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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 2001 with a subject starting with S has returned 188 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Savings Banks

The National Savings Bank (Amendment) Regulations 20012001 No. 858UK Statutory Instruments

Sea Fish Industry

The Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme 2001 (revoked)2001 No. 3390UK Statutory Instruments

Sea Fisheries

The Sea Fish (Conservation) (Channel Islands) (Amendment) Order 20012001 No. 959UK Statutory Instruments

Sea Fisheries, England

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Structures (Grants) (England) Regulations 20012001 No. 1117UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme 2001 (revoked)2001 No. 3390UK Statutory Instruments
The Prohibition of Fishing with Multiple Trawls Order 20012001 No. 650UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Areas) (Regulation of Nets and Other Fishing Gear) Order 20012001 No. 649UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Quota and Third Country Fishing Measures) Order 20012001 No. 1631UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Satellite Monitoring Measures) Order 2000 Amendment Regulations 2001 (revoked)2001 No. 3912UK Statutory Instruments
The Shellfish (Specification of Crustaceans) Regulations 20012001 No. 1381UK Statutory Instruments
The Waddeton Fishery Order 20012001 No. 1380UK Statutory Instruments

Sea Fisheries, Northern Ireland

The Prohibition of Fishing with Multiple Trawls Order 20012001 No. 650UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Areas) (Regulation of Nets and Other Fishing Gear) Order 20012001 No. 649UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Quota and Third Country Fishing Measures) Order 20012001 No. 1631UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Satellite Monitoring Measures) Order 2000 Amendment Regulations 2001 (revoked)2001 No. 3912UK Statutory Instruments

Sea Fisheries, Wales

The Crab Claws (Prohibition of Landing) (Revocation) (Wales) Order 20012001 No. 2018 (W. 139)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Crafangau Crancod (Gwahardd eu Glanio) (Diddymu) (Cymru) 2001
The South Wales Sea Fisheries District (Variation) Order 20012001 No. 1338 (W. 84)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Ardal Pysgodfeydd Môr De Cymru (Amrywio) 2001
The Undersized Whiting (Revocation) (Wales) Order 20012001 No. 2019 (W. 140)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Gwyniaid Rhy Fach (Diddymu) (Cymru) 2001

Seed, Wales

The Seed Potatoes (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20012001 No. 3666 (W. 298)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Tatws Hadyd (Diwylgio) (Cymru) 2001

Seeds, England

The Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 20012001 No. 2598UK Statutory Instruments

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