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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1885 has returned 163 results.

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Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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Drainage and Improvement of Lands Supplemental (Ireland) (No. 2) Act 18851885 c. lxiiiUK Local Acts
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 18851885 c. lxiiUK Local Acts
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (Mallow and Midleton) Act 18851885 c. lxiUK Local Acts
Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation (Bandon, Ennis and New Ross) Act 18851885 c. lxUK Local Acts
Local Government Board's (Gas) Provisional Orders Confirmation Act 18851885 c. lixUK Local Acts
Inclosure (Llanybyther) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 18851885 c. lviiiUK Local Acts
Commons Regulation (Drumburgh) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 18851885 c. lviiUK Local Acts
Commons Regulation (Ashdown Forest) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 18851885 c. lviUK Local Acts
Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 18851885 c. lvUK Local Acts
Isle of Axholme Railway Act 18851885 c. livUK Local Acts
Southport and Cheshire Lines Extension Railway Act 18851885 c. liiiUK Local Acts
Ward's City of London School for Girls Act 18851885 c. liiUK Local Acts
Liverpool Cathedral Act 18851885 c. liUK Local Acts
Woking Water and Gas Act 18851885 c. lUK Local Acts
London Riverside Fish Market Act 18851885 c. xlixUK Local Acts
Llangammarch and Neath and Brecon Junction Railway Act 18851885 c. xlviiiUK Local Acts
Barrington's Hospital Amendment Act 18851885 c. xlviiUK Local Acts
Lincoln Corporation Gas Purchase Act 18851885 c. xlviUK Local Acts
East London Railway Act 18851885 c. xlvUK Local Acts
Dore and Chinley Railway Act 18851885 c. xlivUK Local Acts

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