[3(1)The Secretary of State may make regulations with respect to LP services.
(2)The regulations must include provision for participants other than [Primary Care Trusts and] Health Authorities to withdraw from an LPS scheme if they wish to do so.
(3)The regulations may, in particular—
(a)provide that an LPS scheme may be made only—
(i)in prescribed circumstances;
(ii)in relation to an area, a community or a category of persons determined in accordance with the regulations; or
(iii)in relation to premises determined in accordance with the regulations;
(b)provide that only prescribed services, or prescribed categories of service, may be provided in accordance with an LPS scheme;
(c)make provision as to the services, or categories of service, for which an LPS scheme must provide;
(d)impose conditions (including conditions as to qualifications and experience) to be satisfied by persons providing LP services;
(e)require details of each LPS scheme to be published;
(f)make provision with respect to the variation and termination of an LPS scheme;
(g)prevent (except in such circumstances and to such extent as may be prescribed) the provision of both LP services and pharmaceutical services from the same premises;
(h)make provision with respect to the inclusion, removal, re-inclusion or modification of an entry in respect of premises in a list under section 42;
(i)provide for parties to an LPS scheme to be treated, in such circumstances and to such extent as may be prescribed, as health service bodies for the purposes of section 4 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990;
(j)provide for directions, as to payments, made under section 4(7) of the Act of 1990 (as it has effect as a result of regulations made by virtue of paragraph (i)) to be enforceable in a county court (if the court so orders) as if they were judgments or orders of that court;
(k)authorise [Primary Care Trusts and] Health Authorities to make payments of financial assistance for prescribed categories of preparatory work undertaken—
(i)in connection with preparing proposals for an LPS scheme; or
(ii)in preparation for the provision of services under a proposed LPS scheme.]