Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/99Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/99 of 16 October 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to determining the operational functioning of the colleges of supervisors according to Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

ANNEX I Mapping template

EU parent institution / EU parent financial holding company / EU parent mixed financial holding company / institution
Total amount of assets and off-balance sheet items (in million euros)
Is it identified as global systemically important institution (G-SII) or other systemically important institution (O-SII)?
Has a waiver been granted pursuant to Article 7 or 10 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (waivers from capital requirements)? (Y/N)
Has a waiver been granted pursuant to Article 8 or 10 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (waivers from liquidity requirements)? (Y/N)
Institutions authorised in a Member State / Financial sector entities authorised in a Member StateIs the institution / financial sector entity important for the group?(Y/N)Is the institution / financial sector entity important for the Member State in which it is authorised?(Y/N)Total amount of assets and off-balance sheet items of the institution / financial sector entity (in million euros)Criteria used for determining the importance for the Member State, as applicableCriteria used for determining the importance for the group, as applicableHas a waiver been granted pursuant to Article 7 or Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013(waivers from capital requirements)?(Y/N)
Competent authority / Other authorityMember StateInstitution / Financial sector entityLegal Identifier Code, where such a code exists (pre-Legal Entity Identifiers or Global Legal Entity Identifier System)Is the institution / financial sector entity identified as O-SII?Immediate parent of the institution / financial sector entityLegal Identifier Code, where such a code exists (pre-Legal Entity Identifiers or Global Legal Entity Identifier System)Is the immediate parent identified as O-SII?
Resolution college:Member and observers countries:Member and observers authorities:
Crisis Management Group (CMG):Member countries:Member authorities:
Name of the consolidating supervisor or competent authority of the home Member State:
Address of the consolidating supervisor or competent authority of the home Member State:
Contact person (name, email address, phone number) of the consolidating supervisor or competent authority of the home Member State:
Has a waiver been granted pursuant to Article 8 or Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (waivers from liquidity requirements)? (Y/N)Is the relevant authority a member or an observer of the college? If yes and part of a specific-college substructure, please specify.Branches established in a Member StateIs the branch important for the group?(Y/N)Criteria used for determining the importance, as applicableIs the branch important for the Member State as pursuant to Article 51 of Directive 2013/36/EU?(Y/N)Is the relevant authority a member or an observer of the college? If yes and part of a specific-college substructure, please specify.
Competent authority / Other authorityMember StateBranchInstitution under which the branch is establishedLegal Identifier Code of the institution under which the branch is established, where such a code exists (pre-Legal Entity Identifiers or Global Legal Entity Identifier System)Is the institution under which the branch is established identified as O-SII? (Y/N)
Institutions authorised and branches established in a third countryIs the institution / branch important for the group?(Y/N)Criteria used for determining the importance, as applicableAre the confidentiality and professional secrecy requirements applicable to the third country supervisory authority assessed as equivalent by all college members?(Y/N)Is the third country supervisory authority an observer of the college? If yes and part of a specific college substructure, please specify.
Third country supervisory authorityThird countryInstitution / branchLegal Identifier Code of the institution, where such a code exists (pre-Legal Entity Identifiers or Global Legal Entity Identifier System)Immediate parent of the institutionLegal Identifier Code of the immediate parent, where such a code exists(pre-Legal Entity Identifiers or Global Legal Entity Identifier System)
Is there another non-European college structure? (Y/N) (if yes, please specify the name of the college and hosting supervisor):Member countries:Member authorities:
Name of college