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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1894 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

Legislation by Year

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
London, Walthamstow and Epping Forest Railway Act 18941894 c. ccxviUK Local Acts
Ealing and South Harrow Railway Act 18941894 c. ccxvUK Local Acts
Drumcondra and North Dublin Link Railway Act 18941894 c. ccxivUK Local Acts
London Building Act 18941894 c. ccxiiiUK Local Acts
London County Council (General Powers) Act 18941894 c. ccxiiUK Local Acts
Birmingham, North Warwickshire and Stratford-upon-Avon Railway Act 18941894 c. ccxiUK Local Acts
Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Act 18941894 c. ccxUK Local Acts
Manchester Corporation Act 18941894 c. ccixUK Local Acts
Harrow and Stanmore Gas Act 18941894 c. ccviiiUK Local Acts
Furness Railway Act 18941894 c. ccviiUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 10 (Lagan, &c. Canals) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. ccviUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 6 (River Lee, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. ccvUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 4 (Birmingham Canal) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. ccivUK Local Acts
Canals Rates, Tolls and Charges, No. 11 (Grand Canal) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cciiiUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 9 (Canals of the Caledonian and North British Railway Companies) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cciiUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 8 (River Cam, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cciUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 7 (River Ancholme, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. ccUK Local Acts
Canal Tolls and Charges, No. 5 (Regent's Canal) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cxcixUK Local Acts
Canals Tolls and Charges, No. 3 (Aberdare, &c. Canals) Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cxcviiiUK Local Acts
Canal Rates, Tolls and Charges, No. 2 (Bridgewater, &c. Canals), Order Confirmation Act 18941894 c. cxcviiUK Local Acts

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