Indication that products are covered by the inspection scheme
Administrative provisions and implementation
Article 13.The following may be adopted in accordance with the procedure...
Article 14.(1) The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.
Article 15.Before 1 July each year, Member States shall inform the...
Article 15 a.In respect of the measures set out in this Regulation,...
Article 16.(1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the day...
1.1. The principles laid down in Article 6(1)(a), (b) and (d)...
1.2. However, the inspection authority or body may decide, in agreement...
1.3. The inspection authority or body may, with the approval of...
1.4. In the case of parcels which have already been converted...
2.1. The fertility and the biological activity of the soil must...
2.2. Other organic or mineral fertilisers, mentioned in Annex II, may,...
2.4. Appropriate preparations of micro-organisms, not genetically modified in the meaning...
3. Pests, diseases and weeds shall be controlled by a combination...
4. The collection of edible plants and parts thereof, growing naturally...
5. For production of mushrooms, substrates may be used, if they...
5.1. farmyard manure and animal excrements (including the products referred to...
5.2. products of agricultural origin, other than those covered under point...
5.4. wood, not treated with chemical products after felling;
5.5. mineral products of Annex II, Part A to Regulation (EEC)...
1.1. Livestock production forms an integral part of many agricultural holdings...
1.2. Livestock production must contribute to the equilibrium of agricultural production...
1.3. By utilising renewable natural resources (livestock manure, legumes and fodder...
1.4. Organic stockfarming is a land-related activity. Except where authorised by...
1.5. In organic stockfarming, all livestock on one and the same...
1.6. However, livestock not reared in accordance with the provisions of...
1.7. By derogation from this principle, livestock not reared in accordance...
1.8. By way of a second derogation from this principle, animals...
3.2. Livestock must come from production units which comply with the...
3.5. This derogation, which must be authorised beforehand by the inspection...
3.6. By way of a third derogation, the renewal or reconstitution...
3.9. The percentages laid down in the above derogation shall not...
3.10. These percentages may be increased, up to 40 % following the...
3.11. By way of a fifth derogation, males for breeding may...
3.12. Where livestock comes from units not complying with the present...
3.13. Where livestock is obtained from units not complying with this...
3.14. The Commission will present a report by 31 December 2003 concerning...
4.1. Feed is intended to ensure quality production rather than maximising...
4.2. Livestock must be fed on organically produced feedingstuffs.
4.3. Furthermore, livestock must be reared in accordance with the rules...
4.5. The feeding of young mammals must be based on natural...
4.6. Where relevant, Member States shall designate areas or regions where...
4.7. Rearing systems for herbivores are to be based on maximum...
4.9. By derogation from paragraph 4.8. when forage production is lost...
4.11. Roughage, fresh or dried fodder, or silage must be added...
4.12. Only products listed in Annex II, Part D, sections 1.5 and 3.1 can...
4.13. Conventional feed materials of agricultural origin can be used for...
4.14. Feed materials from animal origin (whether conventional or organically produced)...
4.15. No later than 24 August 2003 , Part C, sections 1, 2, 3...
4.16. In order to satisfy nutritional requirements of livestock, only products...
4.17. Only products listed in Annex II, part D, sections 1.3...
4.18. Feedingstuffs, feed materials, compound feedingstuffs feed additives, processing aids for...
5. Disease prevention and veterinary treatment
5.1. Disease prevention in organic livestock production shall be based on...
5.2. The principles set out above, should limit animal-health problems so...
5.3. If, despite all of the above preventive measures, an animal...
5.4. The use of veterinary medicinal products in organic farming shall...
5.5. In addition to the above principles, the following rules shall...
5.6. Whenever veterinary medicinal products are to be used the type...
5.7. The withdrawal period between the last administration of an allopathic...
5.8. With the exception of vaccinations, treatments for parasites and any...
6. Husbandry management practices, transport and identification of livestock products
6.1.1. In principle, the reproduction of organically reared livestock should be...
6.1.2. Operations such as attaching elastic bands to the tails of...
6.1.3. Physical castration is allowed in order to maintain the quality...
6.1.4. Keeping livestock tethered is forbidden. Nevertheless, by derogation from this...
6.1.5. By derogation from the provisions laid down in paragraph 6.1.4,...
6.1.6. By a further derogation, cattle in small holdings can be...
6.1.7. Before 31 December 2006 , the Commission will present a report...
6.1.8. Where livestock are reared in groups, the size of the...
7.1. The total amount of manure, as defined in Directive 91/676/EEC...
7.2. To determine the appropriate density of livestock referred to above,...
7.3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and to the...
7.4. Organic-production holdings may establish cooperation exclusively with other holdings and...
7.5. Member States may establish lower limits than those specified in...
7.6. Storage facilities for livestock manure must be of a capacity...
7.7. To ensure sound fertiliser management, the capacity of such storage...
8. Free range areas and livestock housing
8.2. Stocking densities and the avoidance of over grazing
8.2.1. Housing for livestock will not be mandatory in areas with...
8.2.2. The stocking density in buildings shall provide for the comfort...
8.2.3. The minimum surface areas for indoor housing and outdoor exercise...
8.2.4. The outdoor stocking density of livestock kept on pasturage, other...
8.2.5. Housing, pens, equipment and utensils must be properly cleaned and...
8.3.1. Subject to the provisions in paragraph 5.3, all mammals must have...
8.3.2. In cases where herbivores have access to pasturage during the...
8.3.3. Notwithstanding the last sentence of paragraph 8.3.1, bulls over one...
8.3.4. By way of derogation from paragraph 8.3.1, the final fattening...
8.3.5. Livestock housing must have smooth, but not slippery floors. At...
8.3.6. The housing must be provided with a comfortable, clean and...
8.3.7. As regards the rearing of calves, from 24 August 2000 ,...
8.3.8. As regards the rearing of pigs, from 24 August 2000 ,...
5.2. The artificial feeding of colonies is authorised where the survival...
5.3. By way of a first derogation from paragraph 5.2, the competent...
5.4. By way of a second derogation, sugar syrup, sugar molasses...
5.5. The following information shall be entered in the register of...
5.6. Other products different from those indicated in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.4...
5.7. Artificial feeding may be carried out only between the last...
6. Disease prevention and veterinary treatments
6.1. Disease prevention in beekeeping shall be based on the following...
6.2. If despite all the above preventive measures, the colonies become...
6.3. The use of veterinary medicinal products in beekeeping which complies...
6.4. In addition to the above principles, veterinary treatments or treatments...
6.5. If a treatment is applied with chemically synthesised allopathic products,...
6.6. The requirements laid down in the previous paragraph do not...
6.7. Whenever veterinary medicinal products are to be used, the type...
7. Husbandry management practices and identification
7.2. Mutilation such as clipping the wings of queen bees is...
7.3. The replacement of the queen bees involving the killing of...
7.4. The practice of destroying the male brood is permitted only...
7.5. The use of chemical synthetic repellents is prohibited during honey...
7.6. The zone where the apiary is situated must be registered...
7.7. Particular care shall be taken to ensure adequate extraction, processing...
7.8. The removals of the supers and the honey extraction operations...
8. Characteristics of hives and materials used in beekeeping
8.1. The hives must be made basically of natural materials presenting...
8.2. With the exception of products mentioned in paragraph 6.3(e) in...
8.3. The beeswax for new foundations must come from organic production...
8.4. The use of combs, which contain broods, is prohibited for...
8.5. For the purposes of protecting materials (frames, hives and combs),...
8.6. Physical treatments such as stream or direct flame are permitted....
8.7. For cleaning and disinfecting materials, buildings, equipment, utensils or products...
1. Feed materials from plant origin
1.1. Cereals, grains, their products and by-products. Only the following substances...
1.2. Oil seeds, oil fruits, their products and by-products. Only the...
1.3. Legume seeds, their product and by-products. Only the following substances...
1.4. Tuber, roots, their products and by-products. Only the following substances...
1.5. Other seeds and fruits, their products and by-products. Only the...
1.6. Forages and roughages. Only the following substances are included in...
1.7. Other plants, their products and by-products. Only the following substances...
1.8. The following feed materials may be used until 30 June...
1.1. Trace elements. Only the following substances are included in this...
1.2. Vitamins, provitamins and chemically well defined substances having a similar...
1.3. Enzymes. Only the following substances are included in this category:...
1.4. Microorganisms. Only the following microorganisms are included in this category:...
1.5. Preservatives. Only the following substances are included in this category:...
1.6. Binders, anti-caking agents and coagulants. Only the following substances are...
1.7. Antioxidant substances. Only the following substances are included in this...
1.8. Silage additives. Only the following substances are included in this...
A. Production of plants, plant products, livestock and/or livestock products
B. Units for preparation of plant and livestock products and foodstuffs...
C. Imports of plants, plant products, livestock, livestock products and foodstuffs...
D. Units involved in the production, preparation or import of products...
E. Units preparing animal feedingstuffs, compound feedingstuffs and feed materials