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Mesur Addysg (Cymru) 2009

Newidiadau dros amser i: Mesur Addysg (Cymru) 2009

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Fersiwn wedi'i ddisodliFersiwn wedi ei ddisodli: 06/07/2011


Golwg cyfnod mewn amser fel yr oedd ar 11/06/2011. Mae'r fersiwn hon o'r hwn (hon) Measure yn cynnwys darpariaethau nad ydynt yn ddilys ar gyfer y pwynt mewn amser hwn. Help about Status



 Nid yw'n ddilys ar gyfer y pwynt mewn amser hwn yn golygu yn gyffredinol nad oedd darpariaeth mewn grym ar gyfer y pwynt mewn amser rydych wedi dewis.

Newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth:

Mesur Addysg (Cymru) 2009 yn gyfredol gyda’r holl newidiadau y gwyddys eu bod mewn grym ar neu cyn 15 Hydref 2024. Mae newidiadau a all gael eu dwyn i rym yn y dyfodol. Mae newidiadau a wnaed yn ymddangos yn y cynnwys a chyfeirir atynt trwy anodiadau. Help about Changes to Legislation


Changes to Legislation

Nid yw newidiadau ac effeithiau sydd eto i'w gwneud gan y tîm golygyddol ond yn berthnasol wrth edrych ar y fersiwn ddiweddaraf neu fersiwn ragolygol o ddeddfwriaeth. Felly, nid oes modd eu gweld wrth edrych ar ddeddfwriaeth fel y mae ar bwynt penodol mewn amser. Er mwyn gweld yr wybodaeth 'Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth' ar gyfer y ddarpariaeth hon ewch yn ôl i'r fersiwn ddiweddaraf gan ddefnyddio'r opsiynau yn y blwch 'Pa Fersiwn' uchod.

Legislation Crest

Mesur Addysg (Cymru) 2009

2009 nawm 5

Mesur gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru i wneud darpariaeth i blant gael hawl i apelio mewn cysylltiad ag anghenion addysgol arbennig, a hawl i wneud hawliad mewn cysylltiad â gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd mewn ysgolion, i Dribiwnlys Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig Cymru; i wneud darpariaeth ar gyfer y canlynol mewn perthynas ag anghenion addysgol arbennig a gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd mewn ysgolion: gwasanaethau cynghori a rhoi gwybodaeth, trefniadau ar gyfer datrys anghydfodau ac eithrio drwy apelau a hawliadau i Dribiwnlys Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig Cymru, a gwasanaethau eirioli annibynnol; i wneud darpariaeth ar gyfer treialu darpariaethau Rhan 1 o'r Mesur hwn; i wneud darpariaeth ynghylch y cwricwlwm mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru; ac at ddibenion cysylltiedig.

Mae'r Mesur hwn, a basiwyd gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru ar 3 Tachwedd 2009 ac a gymeradwywyd gan Ei Mawrhydi yn Ei Chyngor ar 9 Rhagfyr, yn deddfu'r darpariaethau a ganlyn:—


Valid from 10/02/2012

Apelau anghenion addysgol arbennigLL+C

Valid from 06/03/2012

1Hawl plentyn i apelio mewn cysylltiad ag anghenion addysgol arbennigLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl adran 332 mewnosoder—

Appeals by childrenLL+C
332ZARight of a child to appeal to the Welsh Tribunal

(1)This section applies to the rights of a parent of a child to appeal to the Welsh Tribunal under any of the following provisions—

(a)section 325(2) (appeal against decision not to make statement);

(b)section 326(1) (appeal against contents of statement);

(c)section 328(3)(b) (reviews of educational needs);

(d)section 329(2)(b) (assessment of educational needs at request of child’s parent);

(e)section 329A(8)(b) (review of assessment of educational needs at request of responsible body);

(f)paragraph 8(3)(b) of Schedule 27 (change of named school);

(g)paragraph 11(2)(b) of Schedule 27 (ceasing to maintain a statement).

(2)The child may exercise the rights conferred on the parent in respect of that child.

(3)The child’s rights are exercisable concurrently with the parent’s rights.

(4)The exercise of rights under this section is subject to provision made by regulations under sections 332ZC and 336(1)..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I1A. 1 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 06/03/2012

2Hysbysu a chyflwyno dogfennauLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl adran 332ZA mewnosoder—

332ZBNotice and service of documents on a child

(1)This section applies if a local education authority in Wales is required to give notice to or serve a document on a parent of a child under any of the following provisions—

(a)section 325 (appeal against decision not to make statement);

(b)section 328 (reviews of educational needs);

(c)section 329 (assessment of educational needs at request of child’s parent);

(d)section 329A(8) (review or assessment of educational needs at request of responsible body);

(e)paragraph 3 of Schedule 26 (manner and timing of assessments);

(f)paragraph 2A of Schedule 27 (amendments to a statement);

(g)paragraph 2B(2) of Schedule 27 (provision of additional information);

(h)paragraph 6 of Schedule 27 (service of statement);

(i)paragraph 8 of Schedule 27 (change of named school);

(j)paragraph 11 of Schedule 27 (ceasing to maintain a statement).

(2)The local education authority must give notice to, or serve the document on, the child as well as on the parent.

(3)Any provision applicable to notices given to or documents served on a parent applies equally to notices given to or documents served on a child..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I2A. 2 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

3Cyfeillion achosLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl adran 332ZB mewnosoder—

332ZCCase friends — Wales

(1)The Welsh Ministers may provide by regulations for a child to have a person (referred to in this Part as a “case friend”)—

(a)to make representations on behalf of a child with a view to avoiding or resolving disagreements about the exercise by local education authorities in Wales of functions under this Part, and

(b)to exercise the rights of a child under section 332ZA on the child’s behalf.

(2)A child’s case friend must—

(a)make representations and exercise rights fairly and competently,

(b)have no interest adverse to that of the child;

(c)ensure that all steps and decisions taken by the case friend are for the benefit of the child and take account of the child’s views.

(3)Regulations made under this section may (among other things)—

(a)confer functions on the Welsh Tribunal;

(b)make provision about procedures in relation to case friends;

(c)make provision about the appointment and removal of case friends;

(d)specify the circumstances in which a person may or may not act as a case friend;

(e)specify the circumstances in which a child must have a case friend;

(f)specify further requirements in respect of the conduct of case friends..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I3A. 3 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 06/03/2012

4Cyngor a gwybodaethLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Yn adran 332A (cyngor a gwybodaeth i rieni)—

(a)yn y pennawd, ar ôl y gair “parents” mewnosoder “— England”;

(b)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl y geiriau “local education authority” mewnosoder “in England”;

(c)yn is-adran (2), yn lle “given—” rhodder “given by the Secretary of State.”;

(d)yn is-adran (2), hepgorer paragraffau (a) a (b).

(3)Ar ôl adran 332A mewnosoder—

332AAAdvice and information — Wales

(1)A local education authority in Wales must arrange for any child in their area with special educational needs, for a parent of any such child and for a case friend for any such child, to be provided with advice and information about matters relating to those needs.

(2)In making the arrangements, the authority must have regard to any guidance given by the Welsh Ministers.

(3)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(4)The authority must take such steps as they consider appropriate for making the services provided under subsection (1) known to—

(a)children in their area,

(b)parents of children in their area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in their area, and

(d)such other persons as they consider appropriate..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I4A. 4 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 06/03/2012

5Datrys anghydfodauLL+C

(1)Diwygir adran 332B o Ddeddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol ag is-adran (2).

(2)Yn adran 332B (datrys anghydfodau)—

(a)yn y pennawd, ar ôl y gair “disputes” mewnosoder “— England”;

(b)yn is-adrannau (1) a (2), ar ôl y geiriau “local education authority” mewnosoder “in England”;

(c)yn is-adran (4), yn lle “given—” rhodder “given by the Secretary of State.”;

(d)yn is-adran (4), hepgorer paragraffau (a) a (b).

(3)Ar ôl adran 332B mewnosoder—

332BAResolution of disputes — Wales

(1)A local education authority in Wales must make arrangements with a view to avoiding or resolving disagreements between—

(a)authorities and children in their area about the exercise by authorities of functions under this Part, and

(b)authorities and parents of children in their area about the exercise by authorities of functions under this Part.

(2)A local education authority in Wales must also make arrangements with a view to avoiding or resolving, in each relevant school, disagreements between—

(a)a relevant child and the proprietor of the school about the special educational provision made for that child, and

(b)the parents of a relevant child and the proprietor of the school about the special educational provision made for that child.

(3)The arrangements must provide for the appointment of independent persons with the functions of facilitating the avoidance or resolution of such disagreements.

(4)In making the arrangements, the authority must have regard to any guidance given by the Welsh Ministers.

(5)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(6)The authority must take such steps as they consider appropriate for making the arrangements under subsections (1) and (2) known to—

(a)children in their area,

(b)parents of children in their area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in their area, and

(d)such other persons as they consider appropriate.

(7)The arrangements cannot affect the entitlement of a child or a parent of a child to appeal to the Tribunal, and the authority must take such steps as they consider appropriate to make that fact known to children, to parents of children and to case friends for children in their area.

(8)In this section—

  • “authorities” means the governing bodies of maintained schools and the local education authority;

  • “relevant child” means a child who has special educational needs and is a registered pupil at a relevant school.

(9)For the purposes of this section a school is a relevant school in relation to a child if it is—

(a)a maintained school or a maintained nursery school,

(b)a pupil referral unit,

(c)an independent school named in the statement maintained for the child under section 324, or

(d)a school approved under section 342..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I5A. 5 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 06/03/2012

6Gwasanaethau eirioli annibynnolLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl adran 332BA mewnosoder y canlynol—

332BBIndependent advocacy services — Wales

(1)Every local education authority in Wales must—

(a)make arrangements for the provision of independent advocacy services in their area;

(b)refer any child in their area who requests independent advocacy services to a service provider;

(c)refer any person who is a case friend for a child in their area and who requests independent advocacy services to a service provider.

(2)In this section “independent advocacy services” are services providing advice and assistance (by way of representation or otherwise) to a child—

(a)making, or intending to make an appeal to the Tribunal under section 332ZA, or

(b)considering whether to appeal to the Tribunal under that section, or

(c)taking part in or intending to take part in dispute resolution arrangements made under section 332BA.

(3)In making arrangements under this section, every local education authority must have regard to the principle that any services provided under the arrangements must be independent of any person who is—

(a)the subject of an appeal to the Tribunal, or

(b)involved in investigating or adjudicating on such an appeal.

(4)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(5)Every local education authority in Wales must take such steps as they consider appropriate for making the arrangements under this section known to—

(a)children in their area,

(b)parents of children in their area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in their area, and

(d)such other persons as they consider appropriate.

(6)The arrangements may include provision for payments to be made to, or in relation to, any person carrying out functions in accordance with the arrangements.

(7)A local education authority must have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Welsh Ministers..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I6A. 6 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

7Gweithdrefn y TribiwnlysLL+C

(1)Diwygir adran 336 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ddiwedd is-adran (2)(n), hepgorer “and”.

(3)Ar ôl is-adran (2)(o) mewnosoder—

(p)enabling the Welsh Tribunal to stay proceedings on an appeal, and

(q)for adding and substituting parties..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I7A. 7 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

8Gweithdrefnau ar gyfer gwneud rheoliadauLL+C

(1)Diwygir adran 569 (rheoliadau) o Ddeddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “Secretary of State” mewnosoder “or the Welsh Ministers”.

(3)Yn is-adran (2), ar ôl “Act” mewnosoder “made by the Secretary of State”.

(4)Ar ôl is-adran (2A) mewnosoder—

(2B)A statutory instrument containing regulations under sections 332ZC, 332AA, 332BA, 332BB or 336 made by the Welsh Ministers is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of the National Assembly for Wales.

(2C)Paragraphs 33 to 35 of Schedule 11 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 make provision about the National Assembly for Wales procedures that apply to any statutory instrument containing regulations or an order made in exercise of functions conferred upon the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales by this Act that have been transferred to the Welsh Ministers by virtue of paragraph 30 of that Schedule..

(5)Yn is-adran (4) ar ôl “thinks fit” mewnosoder “or the Welsh Ministers think fit”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I8A. 8 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 10/02/2012

Hawliadau gwahaniaethu ar sail anableddLL+C


[F19Hawl plentyn i wneud hawliad anableddLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Yn y pennawd i baragraff 3 (awdurdodaeth), ar ôl “Jurisdiction” mewnosoder “— England and Wales”.

(3)Ar ôl paragraff 3 mewnosoder—

3AJurisdiction — Wales

(1)A claim that a responsible body for a school in Wales has contravened Chapter 1 of Part 6 in relation to a person because of disability may be made to the Tribunal by that person (“the relevant person”).

(2)But this paragraph does not apply to a claim to which paragraph 13 or 14 applies.

(3)The relevant person’s right to claim is exercisable concurrently with the right of the relevant person’s parent under paragraph 3.

(4)The exercise of rights under this paragraph is subject to provision made by regulations under paragraphs 6 and 6A..]

Diwygiadau Testunol

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I9A. 9 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)


[F210Amser ar gyfer dwyn achosLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ym mharagraff 4 (amser ar gyfer dwyn achos), ar ôl is-baragraff (2), rhodder—

(2A)If, in relation to proceedings or prospective proceedings on a claim under paragraph 3 or 3A, the dispute is referred for resolution in pursuance of arrangements under paragraph 6C or for conciliation in pursuance of arrangements under section 27 of the Equality Act 2006 before the end of the period of 6 months mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), that period is extended by 3 months..]


[F311Gweithdrefn y TribiwnlysLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ym mharagraff 6 (gweithdrefn)—

(a)yn is-baragraff (2)(a), ar ôl “paragraph 3” mewnosoder “or 3A”;

(b)ar ôl is-baragraff (3)(c), mewnosoder “(ca) for adding and substituting parties;”.]

Valid from 01/09/2021

[F412Cyfeillion achosLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon..

(2)Ar ôl paragraff 6 (gweithdrefn) mewnosoder—

6ACase friends — Wales

(1)The Welsh Ministers may by regulations provide for—

(a)a disabled child in a local authority area in Wales to have a person to make representations on behalf of the disabled child with a view to avoiding or resolving disagreements about contraventions of Chapter 1 of Part 6; and

(b)a relevant person (within the meaning of paragraph 3A) to have another person to exercise the relevant person’s rights under that paragraph on the relevant person’s behalf.

(2)A person exercising rights or making representations on behalf of a disabled child or a relevant person under sub-paragraph (1) is referred to in this Schedule as a “case friend”.

(3)A case friend must—

(a)make representations and exercise rights fairly and competently;

(b)have no interest adverse to that of the disabled child or relevant person;

(c)ensure that all steps and decisions taken by the case friend are for the benefit of the disabled child or relevant person and take account of the disabled child or relevant person’s views.

(4)Regulations made under this paragraph may (among other things)—

(a)confer functions on the Welsh Tribunal;

(b)make provision about procedures in relation to case friends;

(c)make provision about the appointment and removal of case friends;

(d)specify the circumstances in which a person may or may not act as a case friend;

(e)specify the circumstances in which a relevant person (within the meaning of paragraph 3A) must have a case friend;

(f)specify further requirements in respect of the conduct of case friends.

(5)In this paragraph and in paragraphs 6B, 6C, 6D and 6E, “local authority” has the meaning given in section 89(10).

(6)In this paragraph and in paragraphs 6B, 6C and 6D—

  • “disabled child” means any disabled person who is a pupil (or a prospective pupil) of—


    a maintained school or maintained nursery school,


    a pupil referral unit,


    an independent school, or


    a special school not maintained by a local authority;

  • “proprietor” has the meaning given in section 89(4);

  • “school” has the meanings given in section 89(5).

(7)In sub-paragraph (6)—

  • “independent school” has the meaning given in section 89(8);

  • “maintained school” has the meaning given in section 20(7) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998;

  • “maintained nursery school” has the meaning given in section 22(9) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998

  • “pupil” has the meanings given in section 89(3);

  • “pupil referral unit” has the meaning given in section 19 of the Education Act 1996; and

  • “special school” has the meaning given in section 89(9)..]


[F513Cyngor a gwybodaethLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl paragraff 6A (cyfeillion achos — Cymru) mewnosoder—

6BAdvice and information — Wales

(1)A local authority in Wales must arrange for any disabled child in its area and for the case friend of any such child to be provided with advice and information about matters relating to disability discrimination in schools.

(2)In making the arrangements, the local authority must have regard to any guidance given by the Welsh Ministers.

(3)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(4)The local authority must take such steps as it considers appropriate for making the services provided under sub-paragraph (1) known to—

(a)disabled children in its area,

(b)parents of disabled children in its area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in its area, and

(d)such other persons as it considers appropriate..]


[F614Datrys anghydfodauLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl paragraff 6B (cyngor a gwybodaeth — Cymru) mewnosoder—

6CResolution of disputes — Wales

(1)A local authority in Wales must make arrangements with a view to avoiding or resolving disagreements between responsible bodies and disabled children in its area about contraventions of Chapter 1 of Part 6.

(2)The arrangements must provide for the appointment of independent persons with the functions of facilitating the avoidance or resolution of such disagreements.

(3)In making the arrangements, the local authority must have regard to any guidance given by the Welsh Ministers.

(4)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(5)The local authority must take such steps as it considers appropriate for making the arrangements under sub-paragraph (1) known to—

(a)disabled children in its area,

(b)parents of disabled children in its area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in its area, and

(d)such other persons as it considers appropriate.

(6)The arrangements cannot affect the entitlement of any person to make a claim to the Tribunal, and the local authority must take such steps as it considers appropriate to make that fact known to disabled children, to parents of disabled children and to case friends for disabled children in its area..]


[F715Gwasanaethau eirioli annibynnolLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl paragraff 6C (datrys anghydfodau — Cymru) mewnosoder—

6DIndependent advocacy services — Wales

(1)Every local authority in Wales must—

(a)make arrangements for the provision of independent advocacy services in its area;

(b)refer any disabled child in its area who requests independent advocacy services to a service provider;

(c)refer any person who is a case friend for a disabled child in its area and who requests independent advocacy services to a service provider.

(2)In this paragraph “independent advocacy services” are services providing advice and assistance (by way of representation or otherwise) to a disabled child who is—

(a)making, or intending to make a claim that a responsible body has contravened Chapter 1 of Part 6 because of the child’s disability; or

(b)considering whether to make such a claim; or

(c)taking part in or intending to take part in dispute resolution arrangements made under paragraph 6C.

(3)In making arrangements under this paragraph, every local authority must have regard to the principle that any services provided under the arrangements must be independent of any person who is—

(a)the subject of a claim to the Tribunal, or

(b)involved in investigating or adjudicating on such a claim.

(4)The arrangements must comply with any provisions made in regulations by the Welsh Ministers that relate to the arrangements.

(5)Every local authority in Wales must take such steps as it considers appropriate for making the arrangements under this paragraph known to—

(a)disabled children in its area,

(b)parents of disabled children in its area,

(c)head teachers and proprietors of schools in its area, and

(d)such other persons as it considers appropriate.

(6)The arrangements may include provision for payments to be made to, or in relation to, any person carrying out functions in accordance with the arrangements.

(7)A local authority must have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Welsh Ministers..]


[F816Rôl Gweinidogion CymruLL+C

(1)Diwygir Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Ar ôl paragraff 6D (gwasanaethau eirioli annibynnol — Cymru) mewnosoder—

6EPower of direction — Wales

(1)If the Welsh Ministers are satisfied (whether on a complaint or otherwise) that a local authority—

(a)has acted, or is proposing to act, unreasonably in the discharge of a duty imposed by or under paragraph 6B, 6C or 6D, or

(b)has failed to discharge a duty imposed by or under any of those paragraphs,

they may give that local authority such directions as to the discharge of the duty as appear to them to be expedient.

(2)A direction may be given under sub-paragraph (1) even if the performance of the duty is contingent on the opinion of the local authority.

(3)A direction—

(a)may be varied or revoked by the Welsh Ministers;

(b)may be enforced, on the application of the Welsh Ministers, by a mandatory order obtained in accordance with section 31 of the Senior Courts Act 1981..]

Valid from 10/02/2012


Valid from 01/09/2021

17Treialu hawliau plentyn i apelio neu i wneud hawliadLL+C

(1)Caiff Gweinidogion Cymru drwy reoliadau ddarparu ar gyfer treialu darpariaethau Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56) a Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd [F9Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 (p.15)] fel y'u diwygir gan y Rhan hon am gyfnod a bennir yn y rheoliadau o hyd at 40 o fisoedd (“y cyfnod treialu”).

(2)Caiff rheoliadau o dan is-adran (1) ddarparu (ymhlith eraill)—

(a)mai dim ond i blant y mae awdurdodau lleol penodedig yn gyfrifol amdanynt y mae hawliau plentyn a roddir gan ddiwygiadau a wneir i Ddeddf Addysg 1996 gan y Rhan hon yn gymwys;

(b)mai dim ond i awdurdodau lleol penodedig y mae unrhyw ddyletswydd a osodir ar awdurdod lleol gan ddiwygiadau a wneir i Ddeddf Addysg 1996 gan y Rhan hon yn gymwys;

(c)mai dim ond i gorff sy'n gyfrifol am ysgol mewn ardaloedd penodedig y mae hawliau person a roddir gan ddiwygiadau a wneir i [F10Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] gan y Rhan hon yn gymwys;

(d)mai dim ond i awdurdodau lleol penodedig y mae unrhyw ddyletswydd a osodir ar awdurdod lleol gan ddiwygiadau a wneir i [F11Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] gan y Rhan hon yn gymwys;

(e)bod adroddiadau neu wybodaeth arall ar weithredu darpariaethau a dreialwyd yn cael eu darparu neu ei darparu ar gyfer Gweinidogion Cymru gan Dribiwnlys Cymru, awdurdodau lleol a bennir o dan baragraffau (a), (b) neu (d) neu gyrff sy'n gyfrifol am ysgolion mewn ardaloedd a bennir o dan baragraff (c).

(3)Rhaid i Weinidogion Cymru—

(a)cyhoeddi adroddiad ynghylch sut y rhoddwyd y darpariaethau a dreialwyd ar waith a pha mor effeithiol oeddynt o ran hyrwyddo llesiant plant, a

(b)gosod copi o'r adroddiad gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.

(4)Caniateir i adroddiad o dan is-adran (3) gael ei osod gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru cyn diwedd y cyfnod treialu; ond ni chaniateir iddo gael ei osod ar ddyddiad lai na 12 mis ar ôl dechrau'r cyfnod treialu.

(5)Rhaid i adroddiad o dan is-adran (3) gael ei osod gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru heb fod yn hwyrach na 30 o fisoedd ar ôl i reoliadau o dan yr adran hon ddod i rym.

Valid from 01/09/2021

18Pŵer i wneud darpariaeth ynghylch apelau a hawliadau gan blentynLL+C

(1)Caiff Gweinidogion Cymru drwy orchymyn wneud darpariaeth ynghylch—

(a)hawliau plentyn i apelio i Dribiwnlys Cymru mewn cysylltiad â materion y mae gan riant hawl i apelio mewn perthynas â hwy o dan Ran 4 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996;

(b)hawl person i wneud hawliad i Dribiwnlys Cymru mewn cysylltiad â materion y mae gan riant i'r person hwnnw hawl i wneud hawliad mewn perthynas â hwy o dan [F12baragraff 3 o Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] ;

(c)unrhyw fater sy'n gysylltiedig â'r cyfryw hawliau;

(d)darparu cyngor a gwybodaeth i blant ynghylch materion sy'n ymwneud ag anghenion addysgol arbennig;

(e)darparu cyngor a gwybodaeth i blant anabl ynghylch materion sy'n ymwneud â gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd mewn ysgolion;

(f)gwasanaethau eirioli ynghylch anghenion addysgol arbennig neu wahaniaethu ar sail anabledd mewn ysgolion;

(g)trefniadau gyda'r bwriad o osgoi neu ddatrys anghytundebau rhwng—

(i)[F13awdurdod lleol] (ar y naill law) a phlentyn (ar y llaw arall) ynghylch arfer gan awdurdodau swyddogaethau o dan Ran 4 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996;

(ii)perchennog ysgol berthnasol (ar y naill law) a phlentyn (ar y llaw arall) ynghylch darpariaeth addysgol arbennig (o fewn ystyr “special educational provision” yn adran 312(4) o Ddeddf Addysg 1996);

(iii)corff sy'n gyfrifol am ysgol (ar y naill law) a phlentyn anabl (ar y llaw arall) ynghylch gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd.

(2)Mae'r pŵer i wneud gorchymyn o dan is-adran (1) yn cynnwys pŵer—

(a)i ychwanegu, i ddileu neu i addasu hawliau;

(b)i ddiwygio neu ddiddymu un neu fwy o ddarpariaethau Rhan 4 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996;

(c)i ddiwygio neu ddiddymu un neu fwy o ddarpariaethau [F14Pennod 1 o Ran 6 o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 ac Atodlen 17 i'r Ddeddf honno] ;

(d)i wneud diwygiadau canlyniadol a diddymiadau i ddarpariaethau yn y Deddfau hynny.

(3)Ni chaniateir arfer y pŵer i wneud gorchymyn o dan yr adran hon—

(a)cyn i adroddiad gael ei osod gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 17(3), neu

(b)ar ôl cyfnod o 24 o fisoedd yn cychwyn ar ddiwrnod olaf y cyfnod treialu a bennir mewn rheoliadau o dan adran 17(1).

Valid from 01/09/2021

19Dehongli adrannau 17 ac 18LL+C

(1)Yn adrannau 17 ac 18—

  • ystyr “awdurdodau lleol” (“local authorities”) yw [F15awdurdodau lleol] yng Nghymru;

  • ystyr “perchennog” (“proprietor”) mewn perthynas ag ysgol yw'r person neu'r corff o bersonau sy'n gyfrifol am reoli'r ysgol (a'i ystyr felly mewn perthynas ag ysgol gymunedol, sefydledig neu wirfoddol neu ysgol arbennig gymunedol neu sefydledig, neu ysgol feithrin a gynhelir, yw'r corff llywodraethu);

  • mae “plentyn” (“child”) yn cynnwys unrhyw berson nad yw eto'n 19 oed ac sy'n ddisgybl cofrestredig mewn ysgol;

  • mae i “plentyn anabl” (“disabled child”) yr ystyr sydd i “disabled child” [F16ym mharagraff 6A o Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] ;

  • mae i “rhiant” (“parent”) yr ystyr a roddir i “parent” yn adran 576 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996;

  • ystyr “Tribiwnlys Cymru” (“Welsh Tribunal”) yw Tribiwnlys Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig Cymru;

  • ystyr “ysgol berthnasol” (“relevant school”) yw—


    ysgol a gynhelir neu ysgol feithrin a gynhelir,


    uned cyfeirio disgyblion,


    ysgol annibynnol a enwir yn y datganiad a gedwir ar gyfer y plentyn o dan adran 324 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996, neu


    ysgol a gymeradwyir o dan adran 342 o Ddeddf Addysg 1996;

  • ystyr “ysgol a gynhelir” (“maintained school”) yw unrhyw ysgol gymunedol, sefydledig neu wirfoddol neu unrhyw ysgol arbennig gymunedol neu sefydledig nas sefydlwyd mewn ysbyty;

  • ystyr “ysgol feithrin a gynhelir” (“maintained nursery school”) yw ysgol feithrin a gynhelir gan [F13awdurdod lleol] ac nad yw'n ysgol arbennig.

(2)At ddibenion adran 17(2)(c) ac 18(1)(g)(iii), penderfynir ar y corff sy'n gyfrifol am ysgol yn unol [F17ag adran 85(9) o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010] .

(3)Mae awdurdod lleol yn gyfrifol am blentyn at ddibenion adran 17(2)(a) os yw'r plentyn yn ei ardal—

(a)a bod y plentyn yn ddisgybl cofrestredig mewn ysgol a gynhelir neu ysgol feithrin a gynhelir,

(b)a bod addysg yn cael ei darparu ar gyfer y plentyn mewn ysgol nad yw'n ysgol a gynhelir neu'n ysgol feithrin a gynhelir, ond ei bod yn cael ei darparu felly ar gost yr awdurdod,

(c)ac nad yw'r plentyn yn dod o fewn (a) neu (b), ond bod y plentyn yn ddisgybl cofrestredig mewn ysgol a'i fod wedi ei ddwyn i sylw'r awdurdod am fod ganddo (neu am ei bod yn debygol bod ganddo) anghenion addysgol arbennig, neu

(d)ac nad yw'r plentyn yn ddisgybl cofrestredig mewn ysgol, ond nad yw o dan ddwyflwydd oed neu dros oedran ysgol gorfodol a'i fod wedi ei ddwyn i sylw'r awdurdod am fod ganddo (neu am ei bod yn debygol bod ganddo) anghenion addysgol arbennig.

Diddymu ac ailddeddfu Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd 1995 yn y dyfodolLL+C

20Pwerau mewn perthynas â diddymu ac ailddeddfu Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd 1995LL+C

(1)Mae'r adran hon yn gymwys os diddymir ac ail-ddeddfir, gan Ddeddf Seneddol, Ran 4 o Ddeddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd 1995 (wedi neu heb ei haddasu).

(2)Yn is-adran (1) mae'r ymadrodd “diddymir ac ail-ddeddfir” yn cynnwys diddymu ac ailddeddfu cyn cychwyn y diddymiad ac ailddeddfiad.

(3)Caiff Gweinidogion Cymru, drwy orchymyn—

(a)gwneud darpariaeth sy'n cyfateb i ddarpariaeth a wneir gan adrannau 9 i 16 o'r Mesur hwn, a

(b)gwneud y cyfryw ddarpariaeth arall ag y byddant o'r farn ei bod yn briodol iddynt ei gwneud yn sgil unrhyw ddarpariaeth a wneir o dan baragraff (a).

(4)Mae'r pŵer a roddir gan is-adran (3) yn cynnwys pŵer i ddiwygio neu ddiddymu unrhyw ddeddfiad (pa bryd bynnag y caiff ei basio neu ei wneud), gan gynnwys unrhyw ddarpariaeth yn y Mesur hwn.

(5)Yn yr adran hon mae “deddfiad” yn cynnwys deddfiad a geir mewn is-ddeddfwriaeth, o fewn ystyr Deddf Ddehongli 1978 (p.30).

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I13A. 20 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

I14A. 20 mewn grym ar 11.6.2011 gan O.S. 2011/1468, ergl. 2


Valid from 01/09/2011

Diwygiadau i Ran 7 o Ddeddf Addysg 2002LL+C

21Y cyfnod sylfaenLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Addysg 2002 (p. 32) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Yn adran 97 (dehongli Rhan 7)—

(a)yn y diffiniad o “assessment arrangements”, yn lle “stage”, bob tro y'i ceir, rhodder “phase”;

(b)yn y diffiniad o “desirable outcomes”, yn lle “foundation stage” rhodder “foundation phase”;

(c)yn y diffiniad o “the foundation stage”, yn lle “stage” rhodder “phase”.

(3)Yn adrannau 102 (gan gynnwys y pennawd), yn lle “foundation stage”, bob tro y ceir y geiriau hynny, rhodder “foundation phase”.

(4)Yn adran 103, hepgorer is-adran (1)(a).

(5)Yn adran 104 (gan gynnwys y pennawd), yn lle “foundation stage”, bob tro y ceir y geiriau hynny, rhodder “foundation phase”.

(6)Yn adran 105 (gan gynnwys yn y pennawd), hepgorer y gair “first,” bob tro y'i ceir.

(7)Yn adran 108—

(a)yn lle “foundation stage”, bob tro y ceir y geiriau hynny, rhodder “foundation phase”;

(b)yn is-adran (3), hepgorer y gair “first,”.

(8)Yn adran 110 yn lle “foundation stage”, bob tro y ceir y geiriau hynny, rhodder “foundation phase”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I15A. 21 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Valid from 01/09/2011

Diwygiadau i Ddeddf Dysgu a Medrau 2000LL+C

22Hawliau mewn perthynas â'r cwricwlwm lleol ar gyfer myfyrwyr 16 i 18 oedLL+C

(1)Diwygir Deddf Dysgu a Medrau 2000 (p.21) yn unol â'r adran hon.

(2)Yn adran 33F(1)(a), yn lle “ceases to be” rhodder “was not at the beginning of the entitlement period, or subsequently ceases to be,”.

(3)Yn lle'r diffiniad o “academic year” yn adran 33N(1) rhodder y canlynol—

  • “academic year” means the period beginning on the fourth Monday of September in any year and ending on the first day of September in the following year;.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I16A. 22 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)


Valid from 10/02/2012

23Mân ddiwygiadau a diwygiadau canlyniadolLL+C

Mae'r Atodlen yn cynnwys mân ddiwygiadau a diwygiadau canlyniadol.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I17A. 23 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

24Gorchmynion a rheoliadauLL+C

(1)Mae unrhyw bŵer sy'n perthyn i Weinidogion Cymru i wneud gorchymyn neu reoliadau o dan y Mesur hwn yn arferadwy drwy offeryn statudol.

(2)Mae unrhyw bŵer sy'n perthyn i Weinidogion Cymru i wneud gorchymyn neu reoliadau o dan y Mesur hwn yn cynnwys pŵer—

(a)i wneud darpariaeth wahanol ar gyfer achosion neu ardaloedd gwahanol;

(b)i wneud darpariaeth yn gyffredinol neu mewn perthynas ag achosion penodol;

(c)i wneud y cyfryw ddarpariaeth gysylltiedig, atodol, darfodol, trosiannol neu arbed ag y gwêl Gweinidogion Cymru'n dda ei gwneud.

(3)Mae unrhyw offeryn statudol sy'n cynnwys rheoliadau a wneir o dan adran 17(1) yn ddarostyngedig i'w ddiddymu yn unol â phenderfyniad gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.

(4)Ni chaniateir gwneud offeryn statudol yn cynnwys gorchymyn o dan adran 18 neu 20 onid oes drafft o'r offeryn wedi ei osod gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru a'i gymeradwyo ganddo drwy benderfyniad.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I18A. 24 mewn grym ar 9.2.2010, gweler a. 26(1)

25Gorchmynion o dan adran 18: y weithdrefnLL+C

(1)Cyn gwneud gorchymyn o dan adran 18 rhaid i Weinidogion Cymru—

(a)ymgynghori â'r personau hynny sydd yn eu barn hwy'n gynrychioliadol o fuddiannau yr effeithir arnynt gan eu cynigion;

(b)rhoi sylw i ganfyddiadau eu hadroddiad o dan adran 17(3).

(2)Os bydd Gweinidogion Cymru, ar ôl ymgynghori o dan is-adran (1), yn arfaethu gwneud gorchymyn o dan adran 18, rhaid iddynt osod gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru ddogfen yn cynnwys—

(a)esboniad o'r cynigion,

(b)drafft o'r gorchymyn arfaethedig, ac

(c)manylion yr ymgynghoriad o dan is-adran (1)(a).

(3)Os gosodir dogfen gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan is-adran (2), rhaid i ddrafft o orchymyn o dan adran 18 i roi effaith i'r cynigion (wedi neu heb eu haddasu) beidio â chael ei osod gerbron y Cynulliad hyd oni fydd cyfnod o drigain o ddiwrnodau yn dechrau ar y diwrnod y gosodwyd y ddogfen wedi dod i ben.

(4)Wrth gyfrifo'r cyfnod a grybwyllir yn is-adran (3) nid yw unrhyw amser pan fo Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru wedi ei ddiddymu neu pan fo'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol mewn cyfnod o doriad o fwy na phedwar diwrnod i'w gyfrif.

(5)Wrth baratoi gorchymyn drafft o dan adran 18 rhaid i Weinidogion Cymru ystyried unrhyw gynrychioliadau a wnaed yn ystod y cyfnod a grybwyllir yn is-adran (3).

(6)Rhaid i ddatganiad gan Weinidogion Cymru fynd gyda gorchymyn drafft a osodir gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru'n unol ag adran 24(4) a rhaid i'r datganiad roi manylion ynghylch—

(a)unrhyw gynrychioliadau y rhoddwyd ystyriaeth iddynt yn unol ag is-adran (5), a

(b)unrhyw newidiadau a wnaed i'r cynigion a gaiff eu cynnwys yn y ddogfen a osodir gerbron Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan is-adran (2).

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I19A. 25 mewn grym ar 9.2.2010, gweler a. 26(1)


(1)Daw'r darpariaethau a ganlyn i rym ar ddiwedd cyfnod o ddeufis yn cychwyn ar y diwrnod y cymeradwyir y Mesur hwn gan Ei Mawrhydi yn y Cyngor—

  • adran 24,

  • adran 25,

  • yr adran hon,

  • adran 27.

(2)Daw paragraffau 10 i 12 o'r Atodlen i rym ar y diwrnod pan gymeradwyir y Mesur hwn gan Ei Mawrhydi yn Ei Chyngor.

(3)Daw gweddill darpariaethau'r Mesur hwn i rym yn unol â darpariaeth a wneir gan Weinidogion Cymru drwy orchymyn.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I20A. 26 mewn grym ar 9.2.2010, gweler a. 26(1)

27Enw byrLL+C

Enw'r Mesur hwn yw Mesur Addysg (Cymru) 2009.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I21A. 27 mewn grym ar 9.2.2010, gweler a. 26(1)

(a gyflwynir gan adran 23)


Deddf Addysg 1996 (p. 56)LL+C

1Diwygier Deddf Addysg 1996 fel a ganlyn.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I22Atod. para. 1 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

I23Atod. para. 1 mewn grym ar 10.2.2012 gan O.S. 2012/320, ergl. 2(j)

2Yn adran 326(4) (apêl yn erbyn cynnwys datganiad)—

(a)ym mharagraff (b), hepgorer yr atalnod llawn ac ar ôl “school” mewnosoder “, or”;

(b)ar ôl paragraff (b) mewnosoder—

(c)in the case of proceedings relating to a statement maintained by a local education authority in Wales only, the child has proposed the school in the proceedings (whether or not the parent, the local education authority or both have also proposed the school)..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I24Atod. para. 2 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

3Yn adran 326A (apelau nas gwrthwynebir), yn is-adran (1)(a), yn lle “the parent of a child has appealed to the Tribunal under section 325, 328, 329 or 329A or paragraph 8(3) of Schedule 27 against a decision of a local education authority, and” rhodder—


(i)the parent of a child has appealed to the Tribunal under section 325, 328, 329 or 329A or paragraph 8(3) of Schedule 27 against a decision of a local education authority in England or Wales, or

(ii)the child has appealed to the Tribunal under section 325, 328, 329 or 329A or paragraph 8(3) of Schedule 27 against a decision of a local education authority in Wales, and.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I25Atod. para. 3 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

4Yn adran 333 (cyfansoddiad Tribiwnlys Cymru), yn is-adran (1ZB), yn lle “this section and sections 334 to 336ZB” rhodder “this Part”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I26Atod. para. 4 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

I27Atod. para. 4 mewn grym ar 10.2.2012 gan O.S. 2012/320, ergl. 2(j)

5Yn Atodlen 27 (gwneud a chadw datganiadau o dan adran 324)—

(a)ym mharagraff 8(1)(b)(iv), yn lle “the parent has appealed” rhodder “there is an appeal”;

(b)ym mharagraff 11(4), yn lle “the parent of the child appeals” rhodder “there is an appeal”;

(c)ym mharagraff 11(5)(a), yn lle “the parent of the child has appealed” rhodder “there has been an appeal”.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I28Atod. para. 5 ddim mewn grym ar Gymeradwyaeth Frenhinol, gweler a. 26(3)

Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd 1995 (p.50)LL+C

F186. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F187LL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F188LL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F189LL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deddf Addysg ac Arolygiadau 2006 (p.40)LL+C

10Diwygir adran 162 o Ddeddf Addysg ac Arolygiadau 2006 fel a ganlyn.

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I29Atod. para. 10 mewn grym ar 9.12.2009, gweler a. 26(2)

11LL+CYn lle is-adran (5A) rhodder—

(5A)The Welsh Ministers may by order—

(a)make such provision as appears to them to be appropriate for the purpose of—

(i)repealing any reference in a Measure of the National Assembly for Wales to a local education authority (however expressed), and

(ii)replacing it, where it appears to them to be appropriate, with a reference (however expressed) to a Welsh local authority;

(b)make such provision as appears to them to be appropriate in consequence of or in connection with any provision made by virtue of paragraph (a).

(5B)An order under subsection (5A) may make provision modifying any enactment whenever passed or made, and may, in particular, make provision of the kind specified in paragraphs (a) to (e) of subsection (2)..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I30Atod. para. 11 mewn grym ar 9.12.2009, gweler a. 26(2)

12LL+CAr ôl is-adran (6) mewnosoder—

(7)In interpreting paragraphs (a) to (e) of subsection (2) for the purposes of subsection (5B), “statutory provision” also includes any provision of a Measure of the National Assembly for Wales, including any Measure passed after the Education (Wales) Measure 2009..

Gwybodaeth Cychwyn

I31Atod. para. 12 mewn grym ar 9.12.2009, gweler a. 26(2)

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