2Employment exchanges and employment services.N.I.
(1)The [Department] may establish and maintain, in such places as it thinks fit, employment exchanges, that is to say, offices or places for the collection and furnishing of information, either by the keeping of registers or otherwise, respecting persons who seek to engage employees and persons who seek employment.
(2)Without prejudice to the provisions of the last foregoing sub-section, the [Department] may make such arrangements as it considers expedient, whether by means of employment exchanges or otherwise, for the collection and furnishing of information, and the provision of advice, guidance or other services for persons of any class (whether employed or not) for any of the purposes mentioned in section one of this Act.
(3)Subject to the approval of the Ministry of Finance, the [Department] may defray or contribute towards expenditure incurred by any local authority under any enactment other than this Act in the provision of any such services as are mentioned in the last foregoing sub-section, and may make such contributions as it may, with the consent of the Ministry of Finance, determine towards the funds of any voluntary association having among its objects the provision of any such services.
(4)The [Department] may make regulations with respect to the management of employment exchanges provided by it under this section, and otherwise with respect to the exercise of its functions thereunder.
(5)No person shall be disqualified or otherwise prejudiced in respect of facilities provided at any employment exchange as aforesaid on account of his refusal to accept employment found for him through such an exchange if the ground of his refusal is that a trade dispute which affects his trade exists, or that the wages offered are lower than those current in the trade in the district where the employment is found.
(6)Subject to the approval of the Ministry of Finance, the [Department] may, in such cases and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, make payments by way of grant or loan to persons travelling to or attending at any employment exchange or other place for the purpose of availing themselves of services provided under this section, and may pay to medical practitioners, in respect of the examination of persons availing themselves of such services, such fees as it may determine.
(7)If any person, for the purpose of obtaining employment or procuring employees, knowingly or recklessly makes any false statement or false representation to an officer of any employment exchange provided by the [Department] under this section, or to any person acting for or for the purposes of any such exchange, he shall (without prejudice to his liability under any other enactment) be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding[ level 2 on the standard scale].
(8)The [Department] shall, so far as practicable, make arrangements with employers for the notification by them to employment exchanges of situations in their employment which are or are about to become vacant.