- Latest available (Revised)
- Original (As adopted by EU)
Council Regulation (EU) No 43/2014 of 20 January 2014 fixing for 2014 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Union waters and, to Union vessels, in certain non-Union waters
When the UK left the EU, legislation.gov.uk published EU legislation that had been published by the EU up to IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.). On legislation.gov.uk, these items of legislation are kept up-to-date with any amendments made by the UK since then.
Legislation.gov.uk publishes the UK version. EUR-Lex publishes the EU version. The EU Exit Web Archive holds a snapshot of EUR-Lex’s version from IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.).
This is the original version as it was originally adopted in the EU.
This legislation may since have been updated - see the latest available (revised) version
TACs applicable to Union vessels in areas where TACs exist by species and by area
Skagerrak, Kattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, Union waters of CECAF, French Guiana waters
North East Atlantic and Greenland, ICES subareas I, II, V, XII and XIV and Greenland waters of NAFO 1
North West Atlantic — NAFO Convention Area
Highly migratory fish — all areas
Antarctic — CCAMLR Convention Area
South-East Atlantic Ocean — SEAFO Convention Area
Southern bluefin tuna — all areas
WCPFC Convention Area
SPRFMO Convention Area
Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of certain cod, plaice and sole stocks in ICES divisions IIIa, VIa, VIIa, VIId, ICES subarea IV and Union waters of ICES divisions IIa and Vb
Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the recovery of certain Southern hake and Norway lobster stocks in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz
Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of Western Channel sole stocks in ICES division VIIe
Management areas for sandeel in ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV
Maximum number of fishing authorisations for Union vessels in third-country waters
ICCAT Convention Area
CCAMLR Convention Area
IOTC Convention Area
WCPFC Convention Area
Quantitative limitations of fishing authorisations for third-country vessels fishing in Union waters
The tables in Annexes IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IJ set out the TACs and quotas (in tonnes live weight, except where otherwise specified) by stock, and conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate.
All fishing opportunities set out in this Annex shall be subject to the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, and in particular Articles 33 and 34 of that Regulation.
The references to fishing zones are references to ICES zones, unless otherwise specified. Within each area, fish stocks are referred to following the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the species. Only Latin names identify species for regulatory purposes; vernacular names are provided for ease of reference.
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following comparative table of Latin names and common names is provided:
Scientific name | Alpha-3 code | Common name |
Amblyraja radiata | RJR | Starry ray |
Ammodytes spp. | SAN | Sandeels |
Argentina silus | ARU | Greater silver smelt |
Beryx spp. | ALF | Alfonsinos |
Brosme brosme | USK | Tusk |
Caproidae | BOR | Boarfish |
Centrophorus squamosus | GUQ | Leafscale gulper shark |
Centroscymnus coelolepis | CYO | Portuguese dogfish |
Chaceon spp. | GER | Deep sea red crab |
Chaenocephalus aceratus | SSI | Blackfin icefish |
Champsocephalus gunnari | ANI | Mackerel icefish |
Channichthys rhinoceratus | LIC | Unicorn icefish |
Chionoecetes spp. | PCR | Snow crab |
Clupea harengus | HER | Herring |
Coryphaenoides rupestris | RNG | Roundnose grenadier |
Dalatias licha | SCK | Kitefin shark |
Deania calcea | DCA | Birdbeak dogfish |
Dipturus batis (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia) | RJB | Common skate complex |
Dissostichus eleginoides | TOP | Patagonian toothfish |
Dissostichus mawsoni | TOA | Antarctic toothfish |
Dissostichus spp. | TOT | Toothfish |
Engraulis encrasicolus | ANE | Anchovy |
Etmopterus princeps | ETR | Great lanternshark |
Etmopterus pusillus | ETP | Smooth lanternshark |
Euphausia superba | KRI | Krill |
Gadus morhua | COD | Cod |
Galeorhinus galeus | GAG | Tope shark |
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | WIT | Witch flounder |
Gobionotothen gibberifrons | NOG | Humped rockcod |
Hippoglossoides platessoides | PLA | American plaice |
Hippoglossus hippoglossus | HAL | Atlantic halibut |
Hoplostethus atlanticus | ORY | Orange roughy |
Illex illecebrosus | SQI | Shortfin squid |
Lamna nasus | POR | Porbeagle |
Lepidonotothen squamifrons | NOS | Grey rockcod |
Lepidorhombus spp. | LEZ | Megrims |
Leucoraja naevus | RJN | Cuckoo ray |
Limanda ferruginea | YEL | Yellowtail flounder |
Limanda limanda | DAB | Common dab |
Lophiidae | ANF | Anglerfish |
Macrourus spp. | GRV | Grenadiers |
Makaira nigricans | BUM | Blue marlin |
Mallotus villosus | CAP | Capelin |
Manta birostris | RMB | Giant manta ray |
Martialia hyadesi | SQS | Squid |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | HAD | Haddock |
Merlangius merlangus | WHG | Whiting |
Merluccius merluccius | HKE | Hake |
Micromesistius poutassou | WHB | Blue whiting |
Microstomus kitt | LEM | Lemon sole |
Molva dypterygia | BLI | Blue ling |
Molva molva | LIN | Ling |
Nephrops norvegicus | NEP | Norway lobster |
Notothenia rossii | NOR | Marbled rockcod |
Pandalus borealis | PRA | Northern prawn |
Paralomis spp. | PAI | Crabs |
Penaeus spp. | PEN | "Penaeus" shrimps |
Platichthys flesus | FLE | European flounder |
Pleuronectes platessa | PLE | Plaice |
Pleuronectiformes | FLX | Flatfish |
Pollachius pollachius | POL | Pollack |
Pollachius virens | POK | Saithe |
Psetta maxima | TUR | Turbot |
Pseudochaenichthys georgianus | SGI | South Georgia icefish |
Raja alba | RJA | White skate |
Raja brachyura | RJH | Blonde ray |
Raja circularis | RJI | Sandy ray |
Raja clavata | RJC | Thornback ray |
Raja fullonica | RJF | Shagreen ray |
Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis | JAD | Norwegian skate |
Raja microocellata | RJE | Small-eyed ray |
Raja montagui | RJM | Spotted ray |
Raja undulata | RJU | Undulate ray |
Rajiformes | SRX | Skates and rays |
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | GHL | Greenland halibut |
Scomber scombrus | MAC | Mackerel |
Scophthalmus rhombus | BLL | Brill |
Sebastes spp. | RED | Redfish |
Solea solea | SOL | Common sole |
Solea spp. | SOO | Sole |
Sprattus sprattus | SPR | Sprat |
Squalus acanthias | DGS | Spurdog/dogfish |
Tetrapturus albidus | WHM | White marlin |
Thunnus maccoyii | SBF | Southern bluefin tuna |
Thunnus obesus | BET | Bigeye tuna |
Thunnus thynnus | BFT | Bluefin tuna |
Trachurus murphyi | CJM | Jack mackerel |
Trachurus spp. | JAX | Horse mackerel |
Trisopterus esmarkii | NOP | Norway pout |
Urophycis tenuis | HKW | White hake |
Xiphias gladius | SWO | Swordfish |
The following comparative table of common names and Latin names is provided exclusively for explanatory purposes:
Alfonsinos | ALF | Beryx spp. |
American plaice | PLA | Hippoglossoides platessoides |
Anchovy | ANE | Engraulis encrasicolus |
Anglerfish | ANF | Lophiidae |
Antarctic toothfish | TOA | Dissostichus mawsoni |
Atlantic halibut | HAL | Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
Bigeye tuna | BET | Thunnus obesus |
Birdbeak dogfish | DCA | Deania calcea |
Blackfin icefish | SSI | Chaenocephalus aceratus |
Blonde ray | RJH | Raja brachyura |
Blue ling | BLI | Molva dypterygia |
Blue marlin | BUM | Makaira nigricans |
Blue whiting | WHB | Micromesistius poutassou |
Bluefin tuna | BFT | Thunnus thynnus |
Boarfish | BOR | Caproidae |
Brill | BLL | Scophthalmus rhombus |
Capelin | CAP | Mallotus villosus |
Cod | COD | Gadus morhua |
Common dab | DAB | Limanda limanda |
Common skate complex | RJB | Dipturus batis (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia) |
Common sole | SOL | Solea solea |
Crabs | PAI | Paralomis spp. |
Cuckoo ray | RJN | Leucoraja naevus |
Deep sea red crab | GER | Chaceon spp. |
European flounder | FLE | Platichthys flesus |
Flatfish | FLX | Pleuronectiformes |
Giant manta ray | RMB | Manta birostris |
Great lanternshark | ETR | Etmopterus princeps |
Greater silver smelt | ARU | Argentina silus |
Greenland halibut | GHL | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides |
Grenadiers | GRV | Macrourus spp. |
Grey rockcod | NOS | Lepidonotothen squamifrons |
Haddock | HAD | Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
Hake | HKE | Merluccius merluccius |
Herring | HER | Clupea harengus |
Horse mackerel | JAX | Trachurus spp. |
Humped rockcod | NOG | Gobionotothen gibberifrons |
Jack mackerel | CJM | Trachurus murphyi |
Kitefin shark | SCK | Dalatias licha |
Krill | KRI | Euphausia superba |
Leafscale gulper shark | GUQ | Centrophorus squamosus |
Lemon sole | LEM | Microstomus kitt |
Ling | LIN | Molva molva |
Mackerel | MAC | Scomber scombrus |
Mackerel icefish | ANI | Champsocephalus gunnari |
Marbled rockcod | NOR | Notothenia rossii |
Megrims | LEZ | Lepidorhombus spp. |
Northern prawn | PRA | Pandalus borealis |
Norway lobster | NEP | Nephrops norvegicus |
Norway pout | NOP | Trisopterus esmarkii |
Norwegian skate | JAD | Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis |
Orange roughy | ORY | Hoplostethus atlanticus |
Patagonian toothfish | TOP | Dissostichus eleginoides |
"Penaeus" shrimps | PEN | Penaeus spp. |
Plaice | PLE | Pleuronectes platessa |
Pollack | POL | Pollachius pollachius |
Porbeagle | POR | Lamna nasus |
Portuguese dogfish | CYO | Centroscymnus coelolepis |
Redfish | RED | Sebastes spp. |
Roundnose grenadier | RNG | Coryphaenoides rupestris |
Saithe | POK | Pollachius virens |
Sandeels | SAN | Ammodytes spp. |
Sandy ray | RJI | Raja circularis |
Shagreen ray | RJF | Raja fullonica |
Shortfin squid | SQI | Illex illecebrosus |
Skates and rays | SRX | Rajiformes |
Small-eyed ray | RJE | Raja microocellata |
Smooth lanternshark | ETP | Etmopterus pusillus |
Snow crab | PCR | Chionoecetes spp. |
Sole | SOO | Solea spp. |
South Georgia icefish | SGI | Pseudochaenichthys georgianus |
Southern bluefin tuna | SBF | Thunnus maccoyii |
Spotted ray | RJM | Raja montagui |
Sprat | SPR | Sprattus sprattus |
Spurdog/dogfish | DGS | Squalus acanthias |
Squid | SQS | Martialia hyadesi |
Starry ray | RJR | Amblyraja radiata |
Swordfish | SWO | Xiphias gladius |
Thornback ray | RJC | Raja clavata |
Toothfish | TOT | Dissostichus spp. |
Tope shark | GAG | Galeorhinus galeus |
Turbot | TUR | Psetta maxima |
Tusk | USK | Brosme brosme |
Undulate ray | RJU | Raja undulata |
Unicorn icefish | LIC | Channichthys rhinoceratus |
White hake | HKW | Urophycis tenuis |
White marlin | WHM | Tetrapturus albidus |
White skate | RJA | Raja alba |
Whiting | WHG | Merlangius merlangus |
Witch flounder | WIT | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus |
Yellowtail flounder | YEL | Limanda ferruginea |
SpeciesSandeelAmmodytes spp. | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(SAN/04-N.) | |
Denmark | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 0 | |
Union | 0 | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Excluding waters within six nautical miles of the UK baselines at Shetland, Fair Isle and Foula. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b At least 98 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of sandeel. By-catches of dab, mackerel and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the quota (OT1/*2A3A4). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following sandeel management areas, as defined in Annex IID:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesSandeelAmmodytes spp. | ZoneUnion waters of IIa, IIIa and IVa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Denmark | 0b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 0b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 0b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sweden | 0b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | 0 |
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus | ZoneUnion and international waters of I and II(ARU/1/2.) | |
Germany | 24 | Analytical TAC |
France | 8 | |
The Netherlands | 19 | |
United Kingdom | 39 | |
Union | 90 | |
TAC | 90 |
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus | ZoneUnion waters of III and IV(ARU/34-C) | |
Denmark | 911 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 9 | |
France | 7 | |
Ireland | 7 | |
The Netherlands | 43 | |
Sweden | 35 | |
United Kingdom | 16 | |
Union | 1 028 | |
TAC | 1 028 |
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus | ZoneUnion and international waters of V, VI and VII(ARU/567.) | |
Germany | 329 | Analytical TAC |
France | 7 | |
Ireland | 305 | |
The Netherlands | 3 434 | |
United Kingdom | 241 | |
Union | 4 316 | |
TAC | 4 316 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme | ZoneUnion and international waters of I, II and XIV(USK/1214EI) | |
Germany | 6a | Analytical TAC |
France | 6a | |
United Kingdom | 6a | |
Others | 3a | |
Union | 21a | |
TAC | 21 |
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of Subdivisions 22-32(USK/3A/BCD) | |
Denmark | 15 | Analytical TAC |
Sweden | 7 | |
Germany | 7 | |
Union | 29 | |
TAC | 29 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme | ZoneUnion waters of IV(USK/04-C.) | |
Denmark | 64 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 19 | |
France | 44 | |
Sweden | 6 | |
United Kingdom | 96 | |
Others | 6a | |
Union | 235 | |
TAC | 235 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme | ZoneUnion and international waters of V, VI and VII(USK/567EI.) | |
Germany | 8b | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Spain | 26b | |
France | 312b | |
Ireland | 30b | |
United Kingdom | 151b | |
Others | 8a b | |
Union | 535b | |
TAC | 3 860 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(USK/04-N.) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 0a | |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesBoarfishCaproidae | ZoneUnion and international waters of VI, VII and VIII(BOR/678-) | |
Denmark | 31 291 | Precautionary TAC |
Ireland | 88 115 | |
United Kingdom | 8 103 | |
Union | 127 509 | |
TAC | 127 509 |
a Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. | ||
b Special condition: up to 50 % of this amount may be fished in Union waters of IV (HER/*04-C.). | ||
c Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneIIIa(HER/03A.) | |
Denmark | 9 986b c | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 160b c | |
Sweden | 10 446b c | |
Union | 20 592b c | |
TAC | Not established |
a Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. Member States shall report separately their landings of herring in IVa (HER/04A.) and IVb (HER/04B.). | ||||||||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:
| ||||||||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneUnion and Norwegian waters of IV north of 53° 30′ N(HER/4AB.) | |||||||
Denmark | 48 390b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||
Germany | 32 639b | |||||||
France | 18 768b | |||||||
The Netherlands | 45 647b | |||||||
Sweden | 3 347b | |||||||
United Kingdom | 48 609b | |||||||
Union | 197 400b | |||||||
TAC | Not established |
a By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HER/04-N.) | |
Sweden | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not established |
a Exclusively for landings of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneIIIa(HER/03A-BC) | |
Denmark | 4 009b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 36b | |
Sweden | 645b | |
Union | 4 690b | |
TAC | Not established |
a Exclusively for landings of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneIV, VIId and Union waters of IIa(HER/2A47DX) | |
Belgium | 43b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 8 309b | |
Germany | 43b | |
France | 43b | |
The Netherlands | 43b | |
Sweden | 41b | |
United Kingdom | 158b | |
Union | 8 680b | |
TAC | Not established |
a Exclusively for landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. | ||
b Except Blackwater stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime region of the Thames estuary within a zone delimited by a rhumb line running due south from Landguard Point (51° 56′ N, 1° 19,1′ E) to latitude 51° 33′ N and hence due west to a point on the coast of the United Kingdom. | ||
c Special condition: up to 50 % of this quota may be taken in IVb (HER/*04B.). | ||
d Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus | ZoneIVc, VIIdb(HER/4CXB7D) | |
Belgium | 8 158c d | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 620c d | |
Germany | 418c d | |
France | 8 687c d | |
The Netherlands | 15 026c d | |
United Kingdom | 3 281c d | |
Union | 36 190d | |
TAC | Not established |
a Reference is to the herring stock in the part of ICES zone VIa which lies east of the meridian of longitude 7°W and north of the parallel of latitude 55°N, or west of the meridian of longitude 7°W and north of the parallel of latitude 56°N, excluding the Clyde. | ||
b It shall be prohibited to fish or retain on board any herring in the part of the ICES zones subject to this TAC that lies between 56° N and 57° 30′ N, with the exception of a six nautical mile belt measured from the baseline of the United Kingdom's territorial sea. | ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneUnion and international waters of Vb, VIb and VIaNa(HER/5B6ANB) | |
Germany | 3 137b | Analytical TAC |
France | 594b | |
Ireland | 4 240b | |
The Netherlands | 3 137b | |
United Kingdom | 16 959b | |
Union | 28 067b | |
TAC | 28 067 |
a Reference is to the herring stock in VIa south of 56° 00′ N and west of 07° 00′ W. | ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneVIaSa, VIIb, VIIc(HER/6AS7BC) | |
Ireland | 3 342 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
The Netherlands | 334 | |
Union | 3 676 | |
TAC | 3 676 |
a Clyde stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime area situated to the north-east of a line drawn between:
| ||
b Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
c Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 2. | ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneVI Clydea(HER/06ACL.) | |
United Kingdom | To be establishedb | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedc | |
TAC | To be establishedc |
a This zone is reduced by the area bounded:
| ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneVIIaa(HER/07/MM) | |
Ireland | 1 367 | Analytical TAC |
United Kingdom | 3 884 | |
Union | 5 251 | |
TAC | 5 251 |
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneVIIe and VIIf(HER/7EF.) | |
France | 465 | Precautionary TAC |
United Kingdom | 465 | |
Union | 930 | |
TAC | 930 |
a This zone is reduced by the area bounded:
| ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneVIIga, VIIha, VIIja and VIIka(HER/7G-K.) | |
Germany | 248 | Analytical TAC |
France | 1 380 | |
Ireland | 19 324 | |
The Netherlands | 1 380 | |
United Kingdom | 28 | |
Union | 22 360 | |
TAC | 22 360 |
SpeciesAnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus | ZoneIX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANE/9/3411) | |
Spain | 4 198 | Precautionary TAC |
Portugal | 4 580 | |
Union | 8 778 | |
TAC | 8 778 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneSkagerrak(COD/03AN.) | |
Belgium | 7a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 2 118a b | |
Germany | 53a b | |
The Netherlands | 13a b | |
Sweden | 371a b | |
Union | 2 562b | |
TAC | Not established |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneKattegat(COD/03AS.) | |
Denmark | 62a | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 1a | |
Sweden | 37a | |
Union | 100a | |
TAC | 100a |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||||||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:
| ||||||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneIV; Union waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat(COD/2A3AX4) | |||||
Belgium | 548a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||
Denmark | 3 146a b | |||||
Germany | 1 995a b | |||||
France | 676a b | |||||
The Netherlands | 1 778a b | |||||
Sweden | 21a b | |||||
United Kingdom | 7 218a b | |||||
Union | 15 382b | |||||
TAC | Not established |
a By-catches of haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(COD/04-N.) | |
Sweden | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneVIb; Union and international waters of Vb west of 12° 00′ W and of XII and XIV(COD/5W6-14) | |
Belgium | 0 | Precautionary TAC |
Germany | 1 | |
France | 12 | |
Ireland | 16 | |
United Kingdom | 45 | |
Union | 74 | |
TAC | 74 |
a By-catch of cod in the area covered by this TAC may be landed provided that it does not comprise more than 1,5 % of the live weight of the total catch retained on board per fishing trip. | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneVIa; Union and international waters of Vb east of 12° 00′ W(COD/5BE6A) | |
Belgium | 0 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 0 | |
France | 0 | |
Ireland | 0 | |
United Kingdom | 0 | |
Union | 0 | |
TAC | 0a |
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneVIIa(COD/07A.) | |
Belgium | 3 | Analytical TAC |
France | 8 | |
Ireland | 150 | |
The Netherlands | 1 | |
United Kingdom | 66 | |
Union | 228 | |
TAC | 228 |
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneVIIb, VIIc, VIIe-k, VIII, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(COD/7XAD34) | |
Belgium | 304 | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 4 977 | |
Ireland | 1 030 | |
The Netherlands | 1 | |
United Kingdom | 536 | |
Union | 6 848 | |
TAC | 6 848 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneVIId(COD/07D.) | |
Belgium | 46a b | Analytical TAC |
France | 907a b | |
The Netherlands | 27a b | |
United Kingdom | 100a b | |
Union | 1 080b | |
TAC | Not established |
a When accidentally caught, this species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. | ||
SpeciesPorbeagleLamna nasus | ZoneFrench Guiana waters, Kattegat; Union waters of Skagerrak, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1, 34.1.2 and 34.2(POR/3-1234) | |
Denmark | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
Germany | 0a | |
Ireland | 0a | |
Spain | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0a |
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(LEZ/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 6 | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 5 | |
Germany | 5 | |
France | 34 | |
The Netherlands | 27 | |
United Kingdom | 2 006 | |
Union | 2 083 | |
TAC | 2 083 |
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. | ZoneUnion and international waters of Vb; VI; international waters of XII and XIV(LEZ/56-14) | |
Spain | 463 | Analytical TAC |
France | 1 805 | |
Ireland | 528 | |
United Kingdom | 1 278 | |
Union | 4 074 | |
TAC | 4 074 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. | ZoneVII(LEZ/07.) | |
Belgium | 470a | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Spain | 5 216a | |
France | 6 329a | |
Ireland | 2 878a | |
United Kingdom | 2 492a | |
Union | 17 385 | |
TAC | 17 385 |
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. | ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(LEZ/8ABDE.) | |
Spain | 950 | Analytical TAC |
France | 766 | |
Union | 1 716 | |
TAC | 1 716 |
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. | ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(LEZ/8C3411) | |
Spain | 2 084 | Analytical TAC |
France | 104 | |
Portugal | 69 | |
Union | 2 257 | |
TAC | 2 257 |
SpeciesCommon dab and European flounderLimanda limanda and Platichthys flesus | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(DAB/2AC4-C) for common dab;(FLE/2AC4-C) for European flounder | |
Belgium | 503 | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 1 888 | |
Germany | 2 832 | |
France | 196 | |
The Netherlands | 11 421 | |
Sweden | 6 | |
United Kingdom | 1 588 | |
Union | 18 434 | |
TAC | 18 434 |
a Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in: VI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV (ANF/*56-14). | ||
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(ANF/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 277a | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 610a | |
Germany | 298a | |
France | 57a | |
The Netherlands | 209a | |
Sweden | 7a | |
United Kingdom | 6 375a | |
Union | 7 833a | |
TAC | 7 833 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(ANF/04-N.) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 0a | |
Germany | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(ANF/56-14) | |
Belgium | 159 | Precautionary TAC |
Germany | 182 | |
Spain | 170 | |
France | 1 961 | |
Ireland | 443 | |
The Netherlands | 153 | |
United Kingdom | 1 364 | |
Union | 4 432 | |
TAC | 4 432 |
a Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe (ANF/*8ABDE). | ||
b In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneVII(ANF/07.) | |
Belgium | 3 097a b | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Germany | 345a b | |
Spain | 1 231a b | |
France | 19 875a b | |
Ireland | 2 540a b | |
The Netherlands | 401a b | |
United Kingdom | 6 027a b | |
Union | 33 516a | |
TAC | 33 516a |
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(ANF/8ABDE.) | |
Spain | 1 368 | Analytical TAC |
France | 7 612 | |
Union | 8 980 | |
TAC | 8 980 |
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae | ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANF/8C3411) | |
Spain | 2 191 | Analytical TAC |
France | 2 | |
Portugal | 436 | |
Union | 2 629 | |
0 | ||
TAC | 2 629 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneIIIa, Union waters of Subdivisions 22-32(HAD/3A/BCD) | |
Belgium | 8a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 1 328a | |
Germany | 84a | |
The Netherlands | 2a | |
Sweden | 157a | |
Union | 1 579a | |
TAC | Not established |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
| ||||||
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneIV; Union waters of IIa(HAD/2AC4.) | |||||
Belgium | 153a | Analytical TAC | ||||
Denmark | 1 053a | |||||
Germany | 670a | |||||
France | 1 168a | |||||
The Netherlands | 115a | |||||
Sweden | 106a | |||||
United Kingdom | 17 370a | |||||
Union | 20 635a | |||||
TAC | Not established |
a By-catches of cod, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HAD/04-N.) | |
Sweden | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneUnion and international waters of VIb, XII and XIV(HAD/6B1214) | |
Belgium | 3 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 3 | |
France | 133 | |
Ireland | 95 | |
United Kingdom | 976 | |
Union | 1 210 | |
TAC | 1 210 |
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneUnion and international waters of Vb and VIa(HAD/5BC6A.) | |
Belgium | 4 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 5 | |
France | 220 | |
Ireland | 653 | |
United Kingdom | 3 106 | |
Union | 3 988 | |
TAC | 3 988 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 5 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneVIIb-k, VIII, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HAD/7X7A34) | |
Belgium | 105a | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 6 320a | |
Ireland | 2 106a | |
United Kingdom | 948a | |
Union | 9 479a | |
TAC | 9 479 |
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneVIIa(HAD/07A.) | |
Belgium | 19 | Analytical TAC |
France | 85 | |
Ireland | 511 | |
United Kingdom | 566 | |
Union | 1 181 | |
TAC | 1 181 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneIIIa(WHG/03A.) | |
Denmark | 650a | Precautionary TAC |
The Netherlands | 2a | |
Sweden | 70a | |
Union | 722a | |
TAC | Not established |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
| ||||||
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneIV; Union waters of IIa(WHG/2AC4.) | |||||
Belgium | 220a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||
Denmark | 950a | |||||
Germany | 247a | |||||
France | 1 427a | |||||
The Netherlands | 549a | |||||
Sweden | 2a | |||||
United Kingdom | 6 866a | |||||
Union | 10 261a | |||||
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(WHG/56-14) | |
Germany | 2 | Analytical TAC |
France | 36 | |
Ireland | 87 | |
United Kingdom | 167 | |
Union | 292 | |
TAC | 292 |
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneVIIa(WHG/07A.) | |
Belgium | 0 | Analytical TAC |
France | 3 | |
Ireland | 46 | |
The Netherlands | 0 | |
United Kingdom | 31 | |
Union | 80 | |
TAC | 80 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneVIIb, VIIc, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh, VIIj and VIIk(WHG/7X7A-C) | |
Belgium | 187a | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 11 498a | |
Ireland | 5 328a | |
The Netherlands | 93a | |
United Kingdom | 2 056a | |
Union | 19 162a | |
TAC | 19 162 |
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneVIII(WHG/08.) | |
Spain | 1 270 | Precautionary TAC |
France | 1 905 | |
Union | 3 175 | |
TAC | 3 175 |
a Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
b Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 1. | ||
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus | ZoneIX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHG/9/3411) | |
Portugal | To be establisheda | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedb | |
TAC | To be establishedb |
a By-catches of cod, haddock and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesWhiting and pollackMerlangius merlangus and Pollachius pollachius | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(WHG/04-N.) for whiting;(POL/04-N.) for pollack | |
Sweden | 0a b | Precautionary TAC |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Within the following overall TAC for the northern stock of hake: 81 846 | ||
b Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of IIa and IV. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission. | ||
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of Subdivisions 22-32(HKE/3A/BCD) | |
Denmark | 2 273b | Analytical TAC |
Sweden | 193b | |
Union | 2 466 | |
TAC | 2 466a |
a Within the following overall TAC for the northern stock of hake: 81 846 | ||
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(HKE/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 41 | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 1 661 | |
Germany | 191 | |
France | 368 | |
The Netherlands | 95 | |
United Kingdom | 518 | |
Union | 2 874 | |
TAC | 2 874a |
a Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of IIa and IV. However, such transfers must be notified in advance to the Commission. | ||||||||||||||||||
b Within the following overall TAC for the northern stock of hake: 81 846 | ||||||||||||||||||
c In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||||||||||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
| ||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius | ZoneVI and VII; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(HKE/571214) | |||||||||||||||||
Belgium | 422a c | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies | ||||||||||||||||
Spain | 13 529c | |||||||||||||||||
France | 20 893a c | |||||||||||||||||
Ireland | 2 532c | |||||||||||||||||
The Netherlands | 272a c | |||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 8 248a c | |||||||||||||||||
Union | 45 896 | |||||||||||||||||
TAC | 45 896b |
a Transfers of this quota may be effected to IV and Union waters of IIa. However, such transfers must be notified in advance to the Commission. | ||||||||||||||
b Within the following overall TAC for the northern stock of hake: 81 846 | ||||||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
| ||||||||||||||
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius | ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(HKE/8ABDE.) | |||||||||||||
Belgium | 14a | Analytical TAC | ||||||||||||
Spain | 9 418 | |||||||||||||
France | 21 151 | |||||||||||||
The Netherlands | 27a | |||||||||||||
Union | 30 610 | |||||||||||||
TAC | 30 610b |
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius | ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HKE/8C3411) | |
Spain | 10 409 | Analytical TAC |
France | 999 | |
Portugal | 4 858 | |
Union | 16 266 | |
TAC | 16 266 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou | ZoneNorwegian waters of II and IV(WHB/24-N.) | |
Denmark | 0a | Analytical TAC |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not established |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) | ||
b Transfers of this quota may be effected to VIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission. | ||
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou | ZoneUnion and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV(WHB/1X14) | |
Denmark | 24 069a | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 9 358a | |
Spain | 20 405a b | |
France | 16 750a | |
Ireland | 18 639a | |
The Netherlands | 29 350a | |
Portugal | 1 896a b | |
Sweden | 5 954a | |
United Kingdom | 31 232a | |
Union | 157 653a | |
TAC | Not established |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou | ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHB/8C3411) | |
Spain | 19 500a | Analytical TAC |
Portugal | 4 875a | |
Union | 24 375a | |
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou | ZoneUnion waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30′ N and VII west of 12° W(WHB/24A567) | |
Norway | 0 | Analytical TAC |
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesLemon sole and witch flounderMicrostomus kitt and Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(LEM/2AC4-C) for lemon sole;(WIT/2AC4-C) for witch flounder | |
Belgium | 346 | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 953 | |
Germany | 122 | |
France | 261 | |
The Netherlands | 794 | |
Sweden | 11 | |
United Kingdom | 3 904 | |
Union | 6 391 | |
TAC | 6 391 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia | ZoneUnion and international waters of Vb, VI, VII(BLI/5B67-) | |
Germany | 23b | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Estonia | 4b | |
Spain | 73b | |
France | 1 671b | |
Ireland | 6b | |
Lithuania | 1b | |
Poland | 1b | |
United Kingdom | 425b | |
Others | 6a b | |
Union | 2 210b | |
TAC | 2 540 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia | ZoneInternational waters of XII(BLI/12INT-) | |
Estonia | 2a | Precautionary TAC |
Spain | 665a | |
France | 16a | |
Lithuania | 6a | |
United Kingdom | 6a | |
Others | 2a | |
Union | 697a | |
TAC | 697a |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia | ZoneUnion and international waters of II and IV(BLI/24-) | |
Denmark | 4 | Precautionary TAC |
Germany | 4 | |
Ireland | 4 | |
France | 23 | |
United Kingdom | 14 | |
Others | 4a | |
Union | 53 | |
TAC | 53 |
SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygia | ZoneUnion and international waters of III(BLI/03-) | |
Denmark | 3 | Precautionary TAC |
Germany | 2 | |
Sweden | 3 | |
Union | 8 | |
TAC | 8 |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneUnion and international waters of I and II(LIN/1/2.) | |
Denmark | 8 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 8 | |
France | 8 | |
United Kingdom | 8 | |
Others | 4a | |
Union | 36 | |
TAC | 36 |
a Quota may be fished in Union waters of IIIa and Union waters of IIIbcd only. | ||
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of IIIbcd(LIN/3A/BCD) | |
Belgium | 6a | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 50 | |
Germany | 6a | |
Sweden | 19 | |
United Kingdom | 6a | |
Union | 87 | |
TAC | 87 |
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneUnion waters of IV(LIN/04-C.) | |
Belgium | 12 | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 194 | |
Germany | 120 | |
France | 108 | |
The Netherlands | 4 | |
Sweden | 8 | |
United Kingdom | 1 496 | |
Union | 1 942 | |
TAC | 1 942 |
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneUnion and international waters of V(LIN/05EI.) | |
Belgium | 9 | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 6 | |
Germany | 6 | |
France | 6 | |
United Kingdom | 6 | |
Union | 33 | |
TAC | 33 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneUnion and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV(LIN/6X14.) | |
Belgium | 27a | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Denmark | 5a | |
Germany | 100a | |
Spain | 2 012a | |
France | 2 145a | |
Ireland | 538a | |
Portugal | 5a | |
United Kingdom | 2 468a | |
Union | 7 300a | |
TAC | 14 164 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesLingMolva molva | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(LIN/04-N.) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 0a | |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of Subdivisions 22-32(NEP/3A/BCD) | |
Denmark | 3 688 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 11 | |
Sweden | 1 320 | |
Union | 5 019 | |
TAC | 5 019 |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(NEP/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 811 | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 811 | |
Germany | 12 | |
France | 24 | |
The Netherlands | 417 | |
United Kingdom | 13 424 | |
Union | 15 499 | |
TAC | 15 499 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(NEP/04-N.) | |
Denmark | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb(NEP/5BC6.) | |
Spain | 31 | Analytical TAC |
France | 124 | |
Ireland | 207 | |
United Kingdom | 14 925 | |
Union | 15 287 | |
TAC | 15 287 |
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:
| ||||||||||||||
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneVII(NEP/07.) | |||||||||||||
Spain | 1 259 | Analytical TAC Article11 of this Regulation applies | ||||||||||||
France | 5 104 | |||||||||||||
Ireland | 7 741 | |||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 6 885 | |||||||||||||
Union | 20 989 | |||||||||||||
TAC | 20 989 |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(NEP/8ABDE.) | |
Spain | 234 | Analytical TAC |
France | 3 665 | |
Union | 3 899 | |
TAC | 3 899 |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneVIIIc(NEP/08C.) | |
Spain | 64 | Analytical TAC |
France | 3 | |
Union | 67 | |
TAC | 67 |
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus | ZoneIX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(NEP/9/3411) | |
Spain | 55 | Analytical TAC |
Portugal | 166 | |
Union | 221 | |
TAC | 221 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneIIIa(PRA/03A.) | |
Denmark | 1 318a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Sweden | 710a | |
Union | 2 028a | |
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(PRA/2AC4-C) | |
Denmark | 1 818 | Analytical TAC |
The Netherlands | 17 | |
Sweden | 73 | |
United Kingdom | 538 | |
Union | 2 446 | |
TAC | 2 446 |
a By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(PRA/04-N.) | |
Denmark | 0b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Sweden | 0a b | |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
b Fishing for shrimps Penaeus subtilis and Penaeus brasiliensis is prohibited in waters less than 30 metres deep. | ||
c Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 2. | ||
Species"Penaeus" shrimpsPenaeus spp. | ZoneFrench Guiana waters(PEN/FGU.) | |
France | To be establisheda b | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedb c | |
TAC | To be establishedb c |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneSkagerrak(PLE/03AN.) | |
Belgium | 43a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 5 555a | |
Germany | 29a | |
The Netherlands | 1 069a | |
Sweden | 298a | |
Union | 6 994a | |
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneKattegat(PLE/03AS.) | |
Denmark | 1 922 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 22 | |
Sweden | 216 | |
Union | 2 160 | |
TAC | 2 160 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:
| ||||||
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneIV; Union waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat(PLE/2A3AX4) | |||||
Belgium | 4 472a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||
Denmark | 14 534a | |||||
Germany | 4 193a | |||||
France | 839a | |||||
The Netherlands | 27 950a | |||||
United Kingdom | 20 683a | |||||
Union | 72 671a | |||||
TAC | Not established |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(PLE/56-14) | |
France | 9 | Precautionary TAC |
Ireland | 261 | |
United Kingdom | 388 | |
Union | 658 | |
TAC | 658 |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIIa(PLE/07A.) | |
Belgium | 31 | Analytical TAC |
France | 14 | |
Ireland | 854 | |
The Netherlands | 9 | |
United Kingdom | 312 | |
Union | 1 220 | |
TAC | 1 220 |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIIb and VIIc(PLE/7BC.) | |
France | 11 | Precautionary TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Ireland | 63 | |
Union | 74 | |
TAC | 74 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 1 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIId and VIIe(PLE/7DE.) | |
Belgium | 871a | Analytical TAC |
France | 2 903a | |
United Kingdom | 1 548 | |
Union | 5 322 | |
TAC | 5 322 |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIIf and VIIg(PLE/7FG.) | |
Belgium | 69 | Analytical TAC |
France | 125 | |
Ireland | 202 | |
United Kingdom | 65 | |
Union | 461 | |
TAC | 461 |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIIh, VIIj and VIIk(PLE/7HJK.) | |
Belgium | 8 | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 17 | |
Ireland | 59 | |
The Netherlands | 34 | |
United Kingdom | 17 | |
Union | 135 | |
TAC | 135 |
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa | ZoneVIII, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(PLE/8/3411) | |
Spain | 66 | Precautionary TAC |
France | 263 | |
Portugal | 66 | |
Union | 395 | |
TAC | 395 |
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(POL/56-14) | |
Spain | 6 | Precautionary TAC |
France | 190 | |
Ireland | 56 | |
United Kingdom | 145 | |
Union | 397 | |
TAC | 397 |
a Special condition: of which up to 2 % may be fished in: VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe (POL/*8ABDE). | ||
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius | ZoneVII(POL/07.) | |
Belgium | 420a | Precautionary TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Spain | 25a | |
France | 9 667a | |
Ireland | 1 030a | |
United Kingdom | 2 353a | |
Union | 13 495a | |
TAC | 13 495 |
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius | ZoneVIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe(POL/8ABDE.) | |
Spain | 252 | Precautionary TAC |
France | 1 230 | |
Union | 1 482 | |
TAC | 1 482 |
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius | ZoneVIIIc(POL/08C.) | |
Spain | 208 | Precautionary TAC |
France | 23 | |
Union | 231 | |
TAC | 231 |
a Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of VIIIc (POL/*08C.). | ||
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius | ZoneIX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POL/9/3411) | |
Spain | 273a | Precautionary TAC |
Portugal | 9a | |
Union | 282a | |
TAC | 282 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneIIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(POK/2A34.) | |
Belgium | 19a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 2 251a | |
Germany | 5 684a | |
France | 13 375a | |
The Netherlands | 57a | |
Sweden | 309a | |
United Kingdom | 4 358a | |
Union | 26 053a | |
TAC | Not established |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb, XII and XIV(POK/56-14) | |
Germany | 210a | Analytical TAC |
France | 2 082a | |
Ireland | 380a | |
United Kingdom | 2 959a | |
Union | 5 631a | |
TAC | Not established |
a By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting are to be counted against the quota for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(POK/04-N.) | |
Sweden | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneVII, VIII, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POK/7/3411) | |
Belgium | 6 | Precautionary TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 1 245 | |
Ireland | 1 491 | |
United Kingdom | 434 | |
Union | 3 176 | |
TAC | 3 176 |
SpeciesTurbot and brillPsetta maxima and Scopthalmus rhombus | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(TUR/2AC4-C) for turbot;(BLL/2AC4-C) for brill | |
Belgium | 340 | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 727 | |
Germany | 186 | |
France | 88 | |
The Netherlands | 2 579 | |
Sweden | 5 | |
United Kingdom | 717 | |
Union | 4 642 | |
TAC | 4 642 |
a Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/2AC4-C), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/2AC4-C), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/2AC4-C) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/2AC4-C) shall be reported separately. | ||
b By-catch quota. These species shall not comprise more than 25 % by live weight of the catch retained on board per fishing trip. This condition applies only to vessels over 15 metres' length overall. | ||
c Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis) complex (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(SRX/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 211a b c | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 8a b c | |
Germany | 10a b c | |
France | 33a b c | |
The Netherlands | 180a b c | |
United Kingdom | 814a b c | |
Union | 1 256a c | |
TAC | 1 256c |
a Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/03A-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/03A-C.) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/03A-C.) shall be reported separately. | ||
b Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis) complex (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia), thornback ray (Raja clavata) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneUnion waters of IIIa(SRX/03A-C.) | |
Denmark | 37a b | Precautionary TAC |
Sweden | 10a b | |
Union | 47a b | |
TAC | 47b |
a Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/67AKXD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/67AKXD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/67AKXD), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/67AKXD), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/67AKXD), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/67AKXD) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/67AKXD) shall be reported separately. | ||
b Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata), common skate (Dipturus batis) complex (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia), Norwegian skate (Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis) and white skate (Raja alba). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. | ||
c Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of VIId (SRX/*07D.). Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*07D.), small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/*07D.), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/*07D.) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/*07D.) shall be reported separately. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneUnion waters of VIa, VIb, VIIa-c and VIIe-k(SRX/67AKXD) | |
Belgium | 725a b c | Precautionary TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Estonia | 4a b c | |
France | 3 255a b c | |
Germany | 10a b c | |
Ireland | 1 048a b c | |
Lithuania | 17a b c | |
The Netherlands | 3a b c | |
Portugal | 18a b c | |
Spain | 876a b c | |
United Kingdom | 2 076a b c | |
Union | 8 032a b c | |
TAC | 8 032b |
a Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/07D.) and small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/07D.) shall be reported separately. | ||
b Shall not apply to common skate (Dipturus batis) complex (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia), undulate ray (Raja undulata) and starry ray (Amblyraja radiata). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. | ||
c Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of VIa, VIb, VIIa-c and VIIe-k (SRX/*67AKD). Catches of Cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*67AKD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*67AKD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*67AKD), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*67AKD) and small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/*67AKD) shall be reported separately. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneUnion waters of VIId(SRX/07D.) | |
Belgium | 72a b c | Precautionary TAC |
France | 602a b c | |
The Netherlands | 4a b c | |
United Kingdom | 120a b c | |
Union | 798a b c | |
TAC | 798b |
a Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/89-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/89-C.) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/89-C.) shall be reported separately. | ||
b Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata),common skate (Dipturus batis) complex (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia) and white skate (Raja alba). When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneUnion waters of VIII and IX(SRX/89-C.) | |
Belgium | 7a b | Precautionary TAC |
France | 1 298a b | |
Portugal | 1 051a b | |
Spain | 1 057a b | |
United Kingdom | 7a b | |
Union | 3 420a b | |
TAC | 3 420b |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV; Union and international waters of Vb and VI(GHL/2A-C46) | |
Denmark | 11a | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 20a | |
Estonia | 11a | |
Spain | 11a | |
France | 185a | |
Ireland | 11a | |
Lithuania | 11a | |
Poland | 11a | |
United Kingdom | 729a | |
Union | 1 000a | |
TAC | 2 000 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus | ZoneIIIa and IV; Union waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(MAC/2A34.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Belgium | 492a | Analytical TAC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Denmark | 16 892a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 513a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
France | 1 550a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Netherlands | 1 561a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sweden | 4 396a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 1 446a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 26 850a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the above mentioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones and periods:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus | ZoneVI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV(MAC/2CX14-) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 19 578a | Analytical TAC | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spain | 21a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Estonia | 163a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
France | 13 054a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ireland | 65 260a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Latvia | 120a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Lithuania | 120a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The Netherlands | 28 551a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Poland | 1 378a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 179 471a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 307 716a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | Not relevant |
a Special condition: quantities subject to exchanges with other Member States may be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId (MAC/*8ABD.). However, the quantities provided by Spain, Portugal or France for exchange purposes and to be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId shall not exceed 25 % of the quotas of the donor Member State. | ||||||||||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||||||
Special condition: Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:
| ||||||||||
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus | ZoneVIIIc, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(MAC/8C3411) | |||||||||
Spain | 29 020a b | Analytical TAC | ||||||||
France | 193a b | |||||||||
Portugal | 5 998a b | |||||||||
Union | 35 211a | |||||||||
TAC | Not relevant |
a Catches taken in IIa (MAC/*02A.) and IVa (MAC/*4A.) shall be reported separately. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus | ZoneNorwegian waters of IIa and IVa(MAC/2A4A-N) | |
Denmark | 12 085a b | Analytical TAC |
Union | 12 085a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Quota may be fished in Union waters of IIIa, Subdivisions 22-32 only. | ||
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of Subdivisions 22-32(SOL/3A/BCD) | |
Denmark | 297 | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 17a | |
The Netherlands | 28a | |
Sweden | 11 | |
Union | 353 | |
TAC | 353 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(SOL/24-C.) | |
Belgium | 987a | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 451a | |
Germany | 790a | |
France | 198a | |
The Netherlands | 8 916a | |
United Kingdom | 508a | |
Union | 11 850a | |
TAC | 11 900 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVI; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(SOL/56-14) | |
Ireland | 46 | Precautionary TAC |
United Kingdom | 11 | |
Union | 57 | |
TAC | 57 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIa(SOL/07A.) | |
Belgium | 23 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0 | |
Ireland | 41 | |
The Netherlands | 7 | |
United Kingdom | 24 | |
Union | 95 | |
TAC | 95 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIb and VIIc(SOL/7BC.) | |
France | 6 | Precautionary TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
Ireland | 36 | |
Union | 42 | |
TAC | 42 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIId(SOL/07D.) | |
Belgium | 1 303 | Analytical TAC |
France | 2 605 | |
United Kingdom | 930 | |
Union | 4 838 | |
TAC | 4 838 |
a In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 5 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, pursuant to Chapter II of Title II of this Regulation. | ||
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIe(SOL/07E.) | |
Belgium | 29a | Analytical TAC |
France | 313a | |
United Kingdom | 490a | |
Union | 832 | |
TAC | 832 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIf and VIIg(SOL/7FG.) | |
Belgium | 625 | Analytical TAC |
France | 63 | |
Ireland | 31 | |
United Kingdom | 282 | |
Union | 1 001 | |
TAC | 1 001 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIh, VIIj and VIIk(SOL/7HJK.) | |
Belgium | 32 | Analytical TAC Article 11 of this Regulation applies |
France | 64 | |
Ireland | 171 | |
The Netherlands | 51 | |
United Kingdom | 64 | |
Union | 382 | |
TAC | 382 |
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea | ZoneVIIIa and VIIIb(SOL/8AB.) | |
Belgium | 47 | Analytical TAC |
Spain | 9 | |
France | 3 483 | |
The Netherlands | 261 | |
Union | 3 800 | |
TAC | 3 800 |
SpeciesSoleSolea spp. | ZoneVIIIc, VIIId, VIIIe, IX and X; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(SOL/8CDE34) | |
Spain | 403 | Precautionary TAC |
Portugal | 669 | |
Union | 1 072 | |
TAC | 1 072 |
a At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of sprat. By-catches of dab, whiting and haddock to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*03A.). | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus | ZoneIIIa(SPR/03A.) | |
Denmark | 15 610a b | Precautionary TAC |
Germany | 33a b | |
Sweden | 5 906a b | |
Union | 21 549b | |
TAC | Not established |
a Including sandeel. | ||
b At least 98 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of sprat. By-catches of dab and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the quota (OTH/*2AC4C). | ||
c Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(SPR/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 1 407b c | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 111 324b c | |
Germany | 1 407b c | |
France | 1 407b c | |
The Netherlands | 1 407b c | |
Sweden | 1 330a b c | |
United Kingdom | 4 642b c | |
Union | 122 924c | |
TAC | 144 000 |
SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus | ZoneVIId and VIIe(SPR/7DE.) | |
Belgium | 26 | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 1 674 | |
Germany | 26 | |
France | 361 | |
The Netherlands | 361 | |
United Kingdom | 2 702 | |
Union | 5 150 | |
TAC | 5 150 |
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias | ZoneUnion waters of IIIa(DGS/03A-C.) | |
Denmark | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Sweden | 0 | |
Union | 0 | |
TAC | 0 |
a Catches taken with longlines of tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), bird beak dogfish (Deania calcea), leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lanternshark (Etmopterus princeps), smooth lanternshark (Etmopterus pusillus), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) and spurdog (Squalus acanthias) are included. When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. | ||
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias | ZoneUnion waters of IIa and IV(DGS/2AC4-C) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Denmark | 0a | |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
Sweden | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0a |
a Catches taken with longlines of tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), bird beak dogfish (Deania calcea), leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lanternshark (Etmopterus princeps), smooth lanternshark (Etmopterus pusillus), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) and spurdog (Squalus acanthias) are included. When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. | ||
SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias | ZoneUnion and international waters of I, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XIV(DGS/15X14) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 11 of this Regulation applies. |
Germany | 0a | |
Spain | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
Ireland | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
Portugal | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0a |
a Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in division VIId may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone: Union waters of IIa, IVa, VI, VIIa-c, VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV (JAX/*2A-14). | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
c At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*4BC7D). | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp. | ZoneUnion waters of IVb, IVc and VIId(JAX/4BC7D) | |
Belgium | 30b c | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 13 228b c | |
Germany | 1 168a b c | |
Spain | 246b c | |
France | 1 097a b c | |
Ireland | 832b c | |
The Netherlands | 7 963a b c | |
Portugal | 28b c | |
Sweden | 75b c | |
United Kingdom | 3 148a b c | |
Union | 27 815b | |
TAC | 27 815 |
a Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in Union waters of IIa or IVa before 30 June 2014 may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone of Union waters of IVb, IVc and VIId (JAX/*4BC7D). | ||
b Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in VIId (JAX/*07D.). | ||
c At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*2A-14). | ||
d Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp. | ZoneUnion waters of IIa, IVa; VI, VIIa-c, VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; Union and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(JAX/2A-14) | |
Denmark | 11 382a c d | Analytical TAC |
Germany | 8 881a b c d | |
Spain | 12 113c d | |
France | 4 571a b c d | |
Ireland | 29 578a c d | |
The Netherlands | 35 635a b c d | |
Portugal | 1 167c d | |
Sweden | 675a c d | |
United Kingdom | 10 710a b c d | |
Union | 114 712d | |
TAC | 116 912 |
a Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98b, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 15 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. | ||
b Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 of 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms (OJ L 125, 27.4.1998, p. 1). | ||
c Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in IX (JAX/*09.). | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. | ZoneVIIIc(JAX/08C.) | |
Spain | 16 582a c | Analytical TAC |
France | 287a | |
Portugal | 1 639a c | |
Union | 18 508 | |
TAC | 18 508 |
a Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 15 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. | ||
b Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in VIIIc (JAX/*08C). | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. | ZoneIX(JAX/09.) | |
Spain | 9 055a b | Analytical TAC |
Portugal | 25 945a b | |
Union | 35 000 | |
TAC | 35 000 |
a Waters adjacent to the Azores. | ||
b Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. | ||
c Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
d Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 3. | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. | ZoneX; Union waters of CECAFa(JAX/X34PRT) | |
Portugal | To be establishedb c | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedd | |
TAC | To be establishedd |
a Waters adjacent to Madeira. | ||
b Of which, notwithstanding Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the landings shall be 1,20. | ||
c Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
d Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 3. | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. | ZoneUnion waters of CECAFa(JAX/341PRT) | |
Portugal | To be establishedb c | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedd | |
TAC | To be establishedd |
a Waters adjacent to the Canary Islands. | ||
b Article 6 of this Regulation applies. | ||
c Fixed at the same quantity as determined in accordance with footnote 2. | ||
SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. | ZoneUnion waters of CECAFa(JAX/341SPN) | |
Spain | To be establishedb | Precautionary TAC |
Union | To be establishedc | |
TAC | To be establishedc |
a At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of Norway pout. By-catches of haddock and whiting to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OT2/*2A3A4). | ||
b Quota may be fished in Union waters of ICES zones IIa, IIIa and IV only. | ||
c Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorway pout and associated by-catchesTrisopterus esmarki | ZoneIIIa; Union waters of IIa and IV(NOP/2A3A4.) | |
Denmark | 103 404a c | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 20a b c | |
The Netherlands | 76a b c | |
Union | 103 500a c | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorway pout and associated by-catchesTrisopterus esmarki | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(NOP/04-N.) | |
Denmark | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe to be counted against the quotas for these species. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesIndustrial fish | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(I/F/04-N.) | |
Sweden | 0a b | Precautionary TAC |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Taken with long-lines only. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesOther species | ZoneUnion waters of Vb, VI and VII(OTH/5B67-C) | |
Union | Not relevant | Precautionary TAC |
Norway | 0a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Quota allocated by Norway to Sweden of "other species" at a traditional level. | ||
b Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate. | ||
c Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesOther species | ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(OTH/04-N.) | |
Belgium | 0c | Precautionary TAC |
Denmark | 0c | |
Germany | 0c | |
France | 0c | |
The Netherlands | 0c | |
Sweden | Not relevanta c | |
United Kingdom | 0c | |
Union | 0b c | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Limited to IIa and IV (OTH/*2A4-C). | ||
b Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate. | ||
c Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesOther species | ZoneUnion waters of IIa, IV and VIa north of 56° 30′ N(OTH/2A46AN) | |
Union | Not relevant | Precautionary TAC |
Norway | 0a b c | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Fishing is prohibited between 1 January and 31 March in Greenland waters of NAFO Subarea 1 North of 64° 15’ N. | ||
SpeciesSnow crabChionoecetes spp. | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(PCR/N1GRN.) | |
Ireland | 25a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Spain | 175a | |
Union | 200a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a When reporting catches to the Commission the quantities fished in each of the following areas shall also be reported: NEAFC Regulatory Area, Union waters, Faroese waters, Norwegian waters, the fishery zone around Jan Mayen, the fishery protection zone around Svalbard. | ||
Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone: Norwegian waters north of 62° N and the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (HER/*2AJMN) 0 | ||
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus | ZoneUnion, Norwegian and international waters of I and II(HER/1/2-) | |
Belgium | 9a | Analytical TAC |
Denmark | 9 346a | |
Germany | 1 637a | |
Spain | 31a | |
France | 403a | |
Ireland | 2 419a | |
The Netherlands | 3 345a | |
Poland | 473a | |
Portugal | 31a | |
Finland | 145a | |
Sweden | 3 463a | |
United Kingdom | 5 975a | |
Union | 27 277a | |
TAC | 419 000 |
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(COD/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Greece | 0 | |
Spain | 0 | |
Ireland | 0 | |
France | 0 | |
Portugal | 0 | |
United Kingdom | 0 | |
Union | 0 | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a May not be fished between 1 April and 31 May 2014. May be fished only in Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and ICES XIV in at least 2 of the following 4 areas: | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1 and Greenland waters of XIV(COD/N1GL14) | |
Germany | 1 800a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 400a | |
Union | 2 200a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Except Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom. | ||
b The allocation of the share of the cod stock available to the Union in the zone Spitzbergen and Bear Island and the associated by-catches of haddock are entirely without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the 1920 Treaty of Paris. | ||
c By-catches of haddock may represent up to 19 % per haul. The by-catch quantities of haddock are in addition to the quota for cod. | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneI and IIb(COD/1/2B.) | |
Germany | 7 667c | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Spain | 14 260c | |
France | 3 718c | |
Poland | 3 035c | |
Portugal | 2 806c | |
United Kingdom | 5 172c | |
Other Member States | 250a c | |
Union | 36 908b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesCod and haddockGadus morhua and Melanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneFaroese waters of Vb(COD/05B-F.) for cod;(HAD/05-F.) for haddock | |
Germany | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossus | ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(HAL/514GRN) | |
Portugal | 118a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 118a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossus | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(HAL/N1GRN.) | |
Union | 118a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514GRN) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514GRN) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp. | ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(GRV/514GRN) | |
Union | 65a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/N1GRN.) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/N1GRN.) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp. | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(GRV/N1GRN.) | |
Union | 65a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosus | ZoneIIb(CAP/02B.) | |
Union | 0 | Analytical TAC |
TAC | 0 |
a Member States may access the "All Member States" quota only once they have exhausted their own quota. However, Member States with more than 10 % of the Union quota shall not access the "All Member States" quota at all. | ||
b To be fished from 1 January until 30 April 2014. | ||
SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosus | ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(CAP/514GRN) | |
Denmark | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 0 | |
Sweden | 0 | |
Germany | 0 | |
All Member States | 0a | |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(HAD/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou | ZoneFaroese waters(WHB/2A4AXF) | |
Denmark | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesLing and blue lingMolva molva and molva dypterygia | ZoneFaroese waters of Vb(LIN/05B-F.) for ling;(BLI/05B-F.) for blue ling | |
Germany | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0 |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(PRA/514GRN) | |
Denmark | 1 295a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 1 295a | |
Union | 2 590a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(PRA/N1GRN.) | |
Denmark | 1 700 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 1 700 | |
Union | 3 400 | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(POK/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneInternational waters of I and II(POK/1/2INT) | |
Union | 0 | Analytical TAC |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens | ZoneFaroese waters of Vb(POK/05B-F.) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
The Netherlands | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(GHL/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 0a b | |
Union | 0a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneInternational waters of I and II(GHL/1/2INT) | |
Union | 0 | Precautionary TAC |
TAC | Not relevant |
a To be fished South of 68° N. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(GHL/N1GRN.) | |
Germany | 1 700b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Union | 1 700a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a To be fished by no more than 6 vessels at the same time. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(GHL/514GRN) | |
Germany | 3 591b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
United Kingdom | 189b | |
Union | 3 780a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
SpeciesRedfish (shallow pelagic)Sebastes spp. | ZoneUnion and international waters of V; international waters of XII and XIV(RED/51214S) | |
Estonia | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0 | |
Spain | 0 | |
France | 0 | |
Ireland | 0 | |
Latvia | 0 | |
The Netherlands | 0 | |
Poland | 0 | |
Portugal | 0 | |
United Kingdom | 0 | |
Union | 0 | |
TAC | 0 |
a May only be taken within the area bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b May not be fished from 1 January to 9 May 2014. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesRedfish (deep pelagic)Sebastes spp. | ZoneUnion and international waters of V; international waters of XII and XIV(RED/51214D) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Estonia | 93a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 1 883a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spain | 331a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
France | 176a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ireland | 1a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latvia | 34a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Netherlands | 1a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Poland | 170a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Portugal | 396a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 5a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 3 090a b | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | 20 000a b |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(RED/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Spain | 0a b | |
France | 0a b | |
Portugal | 0a b | |
United Kingdom | 0a b | |
Union | 0a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a The fishery may only take place within the period from 1 July to 31 December 2014. The fishery will be closed when the TAC is fully utilised by NEAFC Contracting Parties. The Commission shall inform Member States of the date on which the Secretariat of NEAFC has notified NEAFC Contracting Parties that the TAC has been fully utilised. From that date Member States shall prohibit directed fishery for redfish by vessels flying their flag. | ||
b Vessels shall limit their by-catches of redfish in other fisheries to a maximum of 1 % of the total catch retained on board. | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneInternational waters of I and II(RED/1/2INT) | |
Union | Not relevanta b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 19 300 |
a May only be fished as deep pelagic redfish by pelagic trawl from 10 May to 31 December 2014. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b May only be fished in Greenland waters within the Redfish Conservation Area bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c Special condition: this quota may also be fished in international waters of the Redfish Conservation Area mentioned above (RED/*5-14P). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesRedfish (pelagic)Sebastes spp. | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of V and XIV(RED/N1G14P) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 1 897a b c d | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
France | 10a b c d | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 13a b c d | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 1 920a b c d | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | Not relevant |
a May only be fished by trawl, and only North and West of the line defined by the following coordinates:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesRedfish (demersal)Sebastes spp. | ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of V and XIV(RED/N1G14D) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Germany | 1 976a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
France | 10a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 14a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Union | 2 000a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | Not relevant |
a Including unavoidable by-catches (cod not allowed). | ||
b May only be fished between July and December 2014. | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneIcelandic waters of Va(RED/05A-IS) | |
Belgium | 0a b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0a b | |
France | 0a b | |
United Kingdom | 0a b | |
Union | 0a b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneFaroese waters of Vb(RED/05B-F.) | |
Belgium | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 0a | |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesOther species | ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(OTH/1N2AB.) | |
Germany | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0a | |
United Kingdom | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Excluding fish species of no commercial value. | ||
b Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3). | ||
SpeciesOther speciesa | ZoneFaroese waters of Vb(OTH/05B-F.) | |
Germany | 0b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 0b | |
United Kingdom | 0b | |
Union | 0b | |
TAC | Not relevant |
All TACs and associated conditions are adopted in the framework of NAFO.
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007b. | ||
b Council Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007 of 22 October 2007 laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (OJ L 318, 5.12.2007, p. 1). | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneNAFO 2J3KL(COD/N2J3KL) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 0a |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits of a maximum of 1 000 kg or 4 %, whichever is greater. | ||
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneNAFO 3NO(COD/N3NO.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
TAC | 0a |
SpeciesCodGadus morhua | ZoneNAFO 3M(COD/N3M.) | |
Estonia | 161 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
Germany | 676 | |
Latvia | 161 | |
Lithuania | 161 | |
Poland | 552 | |
Spain | 2 077 | |
France | 290 | |
Portugal | 2 850 | |
United Kingdom | 1 353 | |
Union | 8 281 | |
TAC | 14 521 |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus | ZoneNAFO 2J3KL(WIT/N2J3KL) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
TAC | 0a |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus | ZoneNAFO 3NO(WIT/N3NO.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 0a |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides | ZoneNAFO 3M(PLA/N3M.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 0a |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides | ZoneNAFO 3LNO(PLA/N3LNO.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 0a |
a To be fished between 1 July and 31 December 2014. | ||
b No specified Union’s share. The following tonnage is available to Canada and the Member States of the Union except Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland: 611 | ||
SpeciesShortfin squidIllex illecebrosus | ZoneNAFO sub-zones 3 and 4(SQI/N34.) | |
Estonia | 128a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Latvia | 128a | |
Lithuania | 128a | |
Poland | 227a | |
Union | Not relevanta b | |
TAC | 34 000 |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesYellowtail flounderLimanda ferruginea | ZoneNAFO 3LNO(YEL/N3LNO.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 17 000 |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosus | ZoneNAFO 3NO(CAP/N3NO.) | |
Union | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
TAC | 0a |
a Not including the box bounded by the following coordinates:
| |||||||||||||||||
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneNAFO 3La(PRA/N3L.) | ||||||||||||||||
Estonia | 48 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | |||||||||||||||
Latvia | 48 | ||||||||||||||||
Lithuania | 48 | ||||||||||||||||
Poland | 48 | ||||||||||||||||
Spain | 38 | ||||||||||||||||
Portugal | 10 | ||||||||||||||||
Union | 240 | ||||||||||||||||
TAC | 4 300 |
a Vessels may also fish this stock in Division 3L in the box bounded by the following coordinates:
Moreover, fishing for shrimp is prohibited from 1 June to 31 December 2014 in the area bounded by the following coordinates:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b Not relevant. Fishery managed by limitations in fishing effort. The Member States concerned shall issue fishing authorisations for their fishing vessels engaging in this fishery and shall notify those authorisations to the Commission prior to the commencement of the vessel's activity, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c No directed fisheries are permitted. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis | ZoneNAFO 3Ma(PRA/*N3M.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAC | Not relevantb c | Analytical TAC |
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides | ZoneNAFO 3LMNO(GHL/N3LMNO) | |
Estonia | 310 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 317 | |
Latvia | 43 | |
Lithuania | 22 | |
Spain | 4 243 | |
Portugal | 1 774 | |
Union | 6 709 | |
TAC | 11 442 |
SpeciesSkateRajidae | ZoneNAFO 3LNO(SKA/N3LNO.) | |
Estonia | 283 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Lithuania | 62 | |
Spain | 3 403 | |
Portugal | 660 | |
Union | 4 408 | |
TAC | 7 000 |
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneNAFO 3LN(RED/N3LN.) | |
Estonia | 346 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 238 | |
Latvia | 346 | |
Lithuania | 346 | |
Union | 1 276 | |
TAC | 7 000 |
a This quota is subject to compliance with the TAC as shown, which is established for this stock for all NAFO Contracting Parties. Within that TAC, no more than the following mid-term limit may be fished before 1 July 2014: 3 250 Upon exhaustion of the TAC or the mid-term limit, the directed fishery for this stock shall be stopped irrespective of the level of catches. | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneNAFO 3M(RED/N3M.) | |
Estonia | 1 571a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Germany | 513a | |
Latvia | 1 571a | |
Lithuania | 1 571a | |
Spain | 233a | |
Portugal | 2 354a | |
Union | 7 813a | |
TAC | 6 500a |
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneNAFO 3O(RED/N3O.) | |
Spain | 1 771 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Portugal | 5 229 | |
Union | 7 000 | |
TAC | 20 000 |
a No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007. | ||
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. | ZoneNAFO Subarea 2, Divisions 1F and 3K(RED/N1F3K.) | |
Latvia | 0a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Lithuania | 0a | |
Union | 0a | |
TAC | 0a |
a Where, in accordance with footnote 27 of Annex IA of the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures, a positive vote by the Contracting Parties confirms the TAC to be 2 000 tonnes, the corresponding Union and Member State quotas for 2014 shall be deemed to be as below:
| ||||||||
SpeciesWhite hakeUrophycis tenuis | ZoneNAFO 3NO(HKW/N3NO.) | |||||||
Spain | 255 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||
Portugal | 333 | |||||||
Union | 588a | |||||||
TAC | 1 000 |
TACs in these areas are adopted in the framework of international fisheries organisations on tuna fisheries, such as ICCAT.
a Except Cyprus, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Malta and Portugal, and exclusively as by-catch. | ||||||||||||||
b Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex IV (BFT/*8301):
| ||||||||||||||
c Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna weighing no less than 6,4 kg or measuring no less than 70 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex IV (BFT/*641):
| ||||||||||||||
d Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between and 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 2 of Annex IV (BFT/*8302):
| ||||||||||||||
e Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between and 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 3 of Annex IV (BFT/*643):
| ||||||||||||||
f Special Condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 3 of Annex IV for farming purposes (BFT/*8303F):
| ||||||||||||||
g By derogation from Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) 302/2009, purse seine fishing for bluefin tuna shall be authorised in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean from 26 May to 24 June 2014 included. | ||||||||||||||
SpeciesBluefin tunaThunnus thynnus | ZoneAtlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean(BFT/AE45WM) | |||||||||||||
Cyprus | 69,44d g | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||||||||
Greece | 129,07g | |||||||||||||
Spain | 2 504,45b d g | |||||||||||||
France | 2 471,23b c d g | |||||||||||||
Croatia | 390,59f g | |||||||||||||
Italy | 1 950,42d e g | |||||||||||||
Malta | 160,02d g | |||||||||||||
Portugal | 235,5g | |||||||||||||
Other Member States | 27,93a g | |||||||||||||
Union | 7 938,65b c d e g | |||||||||||||
TAC | 13 400 |
a Except Spain and Portugal, and exclusively as by-catch. | ||
b Special condition: up to 2,39 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N (SWO/*AS05N). | ||
SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladius | ZoneAtlantic Ocean, North of 5° N(SWO/AN05N) | |
Spain | 6 886,05b | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Portugal | 1 325,88b | |
Other Member States | 135,58a b | |
Union | 8 347,51 | |
TAC | 13 700 |
a Special condition: up to 3,86 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N (SWO/*AN05N). | ||
SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladius | ZoneAtlantic Ocean, South of 5° N(SWO/AS05N) | |
Spain | 4 699,18a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Portugal | 442,52a | |
Union | 5 141,7 | |
TAC | 15 000 |
a The number of Union vessels fishing for northern albacore as a target species, in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007b, shall be as follows: 1 253 | ||||||||||||||
b Council Regulation (EC) No 520/2007 of 7 May 2007 laying down technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species (OJ L 123, 12.5.2007, p. 3). | ||||||||||||||
c The distribution between the Member States of the maximum number of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State authorised to fish for northern albacore as a target species in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007:
| ||||||||||||||
SpeciesNorthern albacoreThunnus alalunga | ZoneAtlantic Ocean, north of 5° N(ALB/AN05N) | |||||||||||||
Ireland | 2 698,68c | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply | ||||||||||||
Spain | 13 756,51c | |||||||||||||
France | 6 972,79c | |||||||||||||
United Kingdom | 334,08c | |||||||||||||
Portugal | 2 772,87c | |||||||||||||
Union | 26 534,93a | |||||||||||||
TAC | 28 000 |
SpeciesSouthern albacoreThunnus alalunga | ZoneAtlantic Ocean, south of 5° N(ALB/AS05N) | |
Spain | 724,69 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 238,16 | |
Portugal | 507,15 | |
Union | 1 470,0 | |
TAC | 24 000 |
SpeciesBigeye tunaThunnus obesus | ZoneAtlantic Ocean(BET/ATLANT) | |
Spain | 16 741,74 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 7 927,83 | |
Portugal | 4 797,54 | |
Union | 29 467,1 | |
TAC | 85 000 |
SpeciesBlue marlinMakaira nigricans | ZoneAtlantic Ocean(BUM/ATLANT) | |
Spain | 27,2 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
France | 397,6 | |
Portugal | 55,2 | |
Union | 480,0 | |
TAC | 1 985 |
SpeciesWhite marlinTetrapturus albidus | ZoneAtlantic Ocean(WHM/ATLANT) | |
Spain | 30,5 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
Portugal | 19,5 | |
Union | 50,0 | |
TAC | 355 |
These TACs, adopted by CCAMLR, are not allocated to the members of CCAMLR and hence the Union's share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the Secretariat of CCAMLR, which will communicate when fishing shall cease due to TAC exhaustion.
Unless specified otherwise, these TACs are applicable for the period from 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014.
SpeciesMackerel icefishChampsocephalus gunnari | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(ANI/F483.) | |
TAC | 4 635 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is specified as that portion of FAO statistical division 58.5.2 that lies within the area enclosed by a line:
| ||
SpeciesMackerel icefishChampsocephalus gunnari | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctica(ANI/F5852.) | |
TAC | 1 267 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesBlackfin icefishChaenocephalus aceratus | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(SSI/F483.) | |
TAC | 2 200a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesUnicorn icefishChannichthys rhinoceratus | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(LIC/F5852.) | |
TAC | 150a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a This TAC is applicable for longline fishery for the period from 16 April to 31 August 2014 and for pot fishery for the period from 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014. | ||||||||
Special conditions: Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the Subareas specified:
| ||||||||
SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoides | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(TOP/F483.) | |||||||
TAC | 2 400a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a This TAC is applicable within the area bounded by latitudes 55° 30′ S and 57° 20′ S and by longitudes 25° 30′ W and 29° 30′ W. | ||
SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoides | ZoneFAO 48.4 Antarctic North(TOP/F484N.) | |
TAC | 45a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a This TAC is applicable within the area bounded by latitudes 57° 20′ S and 60° 00′ S and by longitudes 24° 30′ W and 29° 00′ W. | ||
SpeciesAntarctic toothfishDissostichus mawsoni | ZoneFAO 48.4 Antarctic South(TOA/F484S.) | |
TAC | 24a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a This TAC is applicable for west of 79° 20′ E only. Fishing east of this meridian within this zone is prohibited. | ||
SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoides | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(TOP/F5852.) | |
TAC | 2 730a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
Special conditions: Within the limit of a total combined catch of 620 000 tonnes, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:
| ||||||||||
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba | ZoneFAO 48(KRI/F48.) | |||||||||
TAC | 5 610 000 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
Special conditions: Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:
| ||||||
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba | ZoneFAO 58.4.1 Antarctic(KRI/F5841.) | |||||
TAC | 440 000 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
Special conditions: Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:
| ||||||
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba | ZoneFAO 58.4.2 Antarctic(KRI/F5842.) | |||||
TAC | 2 645 000 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesHumped rockcodGobionotothen gibberifrons | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(NOG/F483.) | |
TAC | 1 470a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesGrey rockcodLepidonotothen squamifrons | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(NOS/F483.) | |
TAC | 300a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesGrey rockcodLepidonotothen squamifrons | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(NOS/F5852.) | |
TAC | 80a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp. | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(GRV/F5852.) | |
TAC | 360a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp. | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(GRV/F483.) | |
TAC | 120a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesMarbled rockcodNotothenia rossii | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(NOR/F483.) | |
TAC | 300a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
SpeciesCrabsParalomis spp. | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(PAI/F483.) | |
TAC | 0 | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesSouth Georgia icefishPseudochaenichthys georgianus | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(SGI/F483.) | |
TAC | 300a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(SRX/F5852.) | |
TAC | 120a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformes | ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(SRX/F483.) | |
TAC | 120a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this TAC. | ||
SpeciesOther species | ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(OTH/F5852.) | |
TAC | 50a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
These TACs are not allocated to the members of SEAFO and hence the Union's share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the Secretariat of SEAFO, who will communicate when fishing shall cease due to TAC exhaustion.
SpeciesAlfonsinosBeryx spp. | ZoneSEAFO(ALF/SEAFO) | |
TAC | 200 | Precautionary TAC |
a For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:
| ||
SpeciesDeep-sea red crabChaceon spp. | ZoneSEAFO Sub-Division B1a(GER/F47NAM) | |
TAC | 200 | Precautionary TAC |
SpeciesDeep-sea red crabChaceon spp. | ZoneSEAFO, excluding Sub-Division B1(GER/F47X) | |
TAC | 200 | Precautionary TAC |
SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoides | ZoneSEAFO Sub-Area D(TOP/F47D) | |
TAC | 276 | Precautionary TAC |
a For the purpose of this Annex, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:
| ||
SpeciesOrange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus | ZoneSEAFO Sub-Division B1a(ORY/F47NAM) | |
TAC | 0 | Precautionary TAC |
SpeciesOrange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus | ZoneSEAFO, excluding Sub-Division B1(ORY/F47X) | |
TAC | 50 | Precautionary TAC |
a Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. | ||
SpeciesSouthern bluefin tunaThunnus maccoyii | ZoneAll areas(SBF/F41-81) | |
Union | 10a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply. |
TAC | 12 449 |
SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladius | ZoneWCPFC Convention Area south of 20° S(SWO/F7120S) | |
Union | 3 170,36 | Precautionary TAC |
TAC | Not relevant |
a Provisional quota pending the outcome of the second annual meeting of the SPRFMO Commission scheduled on 27-31 January 2014. | ||
SpeciesJack mackerelTrachurus murphyi | ZoneSPRFMO Convention Area(CJM/SPRFMO) | |
Germany | 7 808,07a | Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply |
The Netherlands | 8 463,14a | |
Lithuania | 5 433,05a | |
Poland | 9 341,74a | |
Union | 31 046a | |
TAC | Not relevant |
For the purposes of this Annex, the gear groupings referred to in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 ("regulated gear") and the groupings of geographical areas referred to in point 2 of that Annex shall apply.
If a Member State deems so appropriate in order to reinforce the sustainable implementation of this effort regime, it may introduce a prohibition to fish with a regulated gear in any of the geographical areas to which this Annex applies by any of vessels flying its flag which has no record of such fishing activity, unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in that area.
Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood, for the purpose of cod management, as each of the geographical areas referred to in point 2 of this Annex.
Member States shall transmit to the Commission the data on fishing effort deployed by their fishing vessels in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. These data shall be transmitted via the Fisheries Data Exchange System or any future data collection system implemented by the Commission.
(a) Kattegat: | |||
Regulated gear | DK | DE | SE |
TR1 | 197 929 | 4 212 | 16 610 |
TR2 | 830 041 | 5 240 | 327 506 |
TR3 | 441 872 | 0 | 490 |
BT1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BT2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GN | 115 456 | 26 534 | 13 102 |
GT | 22 645 | 0 | 22 060 |
LL | 1 100 | 0 | 25 339 |
(b) Skagerrak, that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat; ICES subarea IV and Union waters of ICES division IIa; ICES division VIId: | |||||||||
Regulated gear | BE | DK | DE | ES | FR | IE | NL | SE | UK |
TR1 | 895 | 3 385 928 | 954 390 | 1 409 | 1 505 354 | 157 | 257 266 | 172 064 | 6 185 460 |
TR2 | 193 676 | 2 841 906 | 357 193 | 0 | 6 496 811 | 10 976 | 748 027 | 604 071 | 5 127 906 |
TR3 | 0 | 2 545 009 | 257 | 0 | 101 316 | 0 | 36 617 | 1 024 | 8 482 |
BT1 | 1 427 574 | 1 157 265 | 29 271 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 999 808 | 0 | 1 739 759 |
BT2 | 5 401 395 | 79 212 | 1 375 400 | 0 | 1 202 818 | 0 | 28 307 876 | 0 | 6 116 437 |
GN | 163 531 | 2 307 977 | 224 484 | 0 | 342 579 | 0 | 438 664 | 74 925 | 546 303 |
GT | 0 | 224 124 | 467 | 0 | 4 338 315 | 0 | 0 | 48 968 | 14 004 |
LL | 0 | 56 312 | 0 | 245 | 125 141 | 0 | 0 | 110 468 | 134 880 |
(c) ICES division VIIa: | |||||
Regulated gear | BE | FR | IE | NL | UK |
TR1 | 0 | 48 193 | 33 539 | 0 | 339 592 |
TR2 | 10 166 | 744 | 475 649 | 0 | 1 086 399 |
TR3 | 0 | 0 | 1 422 | 0 | 0 |
BT1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BT2 | 843 782 | 0 | 514 584 | 200 000 | 111 693 |
GN | 0 | 471 | 18 255 | 0 | 5 970 |
GT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 158 |
LL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 70 614 |
(d) ICES division VIa and Union waters of ICES division Vb: | ||||||
Regulated gear | BE | DE | ES | FR | IE | UK |
TR1 | 0 | 9 320 | 249 152 | 1 057 828 | 428 820 | 1 033 273 |
TR2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 926 | 14 371 | 2 972 845 |
TR3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 273 | 16 027 |
BT1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 117 544 |
BT2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 801 | 4 626 |
GN | 0 | 35 442 | 13 836 | 302 917 | 5 697 | 213 454 |
GT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 953 | 145 |
LL | 0 | 0 | 1 402 142 | 184 354 | 4 250 | 630 040 |
This Annex shall apply to Union vessels of 10 metres' length overall or more carrying on board or deploying trawls, Danish seines or similar gears of mesh size equal to or larger than 32 mm and gill-nets of mesh size equal to or larger than 60 mm or bottom longlines in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005, and present in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz.
For the purposes of this Annex:
'gear grouping' means the grouping consisting of the following two gear categories:
trawls, Danish seines or similar gears of mesh size equal to or larger than 32 mm and
gill-nets of mesh size equal to or larger than 60 mm and bottom longlines;
'regulated gear' means any of the two gear categories belonging to the gear grouping;
'area' means ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa excluding the Gulf of Cádiz;
'2014 management period' means the period from 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015;
'special conditions' means the special conditions set out in point 6.1.
Without prejudice to Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any regulated gear, Union vessels flying its flag shall be present within the area for no more than the number of days specified in Chapter III of this Annex.
the total landings of hake in the year 2011 or 2012 made by the vessel concerned shall represent less than 5 tonnes according to the landings in live weight; and
the total landings of Norway lobster in the year 2011 or 2012 made by the vessel concerned shall represent less than 2,5 tonnes according to the landings in live weight.
Table I | |||
Maximum number of days a vessel may be present within the area by fishing gear per year | |||
Special condition | Regulated gear | Maximum number of days | |
Bottom trawls, Danish seines and similar trawls of mesh size ≥ 32 mm, gill-nets of mesh size ≥ 60 mm and bottom longlines | ES | 127 | |
FR | 121 | ||
PT | 126 | ||
6.1.(a) and 6.1.(b) | Bottom trawls, Danish seines and similar trawls of mesh size ≥ 32 mm, gill-nets of mesh size ≥ 60 mm and bottom longlines | Unlimited |
list of vessels authorised to fish by indicating their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;
track record of 2011 and 2012 for such vessels reflecting the catch composition defined in the special condition referred to in point 6.1.(a) or (b), if these vessels are qualified for such special conditions;
the number of days at sea for which each vessel would have initially been authorised to fish according to Table I and the number of days at sea which each vessel would benefit from in application of point 7.1.
lists of withdrawn vessels with their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;
the fishing activity deployed by such vessels in 2003 calculated in days at sea according to the grouping of fishing gears and, if necessary, special conditions.
Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 2166/2005 and Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.
Member States may permit the transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.1. and 4.2. and 12 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, they shall notify the Commission, before the transfer takes place, of the details of the transfer, including the number of days to be transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto.
Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood as the area specified in point 2 of this Annex.
Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall collect on a quarterly basis the information about total fishing effort deployed within the area for towed gears and static gears, effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area, and the engine power of those vessels in kilowatt days.
Upon request from the Commission, Member States shall make available to the Commission a spreadsheet with data specified in point 15 in the format specified in Tables II and III by sending it to the appropriate electronic mailbox address, which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission. Member States shall, upon the Commission's request, send to the Commission detailed information on effort allocated and consumed covering all or parts of the 2013 and 2014 management periods, using the data format specified in Tables IV and V.
Reporting format kW-day information by year
Member State | Gear | Year | Cumulative effort declaration |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Data format kW-day information by year
a Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting. | |||
Name of field | Maximum number of characters/digits | AlignmentaL(eft)/R(ight) | Definition and comments |
(1) Member State | 3 | Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which the vessel is registered | |
(2) Gear | 2 | One of the following gear types: TR = trawls, Danish seines and similar gear ≥ 32 mm GN = gillnets ≥ 60 mm LL = bottom longlines | |
(3) Year | 4 | Either 2006 or 2007 or 2008 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 or 2013 or 2014 | |
(4) Cumulative effort declaration | 7 | R | Cumulative amount of fishing effort expressed in kilowatt days deployed from 1 January until 31 December of the relevant year |
Reporting format for vessel-related information
Member State | CFR | External marking | Length of management period | Gear notified | Special condition applying to notified gear(s) | Days eligible using notified gear(s) | Days spent with notified gear(s) | Transfer of days | ||||||||||||
No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | |||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (5) | (5) | (5) | (6) | (6) | (6) | (6) | (7) | (7) | (7) | (7) | (8) | (8) | (8) | (8) | (9) |
Data format for vessel-related information
a Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting. | |||
b Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87 of 20 May 1987 establishing detailed rules concerning the marking and documentation of fishing vessels (OJ L 132, 21.5.1987, p. 9). | |||
Name of field | Maximum number of characters/digits | Alignmenta L(eft)/R(ight) | Definition and comments |
(1) Member State | 3 | Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered | |
(2) CFR | 12 | Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) Unique identification number of a fishing vessel Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters, additional zeros shall be inserted on the left hand side | |
(3) External marking | 14 | L | Under Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87b |
(4) Length of management period | 2 | L | Length of the management period measured in months |
(5) Gears notified | 2 | L | One of the following gear types: TR = trawls, Danish seines and similar gear ≥ 32 mm GN = gillnets ≥ 60 mm LL = bottom longlines |
(6) Special condition applying to notified gear(s) | 2 | L | Indication of which, if any, of the special condition referred to in point 6.1.(a) or (b) of Annex IIB that apply |
(7) Days eligible using notified gear(s) | 3 | L | Number of days for which the vessel is eligible under Annex IIB for the choice of gears and length of management period notified |
(8) Days spent with notified gear(s) | 3 | L | Number of days the vessel actually spent present within the area and using a gear corresponding to gear notified during the notified management period |
(9) Transfers of days | 4 | L | For days transferred indicate '– number of days transferred' and for days received indicate '+ number of days transferred' |
such vessels catch less than 300 kg live weight of sole during the 2014 management period;
such vessels do not tranship any fish at sea to another vessel;
by 31 July 2014 and 31 January 2015 each Member State concerned make a report to the Commission on these vessels' catch records for sole in the three previous years as well as on catches of sole in 2014.
Where any of these conditions is not met, the vessels concerned shall, with immediate effect, cease to be exempt from the application of this Annex.
For the purposes of this Annex the following definitions shall apply:
'gear grouping' means the grouping consisting of the following two gear categories:
beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm and
static nets, including gill-nets, trammel nets and tangle-nets, with mesh size equal to or less than 220 mm;
'regulated gear' means any of the two gear categories belonging to the gear grouping;
'area' means ICES division VIIe;
'2014 management period' means the period from 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015.
Without prejudice to Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any regulated gear, Union vessels flying its flag and registered in the Union shall be present within the area for no more than the number of days set out in Chapter III of this Annex.
During the 2014 management period, the maximum number of days at sea for which a Member State may authorise a vessel flying its flag to be present within the area having carried on board any regulated gear is shown in Table I.
Maximum number of days a vessel may be present within the area by category of regulated gear per year
Regulated gear | Maximum number of days | |
Beam trawls of mesh size ≥ 80 mm | BE | 164 |
FR | 175 | |
UK | 207 | |
Static nets with mesh size ≤ 220 mm | BE | 164 |
FR | 178 | |
UK | 164 |
list of vessels authorised to fish by indicating their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;
the number of days at sea for which each vessel would have initially been authorised to fish according to Table I and the number of days at sea which each vessel would benefit from in application of point 6.1.
lists of withdrawn vessels with their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;
the fishing activity deployed by such vessels in 2003 calculated in days at sea according to the grouping of fishing gears.
Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.
Member States may permit transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.2., 4.4., 5, 6 and 10 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, they shall notify the Commission before the transfer takes place, the details of the transfer, including the number of days to be transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto.
Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood as the area specified in point 2 of this Annex.
Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall collect on a quarterly basis the information about total fishing effort deployed within the area for towed gears and static gears, effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area, and the engine power of those vessels in kilowatt days.
Upon request from the Commission, Member States shall make available to the Commission a spreadsheet with data specified in point 14 in the format specified in Tables II and III by sending it to the appropriate electronic mailbox address, which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission. Member States shall, upon the Commission's request, send to the Commission detailed information on effort allocated and consumed covering all or parts of the 2013 and 2014 management periods, using the data format specified in Tables IV and V.
Reporting format kW-day information by year
Member State | Gear | Year | Cumulative effort declaration |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Data format kW-day information by year
a Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting. | |||
Name of field | Maximum number of characters/digits | AlignmentaL(eft)/R(ight) | Definition and comments |
(1) Member State | 3 | Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which the vessel is registered | |
(2) Gear | 2 | One of the following gear types: BT = beam trawls ≥ 80 mm GN = gillnet < 220 mm TN = trammel net or entangling net < 220 mm | |
(3) Year | 4 | Either 2006 or 2007 or 2008 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 or 2013 or 2014 | |
(4) Cumulative effort declaration | 7 | R | Cumulative amount of fishing effort expressed in kilowatt days deployed from 1 January until 31 December of the relevant year |
Reporting format for vessel-related information
Member State | CFR | External marking | Length of management period | Gear notified | Days eligible using notified gear(s) | Days spent with notified gear(s) | Transfer of days | |||||||||
No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | No 1 | No 2 | No 3 | … | |||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (5) | (5) | (5) | (6) | (6) | (6) | (6) | (7) | (7) | (7) | (7) | (8) |
Data format for vessel-related information
a Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting. | |||
Name of field | Maximum number of characters/digits | AlignmentaL(eft)/R(ight) | Definition and comments |
(1) Member State | 3 | Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered | |
(2) CFR | 12 | Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) Unique identification number of a fishing vessel Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters, additional zeros shall be inserted on the left hand side | |
(3) External marking | 14 | L | Under Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87 |
(4) Length of management period | 2 | L | Length of the management period measured in months |
(5) Gears notified | 2 | L | One of the following gear types: BT = beam trawls ≥ 80 mm GN = gillnet < 220 mm TN = trammel net or entangling net < 220 mm |
(6) Special condition applying to notified gear(s) | 3 | L | Number of days for which the vessel is eligible under Annex IIC for the choice of gears and length of management period notified |
(7) Days spent with notified gear(s) | 3 | L | Number of days the vessel actually spent present within the area and using a gear corresponding to gear notified during the notified management period |
(8) Transfers of days | 4 | L | For days transferred indicate '– number of days transferred' and for days received indicate '+ number of days transferred' |
For the purposes of the management of the fishing opportunities of sandeel in ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV fixed in Annex IA, the management areas within which specific catch limits apply are defined as shown below and in the Appendix to this Annex:
Sandeel management area | ICES statistical rectangles |
1 | 31-34 E9-F2; 35 E9- F3; 36 E9-F4; 37 E9-F5; 38-40 F0-F5; 41 F5-F6 |
2 | 31-34 F3-F4; 35 F4-F6; 36 F5-F8; 37-40 F6-F8; 41 F7-F8 |
3 | 41 F1-F4; 42-43 F1-F9; 44 F1-G0; 45-46 F1-G1; 47 G0 |
4 | 38-40 E7-E9; 41-46 E6-F0 |
5 | 47-51 E6 + F0-F5; 52 E6-F5 |
6 | 41-43 G0-G3; 44 G1 |
7 | 47-51 E7-E9 |
a Without prejudice to additional licences granted to Sweden by Norway in accordance with established practice. | ||||
Area of fishing | Fishery | Number of fishing authorisations | Allocation of fishing authorisations amongst Member States | Maximum number of vessels present at any time |
Norwegian waters and fishery zone around Jan Mayen | Herring, north of 62° 00′ N | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Demersal species, north of 62° 00′ N | To be established | To be established | To be established | |
Mackerel | Not relevant | Not relevant | To be establisheda | |
Industrial species, south of 62° 00′ N | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Spain | 60 |
France | 8 |
Union | 68 |
Spain | 119 |
France | 87 |
Italy | 30 |
Cyprus | 7 |
Malta | 28 |
Union | 316 |
Croatia | 9 |
Italy | 12 |
Union | 21 |
Table A | |||||||
a The numbers in this Table A of section 4 may be further increased, provided that the international obligations of the Union are complied with. | |||||||
b One medium size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels. | |||||||
c One medium size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels. | |||||||
d Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment. | |||||||
e Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment (longline, handline, trolling line). | |||||||
Number of fishing vesselsa | |||||||
Cyprus | Greeceb | Croatia | Italy | France | Spain | Maltac | |
Purse Seiners | 1 | 1 | 9 | 12 | 17 | 6 | 1 |
Longliners | 4d | 0 | 0 | 30 | 8 | 31 | 22 |
Baitboat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 60 | 0 |
Handline | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 29 | 2 | 0 |
Trawler | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 57 | 0 | 0 |
Other artisanale | 0 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 87 | 32 | 0 |
Table B | |||||||
Total capacity in gross tonnage | |||||||
Cyprus | Croatia | Greece | Italy | France | Spain | Malta | |
Purse Seiners | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Longliners | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Baitboats | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Handlines | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Trawlers | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
Other artisanal | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established | To be established |
a This number may be further increased, provided that the international obligations of the Union are complied with. | |
Number of traps | |
Spain | 5 |
Italy | 6 |
Portugal | 1a |
Table A | ||
Maximum tuna farming capacity and fattening capacity | ||
Number of farms | Capacity (in tonnes) | |
Spain | 14 | 11 852 |
Italy | 15 | 13 000 |
Greece | 2 | 2 100 |
Cyprus | 3 | 3 000 |
Croatia | 7 | 7 880 |
Malta | 8 | 12 300 |
Table B | |
Maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna (in tonnes) | |
Spain | 5 855 |
Italy | 3 764 |
Greece | 785 |
Cyprus | 2 195 |
Croatia | 2 947 |
Malta | 8 768 |
a Except for scientific research purposes. | ||
b Excluding waters subject to national jurisdiction (EEZs). | ||
Target species | Zone | Period of prohibition |
Sharks (all species) | Convention Area | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
Notothenia rossii | FAO 48.1. Antarctic, in the Peninsula Area FAO 48.2. Antarctic, around the South Orkneys FAO 48.3. Antarctic, around South Georgia | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
Finfish | FAO 48.1. Antarctica FAO 48.2. Antarctica | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
Gobionotothen gibberifrons Chaenocephalus aceratus Pseudochaenichthys georgianus Lepidonotothen squamifrons Patagonotothen guntheri Electrona carlsbergi a | FAO 48.3. | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
Dissostichus spp. | FAO 48.5. Antarctic | From 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014 |
Dissostichus spp. | FAO 88.3. Antarctica FAO 58.5.2. Antarctic east of 79° 20′ E and outside the EEZ to the west of 79° 20′ Ea FAO 58.6. Antarctica FAO 58.7. Antarctica | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
Lepidonotothen squamifrons | FAO 58.4.4a b | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
All species except Champsocephalus gunnari and Dissostichus eleginoides | FAO 58.5.2. Antarctic | From 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014 |
Dissostichus mawsoni | FAO 48.4. Antarctica within the area bounded by latitudes 55° 30′ S and 57° 20′ S and by longitudes 25° 30′ W and 29° 30′ W | From 1 January to 31 December 2014 |
a Rules for catch limits for by-catch species per SSRU, applicable within total by-catch limits per Subarea:
| |||||||
b Includes a catch limit of 42 tonnes to permit Spain to undertake a depletion experiment in 2013/2014. | |||||||
Subarea/Division | Region | Season | SSRU | Dissostichus spp. catch limit(in tonnes) | By-catch catch limit(in tonnes)a | ||
Skates and rays | Macrourus spp. | Other species | |||||
58.4.1. | Whole Division | 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014 | SSRUs A, B and F: 0 SSRU C: 257b SSRU D: 42b SSRU E: 315 SSRU G: 68b SSRU H: 42b | Total 724 | All Division: 50 | All Division: 116 | All Division: 20 |
58.4.2. | Whole Division | 1 December 2013 to 30 November 2014 | SSRUs A, B, C and D: 0 SSRU E: 35 | Total 35 | All Division: 50 | All Division: 20 | All Division: 20 |
58.4.3a. | Whole Division | 1 May to 31 August 2014 | Total 32 | All Division: 50 | All Division: 20 | All Division: 20 | |
88.1. | Whole Subarea | 1 December 2013 to 31 August 2014 | SSRUs A, D, E, F and M: 0 SSRUs B, C and G: 397 SSRUs H, I and K: 2 247 SSRUs J and L: 357 | Total 3 044 | 152 SSRUs A, D, E, F and M: 0 SSRUs B, C and G: 50 SSRUs H, I and K: 112 SSRUs J and L: 50 | 430 SSRUs A, D, E, F and M: 0 SSRUs B, C and G: 40 SSRUs H, I and K: 320 SSRUs J and L: 70 | 160 SSRUs A, D, E, F and M: 0 SSRUs B, C and G: 60 SSRUs H, I and K: 60 SSRUs J and L: 40 |
88.2. | South of 65° S | 1 December 2013 to 31 August 2014 | SSRUs A, B and I: 0 SSRUs C, D, E, F and G: 124 SSRU H: 266 | Total 390 | 50 SSRUs A, B and I: 0 SSRUs C, D, E, F and G: 50 SSRU H: 50 | 62 SSRUs A, B and I: 0 SSRUs C, D, E, F and G: 20 SSRU H: 42 | 20 SSRUs A, B and I: 0 SSRUs C, D, E, F and G: 100 SSRU H: 20 |
Region | SSRU | Boundary line |
48.6 | A | From 50° S 20° W, due east to 1°30′ E, due south to 60° S, due west to 20° W, due north to 50° S. |
B | From 60° S 20° W, due east to 10° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 20° W, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 60° S 10° W, due east to 0° longitude, due south to coast, westward along coast to 10° W, due north to 60° S. | |
D | From 60° S 0° longitude, due east to 10° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 0° longitude, due north to 60° S. | |
E | From 60° S 10° E, due east to 20° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 10° E, due north to 60° S. | |
F | From 60° S 20° E, due east to 30° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 20° E, due north to 60° S. | |
G | From 50° S 1° 30′ E, due east to 30° E, due south to 60° S, due west to 1° 30′ E, due north to 50° S. | |
58.4.1 | A | From 55° S 86° E, due east to 150° E, due south to 60° S, due west to 86° E, due north to 55° S. |
B | From 60° S 86° E, due east to 90° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 80° E, due north to 64° S, due east to 86° E, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 60° S 90° E, due east to 100° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 90° E, due north to 60° S. | |
D | From 60° S 100° E, due east to 110° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 100° E, due north to 60° S. | |
E | From 60° S 110° E, due east to 120° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 110° E, due north to 60° S. | |
F | From 60° S 120° E, due east to 130° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 120° E, due north to 60° S. | |
G | From 60° S 130° E, due east to 140° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 130° E, due north to 60° S. | |
H | From 60° S 140° E, due east to 150° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 140° E, due north to 60° S. | |
58.4.2 | A | From 62° S 30° E, due east to 40° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 30° E, due north to 62° S. |
B | From 62° S 40° E, due east to 50° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 40° E, due north to 62° S. | |
C | From 62° S 50° E, due east to 60° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 50° E, due north to 62° S. | |
D | From 62° S 60° E, due east to 70° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 60° E, due north to 62° S. | |
E | From 62° S 70° E, due east to 73° 10′ E, due south to 64° S, due east to 80° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 70° E, due north to 62° S. | |
58.4.3a | A | Whole division, from 56° S 60° E, due east to 73°10′ E, due south to 62° S, due west to 60° E, due north to 56° S. |
58.4.3b | A | From 56° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 79° E, south to 59° S, due west to 73°10′ E, due north to 56° S. |
B | From 60° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 86° E, south to 64° S, due west to 73°10′ E, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 59° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 79° E, south to 60° S, due west to 73°10′ E, due north to 59° S. | |
D | From 59° S 79° E, due east to 86° E, south to 60° S, due west to 79° E, due north to 59° S. | |
E | From 56° S 79° E, due east to 80° E, due north to 55° S, due east to 86° E, south to 59° S, due west to 79° E, due north to 56°S. | |
58.4.4 | A | From 51° S 40° E, due east to 42° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 40° E, due north to 51° S. |
B | From 51° S 42° E, due east to 46° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 42° E, due north to 51° S. | |
C | From 51° S 46° E, due east to 50° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 46° E, due north to 51° S. | |
D | Whole division excluding SSRUs A, B, C, and with outer boundary from 50° S 30° E, due east to 60° E, due south to 62° S, due west to 30° E, due north to 50° S. | |
58.6 | A | From 45° S 40° E, due east to 44° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 40° E, due north to 45° S. |
B | From 45° S 44° E, due east to 48° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 44° E, due north to 45° S. | |
C | From 45° S 48° E, due east to 51° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 48° E, due north to 45° S. | |
D | From 45° S 51° E, due east to 54° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 51° E, due north to 45° S. | |
58.7 | A | From 45° S 37° E, due east to 40° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 37° E, due north to 45° S. |
88.1 | A | From 60° S 150° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 65° S, due west to 150° E, due north to 60° S. |
B | From 60° S 170° E, due east to 179° E, due south to 66°40′ S, due west to 170° E, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 60° S 179° E, due east to 170° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° W, due north to 66°40′ S, due west to 179° E, due north to 60° S. | |
D | From 65° S 150° E, due east to 160° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 150° E, due north to 65° S. | |
E | From 65° S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 68° 30′ S, due west to 160° E, due north to 65° S. | |
F | From 68° 30′ S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 160° E, due north to 68° 30′ S. | |
G | From 66° 40′ S 170° E, due east to 178° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due south to 70° 50′ S, due west to 170° E, due north to 66°40′ S. | |
H | From 70° 50′ S 170° E, due east to 178° 50′ E, due south to 73° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 170° E, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
I | From 70° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 73° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 70° S. | |
J | From 73° S at coast near 170° E, due east to 178° 50′ E, due south to 80° S, due west to 170° E, northward along coast to 73° S. | |
K | From 73° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 76° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 73° S. | |
L | From 76° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 80° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 76° S. | |
M | From 73° S at coast near 169° 30′ E, due east to 170° E, due south to 80° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 73° S. | |
88.2 | A | From 60° S 170° W, due east to 160° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 170° W, due north to 60° S. |
B | From 60° S 160° W, due east to 150° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 160° W, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 70° 50′ S 150° W, due east to 140° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 150° W, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
D | From 70° 50′ S 140° W, due east to 130° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 140° W, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
E | From 70° 50′ S 130° W, due east to 120° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 130° W, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
F | From 70° 50′ S 120° W, due east to 110° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 120° W, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
G | From 70°50′ S 110° W, due east to 105° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 110° W, due north to 70° 50′ S. | |
H | From 65° S 150° W, due east to 105° W, due south to 70° 50′ S, due west to 150° W, due north to 65° S. | |
I | From 60° S 150° W, due east to 105° W, due south to 65° S, due west to 150°W, due north to 60° S. | |
88.3 | A | From 60° S 105° W, due east to 95° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 105° W, due north to 60° S. |
B | From 60° S 95° W, due east to 85° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 95° W, due north to 60° S. | |
C | From 60° S 85° W, due east to 75° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 85° W, due north to 60° S. | |
D | From 60° S 75° W, due east to 70° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 75° W, due north to 60° S. |
Member: _
Fishing season: _
Name of vessel: _
Expected level of catch (tonne): _
This conservation measure applies to notifications of intentions to fish for krill in Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. Intentions to fish for krill in other subareas and divisions must be notified under Conservation Measure 21-02.
Subarea/Division | Tick the appropriate boxes |
48.1 | |
48.2 | |
48.3 | |
48.4 | |
58.4.1 | |
58.4.2 | |
a If the method is not listed in Annex 21-03/B, then please describe in detail. | |
Product type | Method for direct estimation of green weight of krill caught, where relevant (refer to Annex 21-03/B)a |
Whole frozen | |
Boiled | |
Meal | |
Oil | |
Other product, please specify |
a Expected in operational conditions. | ||||||
b Size of outer mesh, and inner mesh where a liner is used. | ||||||
c Inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01. | ||||||
Net measurements | Net 1 | Net 2 | Other net(s) | |||
Net opening (mouth) | ||||||
Maximum vertical opening (m) | ||||||
Maximum horizontal opening (m) | ||||||
Net circumference at moutha (m) | ||||||
Mouth area (m2) | ||||||
Panel average mesh sizec (mm) | Outerb | Innerb | Outerb | Innerb | Outerb | Innerb |
1st panel | ||||||
2nd panel | ||||||
3rd panel | ||||||
… | ||||||
Final panel (Codend) |
Net diagram(s): _
For each net used, or any change in net configuration, refer to the relevant net diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (www.ccamlr.org/node/74407), or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM. Net diagrams must include:
Length and width of each trawl panel (in sufficient detail to allow calculation of the angle of each panel with respect to water flow.)
Mesh size (inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01), shape (e.g. diamond shape) and material (e.g. polypropylene).
Mesh construction (e.g. knotted, fused).
Details of streamers used inside the trawl (design, location on panels, indicate ‘nil’ if streamers are not in use); streamers prevent krill fouling the mesh or escaping.
Device diagram(s): _
For each type of device used, or any change in device configuration, refer to the relevant diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (www.ccamlr.org/node/74407), or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM.
Provide information on the echosounders and sonars used by the vessel.
Type (e.g. echosounder, sonar) | |||
Manufacturer | |||
Model | |||
Transducer frequencies (kHz) |
Collection of acoustic data (detailed description): _
Outline steps which will be taken to collect acoustic data to provide information on the distribution and abundance of Euphausia superba and other pelagic species such as myctophiids and salps (SC-CAMLR-XXX, paragraph 2.10).
a Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system. | |||||
b Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or a two-hour period when using the continuous fishing system. | |||||
Method | Equation (kg) | Parameter | |||
Description | Type | Estimation method | Unit | ||
Holding tank volume | W*L*H*ρ*1 000 | W = tank width | Constant | Measure at the start of fishing | m |
L = tank length | Constant | Measure at the start of fishing | m | ||
ρ = density of the sample | Variable | Volume-to-mass conversion | kg/ litre | ||
H = depth of krill in tank | Haul-specific | Direct observation | m | ||
Flow meter | V*Fkrill* ρ | V = volume of krill and water combined | Haula-specific | Direct observation | litre |
Fkrill = fraction of krill in the sample | Haula-specific | Flow meter volume correction | — | ||
ρ = density of krill in the sample | Variable | Volume-to-mass conversion | kg/ litre | ||
Flow scale | M*(1–F) | M = mass of krill and water combined | Haulb-specific | Direct observation | kg |
F = fraction of water in the sample | Variable | Flow scale mass correction | — | ||
Mtray = mass of empty tray | Constant | Direct observation prior to fishing | kg | ||
Plate tray | (M–Mtray)*N | M = mean mass of krill and tray combined | Variable | Direct observation, prior to freezing with water drained | kg |
N = number of trays | Haul-specific | Direct observation | — | ||
Meal conversion | Mmeal*MCF | Mmeal = mass of meal produced | Haul-specific | Direct observation | kg |
MCF = meal conversion factor | Variable | Meal to whole krill conversion | — | ||
Codend volume | W*H*L*ρ*π/4*1 000 | W = codend width | Constant | Measure at the start of fishing | m |
H = codend height | Constant | Measure at the start of fishing | m | ||
ρ = density of the sample | Variable | Volume-to-mass conversion | kg/ litre | ||
L = codend length | Haul-specific | Direct observation | m | ||
Other | Please specify |
Measure the width and length of the holding tank (if the tank is not rectangular in shape, then additional measurements may be required; precision ± 0,05 m)
Estimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the holding tank
Measure the depth of krill in the tank (if krill are held in the tank between hauls, then measure the difference in depth; precision ± 0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Ensure that the flow meter is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
Estimate the volume-to-mass conversion (ρ) derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the flow meter
Obtain a sample from the flow meter and:
measure the volume (e.g. 10 litres) of krill and water combined
estimate the flow meter volume correction derived from the drained volume of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Ensure that the flow scale is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
Obtain a sample from the flow scale and:
measure the mass of krill and water combined
estimate the flow scale mass correction derived from the drained mass of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Measure the mass of the tray (if trays vary in design, then measure the mass of each type; precision ± 0,1 kg)
Measure the mass of krill and tray combined (precision ± 0,1 kg)
Count the number of trays used (if trays vary in design, then count the number of trays of each type)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Estimate the meal to whole krill conversion by processing 1 000 to 5 000 kg (drained mass) of whole krill
Measure the mass of meal produced
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Measure the width and height of the codend (precision ± 0,1 m)
Estimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the codend
Measure the length of codend containing krill (precision ± 0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Member State | Maximum number of vessels | Capacity (gross tonnage) |
Spain | 22 | 61 364 |
France | 22 | 33 604 |
Portugal | 5 | 1 627 |
Union | 49 | 96 595 |
Member State | Maximum number of vessels | Capacity (gross tonnage) |
Spain | 27 | 11 590 |
France | 41 | 5 382 |
Portugal | 15 | 6 925 |
United Kingdom | 4 | 1 400 |
Union | 87 | 25 297 |
Maximum number of Union vessels authorised to fish for swordfish in areas south of 20° S of the WCPFC Convention Area
Spain | 14 |
Union | 14 |
a To issue those fishing authorisations, proof must be produced that a valid contract exists between the ship owner applying for the fishing authorisation and a processing undertaking situated in the Department of French Guiana, and that it includes an obligation to land at least 75 % of all snapper catches from the vessel concerned in that department so that they may be processed in that undertaking's plant. Such a contract must be endorsed by the French authorities, which shall ensure that it is consistent both with the actual capacity of the contracting processing undertaking and with the objectives for the development of the Guianese economy. A copy of the duly endorsed contract shall be appended to the fishing authorisation application. Where such an endorsement is refused, the French authorities shall give notification of this refusal and state their reasons for it to the party concerned and to the Commission. | |||
Flag State | Fishery | Number of fishing authorisations | Maximum number of vessels present at any time |
Norway | Herring, north of 62° 00′ N | To be established | To be established |
Venezuelaa | Snappers (French Guiana waters) | 45 | 45 |
Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003 of 4 November 2003 on the management of the fishing effort relating to certain Community fishing areas and resources (OJ L 289, 7.11.2003, p. 1).
Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund (OJ L 223, 15.8.2006, p. 1).
Council Regulation (EC) No 744/2008 of 24 July 2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishing fleets affected by the economic crisis (OJ L 202, 31.7.2008, p. 1).
Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 of 25 February 2008 concerning the establishment of a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy (OJ L 60, 5.3.2008, p. 1).
The numbers shown in sections 1, 2 and 3 may decrease in order to comply with international obligations of the Union.
Measured at least monthly (more frequently if feasible); a new monthly period will commence when the vessel moves to a new subarea or division.
Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.
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