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- Decisions originating from the EU (4)
The counts below reflect the number of documents on legislation.gov.uk that were taken from EUR-lex for this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made in a particular year.
1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2020 |
Sort ascending by Title | Years and Numbers | Legislation type |
Commission Decision authorizing item 7 of the Appendix to the Goods Tariff of the Italian State Railways | 1962 No. 207 | Decisions originating from the EU |
Commission Decision authorizing Special Tariff Nos 208 and 219 of the Italian State Railways | 1962 No. 202 | Decisions originating from the EU |
Commission Decision authorizing Special Tariff No 201 of the Italian State Railways (Only the Italian text is authentic) | 1962 No. 201 | Decisions originating from the EU |
ECSC High Authority: Décision No 2-62 of 8 March 1962 amending Décision No 33-56 of 21 November 1956 on the returns to be made by undertakings in the steel industry in respect of their substandard products and seconds | 1962 No. 2 | Decisions originating from the EU |
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