- Latest available (Revised)
- Original (As adopted by EU)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 670/2009 of 24 July 2009 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards public intervention by invitation to tender for the purchase of durum wheat or paddy rice, and amending Regulations (EC) No 428/2008 and (EC) No 687/2008 (repealed)
When the UK left the EU, legislation.gov.uk published EU legislation that had been published by the EU up to IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.). On legislation.gov.uk, these items of legislation are kept up-to-date with any amendments made by the UK since then.
Legislation.gov.uk publishes the UK version. EUR-Lex publishes the EU version. The EU Exit Web Archive holds a snapshot of EUR-Lex’s version from IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.).
This is the original version as it was originally adopted in the EU.
This legislation may since have been updated - see the latest available (revised) version
1.This Regulation establishes, for the durum wheat and rice sectors, the detailed rules of application governing public intervention buying-in, as provided for in Article 13(3) and in Article 18(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
2.The buying-in referred to in paragraph 1 is carried out by the paying agencies or agencies approved by them, in accordance with Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) No 884/2006, hereinafter referred to as ‘intervention agencies’.
1.The intervention centres to be designated by the Commission, in accordance with Article 41 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, shall be subject to prior approval by the intervention agencies, pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation and the rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 884/2006, particularly with regard to responsibility and checks, in accordance with Article 2 of that Regulation.
2.Before an intervention centre can be approved, the intervention agencies shall ensure that the storage premises at that centre meet at least the following standards:
(a)a storage capacity of at least 20 000 tonnes for durum wheat or 10 000 tonnes for rice, for all storage premises at that centre;
(b)a minimum stock exit capacity to allow, for each storage site, the removal of at least 5 % of the storage capacity per working day, or 1 000 tonnes for durum wheat and 500 tonnes for rice.
3.The information relating to the list of intervention centres and their storage premises, designated by the Commission in accordance with Article 41 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, shall be amended and made available to Member States and the public in accordance with Articles 23 and 24 of this Regulation.
1.By means of a notice of call for tender, the intervention agencies shall purchase durum wheat or paddy rice following the opening of the tender by means of a Regulation adopted by the Commission, hereinafter referred to as ‘Regulation opening the tendering procedure’, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
2.The Regulation opening the tendering procedure shall state, in particular:
(a)the name of the product, with its CN code;
(b)the dates of the tenders;
(c)the deadline (date and time) for the submission of bids;
(d)the closing date of the tendering period;
(e)the Member State(s) or region(s) concerned, in the event of the second subparagraph of Article 18(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 applying.
3.With regard to paddy rice, the tender may be restricted to one or several types of rice as defined in Annex III, Part I, I.2 to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (‘round grain rice’, ‘medium grain rice’, ‘long grain rice A’ or ‘long grain rice B’).
4.A period of at least six days must separate the date of entry into force of the Regulation opening the tendering procedure and the scheduled deadline for the first submission of bids.
5.The call for tender published by the intervention agency shall stipulate in particular the minimum quantities to which bids must refer. These quantities shall be at least 10 tonnes for durum wheat and 20 tonnes for rice.
However, if the conditions and practices of the wholesale trade or environmental regulations in force in a Member State justify the application of minimum quantities larger than those laid down in the first subparagraph above, these quantities shall be laid down in the call for tender by the relevant intervention agency.
6.The obligations resulting from the tendering procedure shall not be transferable.
1.The purchases referred to in Article 3 shall take place on the basis of bids submitted by operators to intervention agencies in the Member States, with bids being submitted in writing or electronically, with acknowledgement of receipt.
2.In order for a bid to be admissible by the intervention agency, it must include the following:
(a)a form supplied by the Member States, based on a harmonised model produced by the Commission and meeting the conditions laid down in Article 24, including, at least, the following information:
the name of the bidder; its address and VAT registration number in the Member State in which it performs its main activity, or its farm registry number;
the product offered, indicating, in the case of rice, the type and variety;
the place where the product is stored at the time that the bid is submitted;
the storage facilities at the intervention centre for which the bid is made at the lowest price;
the quantity offered, the year in which the product offered was harvested, an indication of its Community origin and the Community area of production;
the price proposed per tonne for merchandise corresponding to the minimum quality for durum wheat or the standard quality for rice, sent to the storage facility at the designated intervention centre, and not unloaded, and expressed in EUR to a maximum of two decimal points. This price shall not exceed the reference price referred to in Article 8(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 in respect of durum wheat or the reference price referred to in Article 8(b) of the same Regulation in the case of paddy rice;
for rice, the pesticide treatments carried out after harvest, specifying the doses used;
the main characteristics of the product offered;
(b)the following documents are to be enclosed:
evidence that the bidder has lodged a security of EUR 30 per tonne for durum wheat or EUR 50 per tonne for paddy rice, prior to the deadline for submission of bids; this security may be lodged in the Member State where the bidder conducts its main activity if it submits a bid in another Member State;
a declaration from the bidder confirming that the quantities offered are situated in the storage facilities referred to in point (a)(iii) of this paragraph;
a declaration from the bidder to the effect that the bid relates to a homogenous batch, and that, with regard to rice, this batch consists of paddy rice of the same variety and that the minimum quantities are those laid down in the call for tender published by the intervention agency.
3.The intervention agency shall register the bids received, the date on which they were received and the quantities concerned.
4.Bids shall be firm and definitive.
1.Intervention agencies shall verify the admissibility of bids on the basis of the requirements specified in Article 4(2).
If the bid is not admissible, the operator concerned shall be notified thereof immediately by the intervention agency.
2.The compliance of the documents referred to in Article 4(2)(b)(ii) and (iii) may be verified once the admissibility of bids has been established by the intervention agency, if necessary with the assistance of the intervention agency responsible for the storage facility designated by the bidder, in accordance with Article 22(3).
In the event of one or another of the documents referred to in the first subparagraph above not complying, the bid shall be cancelled and Article 9(2) shall apply.
1.By 14.00 (Brussels time) on the day after the deadline for submission of bids at the latest, the intervention agency shall notify the Commission of the admissible bids, subject to the conditions laid down in Article 24. The tenderers shall not be identified.
If no admissible tenders are received, the Member State shall notify the Commission thereof within the same time limit.
2.Admissible bids which have not been communicated to the Commission shall be excluded from the tender.
On the basis of the bids communicated in accordance with Article 6(1) of this Regulation, the Commission shall decide either not to proceed with bids received or establish the maximum buying-in price, in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
1.Once a maximum buying-in price has been established by the Commission, in accordance with Article 7, the intervention agencies shall accept admissible bids equal to or below the maximum amount. All other bids shall be rejected.
2.If no maximum buying-in price has been established, all bids shall be rejected.
3.Intervention agencies, either following publication of the regulation or notification of the decision establishing the maximum buying-in price referred to in Article 7, or specifying that bids have not been successful, shall take the decisions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
4.Each tenderer shall be informed by the relevant agency of the result of the tender bid by no later than the working day following the publication or notification referred to in paragraph 3.
1.The actual presence of products in the storage facility designated by the bidder in accordance with Article 4(2)(a)(iii), the presentation of a homogeneous batch, the continuation of the bid communicated to the Commission and the take-over of the product by the relevant agency shall be the main requirements within the meaning of Article 20(2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85(1).
2.If the main requirements referred to in paragraph 1 above are not complied with, the security shall be forfeit save in cases of force majeure, and shall be entered as assigned revenue in accordance with Article 12 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/2006(2).
3.For the purposes of applying this Article, intervention agencies shall carry out checks on the quantities present in the places of storage by applying mutatis mutandis the rules and conditions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 884/2006 as regards checks on the physical presence of products stored under public storage operations, and more specifically those provided for under point B.III of Annex I to that Regulation. These checks shall be carried out on at least 5 % of the bids and 5 % of the quantities offered, on the basis of a risk analysis.
4.The security shall be released from the time that the decision referred to in Article 8(3) is published, if the bid is rejected.
5.With regard to bids selected, the security shall be released within five working days following the date on which the take-over record referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 18(1) is drawn up.
1.The date or dates for delivery to the storage centre at the approved intervention centre designated by the bidder shall be established by the intervention agency and notified to the bidder as soon as possible.
However, if products cannot be delivered to the storage facility at the intervention centre designated by the bidder, the intervention agency shall designate storage facilities at another approved intervention centre, or storage facilities at another intervention centre, to which delivery must place, at the lowest cost, and shall set the delivery date or dates.
2.All products shall be delivered to the storage centre at the approved intervention centre by no later than the end of the third month following the month in which the bid was received, and no later than 30 June for durum wheat or 31 August for paddy rice.
3.The representative of the intervention agency shall take the goods over in the presence of the bidder or his duly authorised agent.
4.The quantity delivered must be weighed in the presence of the bidder or his duly authorised agent and a representative of the intervention agency who must be independent vis-à-vis the bidder.
However, the representative of the intervention agency may also be the storekeeper. In that case:
(a)within 30 days of take-over, the intervention agency shall itself conduct an inspection involving at least a volumetric check; any difference between the quantity determined by weighing and the quantity estimated in accordance with the volumetric method must not exceed 5 %;
(b)where the tolerance is not exceeded, the storekeeper shall bear all costs relating to any quantities missing, at a later weight check, compared to the weight entered in the accounts on take-over;
(c)where the tolerance is exceeded, weighing shall take place forthwith. The cost of weighing shall be borne by the storekeeper if the weight determined is less than that recorded, or by the Member State if it is more.
1.The cost of transporting merchandise to the storage facility at the intervention centre designated by the bidder as cheaply as possible, in accordance with Article 4(2)(a)(iv), shall be met by the bidder, where the distance involved is equal to or less than 100 km. Transport costs over 100 km shall be borne by the intervention agency.
2.If the storage facility at the intervention centre designated by the bidder is changed by the intervention agency in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 10(1), the additional transport costs (except for the first 20 km) shall be met by the intervention agency. However, transport costs over 100 km shall be borne by the intervention agency in their entirety.
3.The costs to be met by the intervention agency, referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be reimbursed by the Commission, on a non-flat rate basis, in accordance with Article 4(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 884/2006.
1.In order to be accepted for intervention, the durum wheat must be of sound and fair merchantable quality.
2.Durum wheat must be considered unimpaired in order to be deemed of sound and fair merchantable quality. To this end, it must meet the quality criteria examined according to the characteristics set out in Annex I, Part A and the minimum quality criteria for durum wheat set out in Annex I, Part B.
1.The quality characteristics shall be established on the basis of a representative sample of each batch of durum wheat offered, consisting of samples taken at the rate of once every delivery for at least every 60 tonnes.
2.The intervention agency shall see that the characteristics of the samples taken are analysed under its responsibility within 20 working days of the representative sample being made up.
3.The standard methods to be used to determine the quality of durum wheat offered for intervention are set out in Annex II as follows:
Part A: Standard method for determining matter other than basic cereals of unimpaired quality,
Part B: Standard method for determining the moisture content of durum wheat,
Part C: Standard method for determining the rate of loss of vitreous aspect of durum wheat,
Part D: Other methods applicable to determining the quality of durum wheat.
4.Member States shall check levels of contaminants, including radioactivity, on the basis of a risk analysis, taking account in particular of the information supplied by the bidder and the commitments of the latter regarding compliance with the standards set, especially in the light of the results of the analyses. If necessary, the rate and scope of the controls shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, particularly where the market situation may be seriously disrupted by contaminants.
5.The bidder shall bear the costs relating to:
(a)analyses of contaminants;
(b)the amylasic activity (Hagberg) test;
(c)the determination of the protein content;
(d)the withdrawal of the products if the tests have shown that the durum wheat offered does not meet the minimum quality required for intervention.
6.The test results shall be notified to the bidder in the take-over record provided for in Article 18.
7.In cases of dispute, the intervention agency shall have the necessary tests on the products in question carried out again, the cost being met by the losing party.
8.In the event that tests or inspections do not allow the durum wheat offered to be accepted for intervention, the bidder may replace the batch concerned, no later than 20 working days afterwards, without prejudice to the deadline for delivery set out in Article 10(2). By way of derogation from Article 11, the transport costs involved in this replacement shall be borne solely by the bidder.
1.The durum wheat offered shall be taken over by the intervention agency when the quantity and compliance with the conditions, as set out in Article 12, have been established by its representative for the entire batch in respect of the goods delivered to the intervention store, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.
2.The take-over must take place within 60 days of the last delivery as set out in Article 10(2), but no later than 31 July.
However, if the provisions of Article 13(8) apply, the take-over must take place no later than 31 August.
1.In order to be accepted for intervention, the paddy rice must be of sound and fair merchantable quality.
2.Paddy rice shall be considered of sound and fair merchantable quality if:
(a)it meets the criteria set out in Annex III, Part A, with regard to the base milling yield of the rice, and in Annex III, Part B, with regard to the maximum percentage of defects permissible;
(b)its moisture content does not exceed 14,5 %;
(c)it is free of odour and does not contain live insects;
(d)the level of radioactivity does not exceed the maximum levels permitted by Community legislation.
1.With a view to verifying the requisite quality requirements under Article 15 for accepting the rice for intervention, samples shall be taken by the intervention agency in the presence of the bidder or his/her duly authorised representative.
Three representative samples, each weighing a minimum of one kilogram, shall be collected. One each shall go to:
(a)the bidder;
(b)the store where the take-over is to take place;
(c)the intervention agency.
To make up the representative samples, the number of samples to be taken shall be obtained by dividing the quantity of the batch on offer by 10 tonnes. Each sample shall weigh the same. The representative samples shall be made up of the sum of the individual samples, divided by three.
The requisite quality requirements shall be verified using the representative sample intended for the store where take-over is to take place.
2.Representative samples shall be made up for each part-delivery (lorry, barge, railway wagon), under the conditions set out in paragraph 1.
Before its entry into the intervention store the examination of each part-delivery may be restricted to a check of the moisture content and impurity level and verification that no live insects are present. However, if it later becomes apparent when the check is finalised that a part-delivery does not satisfy the minimum quality requirements, the batch shall be refused for take-over. The entire batch must be withdrawn. The bidder shall bear the costs of this operation.
If the intervention agency in a Member State is able to check all the minimum quality requirements for each part-delivery before it enters the store, it shall refuse take-over of any part-delivery that fails to satisfy these requirements.
3.The rice shall be monitored for radioactive contamination only if the situation so requires and during the necessary period. Where necessary, the duration and scope of checks shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
4.The test results shall be notified to the bidder in the take-over record provided for in Article 18.
5.In cases of dispute, the intervention agency shall have the necessary tests on the products in question carried out again, the cost being met by the losing party.
The new test shall be carried out by a laboratory approved by the intervention agency on the basis of a new representative sample composed of equal parts of representative samples kept by the bidder and the intervention agency. In the event of part-deliveries of the batch offered, the result shall be obtained from the weighted average of the findings of the analyses of the new representative samples of each part-delivery.
6.In the event where the tests do not allow the paddy rice offered to be accepted for intervention, the bidder may replace the batch concerned, no later than 20 working days afterwards, without prejudice to the deadline for delivery set out in Article 10(2). By way of derogation from Article 11, the transport costs inherent in this replacement shall be borne solely by the bidder.
1.The rice offered shall be taken over by the intervention agency where the minimum quantity and characteristics laid down in Articles 3 and 15 have been established by its agent for the goods delivered to the intervention store, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16.
2.The take-over must take place within 60 days of the last delivery as set out in Article 10(2), but no later than 30 September.
However, if the provisions of Article 16(6) apply, the take-over must take place no later than 31 October.
1.A take-over record shall be drawn up for each offer, by the intervention agency responsible for the approval of the storage premises for which the lowest bid was submitted. The bidder or his/her representative may be present when the record is being drawn up.
It shall indicate at least:
(a)the number of samples taken to make up the representative sample;
(b)the date(s) on which the quantity and characteristics of the batch were checked;
(c)the weight delivered and the variety of the rice;
(d)the characteristics of the batch as indicated by the tests;
(e)the body responsible for the tests.
This record is signed and dated by the intervention agency and the storekeeper.
2.The take-over record may be drawn up once 95 % of the quantity offered is taken over.
1.The price payable to the bidder shall be the bid price referred to in Article 4(2)(a)(vi) of this Regulation, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11 and any price increases or reductions referred to in Annex IV, for durum wheat and in Annex V, for paddy rice, or set in accordance with Article 18(4)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
2.Payment shall be made no later than 35 days following the date of take-over, as set out in Articles 14 and 17, where applicable.
Where Article 13(7) applies with regard to durum wheat, or where Article 16(5) applies with regard to paddy rice, payment shall be made as soon as possible after the results of the last test are notified to the bidder.
Where bidders must submit an invoice before they can be paid and where this invoice is not submitted within the time limit laid down in the first subparagraph, payment shall be made within five working days of the actual submission of the invoice.
1.Without prejudice to the checks required by this Regulation for the take-over of goods, the checks of the intervention stocks shall be carried out under the conditions set out in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 884/2006.
2.Where the checks are to be carried out on the basis of the risk analysis referred to in Article 13(4) of this Regulation, the Member State shall be liable for the financial consequences of any failure to comply with the maximum admissible contaminant level in accordance with the rules set out in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 884/2006.
However, in the case of ochratoxin A and aflatoxin, if the Member State concerned is able to prove to the Commission’s satisfaction that the standards were met on entry, that normal storage conditions were observed and that the storekeeper’s other commitments were respected, the financial liability shall be borne by the Community budget.
3.Where the storage premises designated in accordance with Article 4(2)(a)(iii) is in a Member State other than that where the offer is made, and the intervention agency that received the offer decides to make an on-site check to verify the actual presence of the products, this agency shall send a request for a check and a copy of the offer to the intervention agency responsible for those storage premises. The on-site check shall be carried out within the period set by the intervention agency that received the offer.
The intervention agencies shall, where necessary, adopt additional procedures and conditions for take-overs, compatible with the provisions of this Regulation, to take account of any special conditions existing in the Member State in question.
1.Subject to the conditions set out in Article 24, by no later than 14.00 (Brussels time) each Wednesday, each Member State must communicate the following for the previous week by product and by type of product, where applicable:
(a)the total quantities corresponding to the bids accepted pursuant to Article 8;
(b)the total quantities corresponding to the bids cancelled pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 5(2);
(c)the total quantities accepted but not delivered within the deadlines set out in Article 10;
(d)the total quantities not meeting the minimum characteristics required for take-over;
(e)the total quantities taken over.
2.Each Member State must, under the conditions set out in Article 24, by the end of the month following the takeover deadline referred to in Article 14(2) of this Regulation, by region set out in Annex III to Council Regulation (EEC) No 837/90 concerning statistical information to be supplied by the Member States on cereals production(3), communicate the average results of specific weight, moisture content, percentage of broken grains and protein content recorded for the batches of durum wheat taken over.
3.The exchange of information between the intervention agencies, with regard to the checks provided for in Article 20(3), shall be electronic, under the conditions set out in Article 24.
1.Member States shall communicate to the Commission, under the conditions set out in Article 24, the following information:
(a)on the intervention agencies approved in accordance with Article 1; and
(b)on the intervention centres approved in accordance with Article 2, and their storage premises.
2.The Commission shall publish the list of the intervention agencies provided for in Article 1(2) in the ‘C’ series of the Official Journal of the European Union.
3.Amendments to the list of intervention centres and their storage premises, provided for in Article 2(3), and to the list of intervention agencies, provided for in Article 23(2), shall be made available to the Member States and to the public by all appropriate technical means via the information systems put in place by the Commission, including publication on the Internet.
1.The communications and exchanges of information between the Member States and the Commission provided for by this Regulation shall be electronic via the information systems made available to the competent authorities by the Commission or the Member States.
2.The documents concerned shall be drawn up and sent in line with the procedures set by these information systems.
3.The form and content of the documents shall be defined on the basis of models or methods made available to users through information systems. Those models and methods shall be adapted and updated after the Management Committee for the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets has been informed.
4.Data on communications shall be entered and updated in the information systems under the responsibility of the competent authority of the Member State, in accordance with the access rights granted by the authorities in question.
In Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2008, column (4) on durum wheat is deleted.
Regulation (EC) No 687/2008 is amended as follows:
in Article 1, the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
‘During the periods referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, any holder of a homogeneous batch of not less than 80 tonnes of common wheat, barley, maize or sorghum, harvested within the Community, shall be entitled to offer these cereals to the paying agency or intervention agency (hereinafter both referred to as the ‘intervention agency’).’;
in the first subparagraph of Article 4(2), point (a) is replaced by the following:
for common wheat, those established under Regulation (EEC) No 315/93, including the requirements regarding the Fusarium-toxin level for common wheat laid down in points 2.4 to 2.7 of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006(4);’
Article 5(h) is deleted;
Article 7(2)(c) is replaced by the following:
determination of the protein content of common wheat;’;
Article 10 is amended as follows:
points (c) and (d) are replaced by the following:
where the percentage of broken grains exceeds 3 % for common wheat and barley, and 4 % for maize and sorghum, a reduction of EUR 0,05 shall be applied for each additional 0,1 percentage point;
where the percentage of grain impurities exceeds 4 % for maize and sorghum, and 5 % for common wheat and barley, a reduction of EUR 0,05 shall be applied for each additional 0,1 percentage point;’;
point (f) is replaced by the following:
where the percentage of miscellaneous impurities (Schwarzbesatz) exceeds 1 % for common wheat, barley, maize and sorghum, a reduction of EUR 0,1 shall be applied for each additional 0,1 percentage point;’;
point (g) is deleted;
in Annex I, the ‘Durum wheat’ column is deleted;
Annex II is amended as follows:
point 1.2 is amended as follows:
the first subparagraph of point (a) is replaced by the following:
‘Grains which, after elimination from the sample of all other matter referred to in this Annex, pass through sieves with apertures of the following dimensions, shall be considered as shrivelled grains: common wheat 2,0 mm, barley 2,2 mm.’;
in point (d), the second subparagraph is deleted;
point 1.3 is replaced by the following:
Sprouted grains are those in which the radicle or plumule is clearly visible to the naked eye. However, account must be taken of the general appearance of the sample when its content of sprouted grains is assessed. In some kinds of cereals the germ is protuberant and the germ tegument splits when the batch of cereals is shaken. These grains resemble sprouted grains but must not be included in that group. Sprouted grains are only those where the germ has undergone clearly visible changes which make it easy to distinguish the sprouted grain from the normal grain.’;
point 2.1 is deleted;
point 1 of Annex III is amended as follows:
the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:
‘For common wheat and barley, an average sample of 250 g shall be passed through two sieves, one with slotted perforations of 3,5 mm and the other with slotted perforations of 1,0 mm, for half a minute each.’;
the seventh subparagraph is replaced by the following:
‘The partial sample shall be passed for half a minute through a sieve with a mesh size of 2,0 mm for common wheat and 2,2 mm for barley. Matter which passes through this sieve shall be considered as shrivelled grains. Grains damaged by frost and unripe green grains belong to the ‘shrivelled grains’ group.’;
Annex VI is deleted.
Regulation (EC) No 489/2005 is repealed with effect from 1 September 2009.
References made to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex VI.
This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 1 July 2009 for durum wheat and from 1 September 2009 for the rice sector.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 24 July 2009.
For the Commission
Mariann Fischer Boel
Member of the Commission
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