land A appearing to be in such a condition, by reason of the presence of those substances in, on or under it, that harm is being caused, or there is a significant possibility of harm being caused..

(3Yn lle is-adran (4), rhodder—

(4) Where this subsection applies, no remediation notice shall require a person—

(a)who is the owner or occupier of land A, and

(b)who has not caused or knowingly permitted the substances in question to be in, on or under that land,

to do anything by way of remediation in consequence of any further land in, on or under which those substances or any of them appear to be or to have been present as a result of their escape from land A (“land B”) appearing to be in such a condition, by reason of the presence of those substances in, on or under it, that harm is being caused, or there is a significant possibility of such harm being caused, unless that person is also the owner or occupier of land B..

Adran 78N (pwerau'r awdurdod gorfodi i gyflawni adferiad)

14.—(1Mae adran 78N (pwerau'r awdurdod gorfodi i gyflawni adferiad) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn is-adran (1), hepgorer “or waters”.

(3Ar ôl is-adran (1), mewnosoder—

(1A) The enforcing authority shall exercise its power under subsection (1) in any case falling within paragraph (c), (d), (e) or (f) of subsection (3).

(1B) If the Secretary of State thinks fit, the Secretary of State may make available to the enforcing authority a sum or sums of money in respect of costs and expenses incurred or to be incurred by the enforcing authority (or by a person on its behalf) in relation to the exercise of its duty under subsection (1A) provided that—

(a)the amount of such costs and expenses exceeds or is expected to exceed any reasonable provision for such costs and expenses made by the appropriate Agency; and

(b)the total amount made available does not exceed the difference between the amount of such costs and expenses and the amount of such provision..

(4Yn is-adran (3)(a), hepgorer “, or serious pollution of controlled waters,”.

(5Yn is-adrannau (3)(d) a (4)(d), hepgorer “78J or”.

(6Yn lle is-adran (5), rhodder—

(5) In this section “the relevant land” means—

(a)the contaminated land in question; or

(b)any land adjoining or adjacent to that land.

(6) The reference to “the Secretary of State” in subsection (1B) is to be construed, in relation to Wales, as a reference to the National Assembly for Wales..

Adran 78P (adennill cost adfer gan yr awdurdod gorfodi, a gwarant ar gyfer hynny)

15.  Mae is-adran (1) o adran 78P (adennill cost adfer gan yr awdurdod gorfodi, a gwarant ar gyfer hynny) yn effeithiol gyda'r gair “section” wedi'i roi yn lle'r geiriau “sections 78J(7) and”.

Adran 78X (darpariaethau atodol)

16.—(1Mae Adran 78X (darpariaethau atodol) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn lle is-adran (1), rhodder—

(1) Where it appears to a local authority that two or more different sites, when considered together, are in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land, that—

(a)harm is being caused, or

(b)there is a significant possibility of harm being caused,

this Part shall apply in relation to each of those sites, whether or not the condition of the land at any of them, when considered alone, appears to the authority to be such that harm is being caused or there is a significant possibility of harm being caused..

(3Yn lle is-adran (2), rhodder—

(2) Where it appears to a local authority that any land outside, but adjoining or adjacent to, its area is in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land, that harm is being caused, or there is a significant possibility of harm being caused within its area—

(a)the authority may, in exercising its functions under this Part, treat that land as if it were land situated within its area; and

(b)except in this subsection, any reference—

(i)to land within the area of a local authority, or

(ii)to the local authority in whose area any land is situated,

shall be construed accordingly;

but this subsection is without prejudice to the functions of the local authority in whose area the land is in fact situated..

Adran 78YB (rhyngweithio rhwng Rhan 2A a deddfiadau eraill)

17.—(1Mae adran 78YB (rhyngweithio rhwng Rhan 2A a deddfiadau eraill) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol.

(2Yn lle is-adran (1), rhodder—

(1) A remediation notice shall not be served if and to the extent that it appears to the enforcing authority that the powers of the appropriate Agency under section 27 above may be exercised in relation to the harm (if any) by reason of which the contaminated land in question is such land..

(3Yn is-adrannau (2), (2A) a (2B), yn lle “significant harm, or pollution of controlled waters” rhodder “harm”.

(4Ar ôl is-adran (4), mewnosoder—

(5) Nothing in this Part applies to land which is contaminated land by reason of the presence in, on or under that land of any substances, insofar as by reason of that presence damage to any property occurs, being—

(a)damage caused in breach of any duty imposed by section 7, 8, 9 or 10 of the 1965 Act, or deemed to be so caused by section 12(2) of that Act;

(b)damage which would have been so caused if, in section 7(1)(a) or (b) of the 1965 Act, the words “other than the licensee” or, in section 10(1) of that Act, the words “other than the operator” had not been enacted; or

(c)damage in respect of which any relevant foreign operator or other person is liable under any relevant foreign law, or for which he would be so liable—

(i)but for any exclusion of limitation of liability applying by virtue of any provision of that law made for the purposes corresponding to those of section 13(3) or (4)(a), 15, 16(1) and (2) or 18 of the 1965 Act; or

(ii)if any such relevant foreign law which does not contain provision made for purposes corresponding to those of section 13(4)(b) of the 1965 Act did contain such provision.

(6) In subsection (5)—

“the 1965 Act” means the Nuclear Installations Act 1965(2);

“relevant foreign law” and “relevant foreign operator” have the meanings given by the 1965 Act..

Addasu Deddf yr Amgylchedd 1995

18.—(1I'r graddau y gellir priodoli'r niwed i unrhyw ymbelydredd sy'n perthyn i unrhyw sylwedd, mae Deddf yr Amgylchedd 1995(3), pan yw'n gymwys mewn cysylltiad â'r niwed, yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau a grybwyllir ym mharagraff (2).

(2Mae is-adran (15) o adran 108 (pwerau awdurdodau gorfodi a phersonau a awdurdodir ganddynt) yn effeithiol gyda'r addasiadau canlynol—

(a)yn y diffiniad o “pollution control functions”, mewn perthynas â'r Asiantaeth neu ag Asiantaeth yr Alban er Diogelu'r Amgylchedd (SEPA), ar ôl paragraff (m) mewnosoder—

(n)regulations made by virtue of section 78YC of the Environmental Protection Act 1990;; a

(b)yn y diffiniad o “pollution control functions”, mewn perthynas ag awdurdod gorfodi lleol, ar ôl paragraff (c), mewnosoder—


(d)by or under regulations made by virtue of section 78YC of the Environmental Protection Act 1990;.

Llofnodwyd ar ran Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(4).

D. Elis-Thomas

Llywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

15 Tachwedd 2006

Yn ôl i’r brig


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Mae deddfwriaeth ar gael mewn fersiynau gwahanol:

Y Diweddaraf sydd Ar Gael (diwygiedig):Y fersiwn ddiweddaraf sydd ar gael o’r ddeddfwriaeth yn cynnwys newidiadau a wnaed gan ddeddfwriaeth ddilynol ac wedi eu gweithredu gan ein tîm golygyddol. Gellir gweld y newidiadau nad ydym wedi eu gweithredu i’r testun eto yn yr ardal ‘Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth’. Dim ond yn Saesneg y mae’r fersiwn ddiwygiedig ar gael ar hyn o bryd.

Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i Deddfwyd neu y’i Gwnaed) - Saesneg: Mae'r wreiddiol Saesneg fersiwn y ddeddfwriaeth fel ag yr oedd pan gafodd ei deddfu neu eu gwneud. Ni wnaed unrhyw newidiadau i’r testun.

Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i Deddfwyd neu y’i Gwnaed)-Cymraeg:Y fersiwn Gymraeg wreiddiol o’r ddeddfwriaeth fel yr oedd yn sefyll pan gafodd ei deddfu neu ei gwneud. Ni wnaed unrhyw newidiadau i’r testun.


Dewisiadau Agor

Dewisiadau gwahanol i agor deddfwriaeth er mwyn gweld rhagor o gynnwys ar y sgrin ar yr un pryd


Rhagor o Adnoddau

Gallwch wneud defnydd o ddogfennau atodol hanfodol a gwybodaeth ar gyfer yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth o’r tab hwn. Yn ddibynnol ar yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth sydd i’w gweld, gallai hyn gynnwys:

  • y PDF print gwreiddiol y fel deddfwyd fersiwn a ddefnyddiwyd am y copi print
  • rhestr o newidiadau a wnaed gan a/neu yn effeithio ar yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth
  • manylion rhoi grym a newid cyffredinol
  • pob fformat o’r holl ddogfennau cysylltiedig
  • slipiau cywiro
  • dolenni i ddeddfwriaeth gysylltiedig ac adnoddau gwybodaeth eraill

Rhagor o Adnoddau

Defnyddiwch y ddewislen hon i agor dogfennau hanfodol sy’n cyd-fynd â’r ddeddfwriaeth a gwybodaeth am yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth. Gan ddibynnu ar yr eitem o ddeddfwriaeth sy’n cael ei gweld gall hyn gynnwys:

  • y PDF print gwreiddiol y fel gwnaed fersiwn a ddefnyddiwyd am y copi print
  • slipiau cywiro

liciwch ‘Gweld Mwy’ neu ddewis ‘Rhagor o Adnoddau’ am wybodaeth ychwanegol gan gynnwys

  • rhestr o newidiadau a wnaed gan a/neu yn effeithio ar yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth
  • manylion rhoi grym a newid cyffredinol
  • pob fformat o’r holl ddogfennau cysylltiedig
  • dolenni i ddeddfwriaeth gysylltiedig ac adnoddau gwybodaeth eraill