Power to require the discontinuance of the display of advertisements displayed with deemed consentS
14.—(1) Subject to these regulations, the planning authority, if they consider it expedient to do so to remedy a substantial injury to the amenity of the locality or a danger to members of the public, may serve a notice under this regulation requiring the discontinuance of the display of an advertisement displayed with consent deemed to be granted under these regulations, other than an advertisement of a description specified in regulation 12, or requiring the discontinuance of the use of a site for the display of such an advertisement.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 2(2), where the planning authority serve a discontinuance notice, the notice shall be served on the person who himself, or by his servant or agent, undertakes or maintains the display of the advertisement and on the owner, lessee and occupier of the land on which the advertisement is displayed.
(3) A discontinuance notice shall—
(a)specify the advertisement or the site to which it relates;
(b)specify a period within which the display or the use of the site (as the case may be) is to be discontinued; and
(c)contain a statement of the reasons why the authority consider it expedient in the interests of amenity or public safety that the display or the use of the site (as the case may be) should be discontinued.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5) below, a discontinuance notice shall take effect at the end of such period (not being less than 28 days after the service thereof) as may be specified in the notice:
Provided that if an appeal is made to the Secretary of State under regulation 21 the notice shall be of no effect pending the final determination or withdrawal of the appeal.
(5) The planning authority may, by serving a notice on every person who was served with the discontinuance notice, withdraw a discontinuance notice at any time before it takes effect or may, where no appeal to the Secretary of State under regulation 21 is pending, from time to time vary a discontinuance notice by extending the period specified therein for the taking effect of the notice; and on any such variation the period for appeal to the Secretary of State under regulation 21 shall be extended by the number of days by which the period specified was extended or further extended.