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Your search for English language Decisions originating from the EU from 1997 has returned more than 200 results.

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97/733/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Rhône- Alpes concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 733Decisions originating from the EU
97/732/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 732Decisions originating from the EU
97/731/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Poitou- Charentes concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 731Decisions originating from the EU
97/730/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Picardy concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 730Decisions originating from the EU
97/729/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Pays de la Loire concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 729Decisions originating from the EU
97/728/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Nord- Pas-de-Calais concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 728Decisions originating from the EU
97/727/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Haute- Normandie concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 727Decisions originating from the EU
97/726/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Champagne-Ardenne concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 726Decisions originating from the EU
97/725/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of the Centre concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 725Decisions originating from the EU
97/724/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Bretagne concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 724Decisions originating from the EU
97/723/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Basse- Normandie concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 723Decisions originating from the EU
97/722/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Auvergne concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 722Decisions originating from the EU
97/721/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Alsace concerned by Objective 2 in France (Only the French text is authentic)1997 No. 721Decisions originating from the EU
97/720/EC: Commission Decision of 19 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the regions of West Cumbria and Furness concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 720Decisions originating from the EU
97/719/EC: Commission Decision of 12 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of the west Midlands concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 719Decisions originating from the EU
97/718/EC: Commission Decision of 12 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Thanet concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 718Decisions originating from the EU
97/717/EC: Commission Decision of 12 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Plymouth concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 717Decisions originating from the EU
97/716/EC: Commission Decision of 2 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Gibraltar concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 716Decisions originating from the EU
97/715/EC: Commission Decision of 2 June 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the regions of Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire concerned by Objective 2 in the United Kingdom (Only the English text is authentic)1997 No. 715Decisions originating from the EU
97/714/EC: Commission Decision of 26 May 1997 on the approval of the single programming document for Community structural assistance in the region of Zuidoost-Brabant concerned by Objective 2 in the Netherlands (Only the Dutch text is authentic)1997 No. 714Decisions originating from the EU

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