for paragraph (b) and the words following that paragraph there were substituted—
“(b)the information specified in subsection (6A),
to the school organisation committee for the area of the local education authority who maintain the school.
(6A) The information referred to in subsection (6)(b) is—
(a)evidence of consultation before the proposals were published including—
(i)copies of the consultation documents, and
(ii)the views and responses from the persons consulted;
(b)a map showing the location of the school and all other maintained schools within a radius of 3.218688 kilometres (2 miles), where the school is a primary school and 4.828032 kilometres (3 miles) where the school is a secondary school;
(c)the following information relating to the school for the school year in which the proposals were published and (except for the information specified in sub-paragraph (i)), the previous school year—
(i)the lower and upper age limits of the pupils attending the school;
(ii)the capacity of the school or, in the case of a special school the number of pupils for whom the school is organised to make provision;
(iii)the number of pupils at the school,
and a forecast of the matters specified in sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii) for each of the subsequent five years;
(d)a list of all the maintained schools within the radius of the school mentioned in paragraph (b) above stating which schools are maintained by different local education authorities together with the information referred to in paragraph (c) in respect of each such school;
(e)(i)details of the special educational needs of pupils for whom the school is organised to make provision;
(ii)details of the information referred to in subparagraph (i) in respect of each community special or foundation special school within the radius of the school mentioned in paragraph (b), and
(iii)details of all local education authorities which maintain statements of special educational need for pupils at the school;
(f)a breakdown of any costs involved in the change of category;
(g)whether the school is a day or boarding school or a school taking both day and boarding pupils;
(h)a statement as to whether the school has been inspected under section 10 of the School Inspections Act 1996() during the period starting three years before the date of the publication of the proposals and, where the school has been inspected during that period, the date of the inspection and details of the outcome of the inspection;
(i)a statement as to whether the school has been inspected under section 23 of the Schools Inspection Act 1996 during the period starting three years before the date of the publication of the proposals and, where the school has been so inspected during that period, the date of the inspection and details of the outcome of the inspection;
(j)(i)an estimate of the probable expenses of the school for the five years commencing on the implementation date for which the governing body will be liable under Schedule 3; and
(ii)a statement that the governing body for a period of at least five years commencing on the implementation date will be willing and able to carry out their obligations under Schedule 3;
(iii)for the purposes of the statement in sub-paragraph (ii) the governing body shall assume a grant will be made to them under paragraph 5 of Schedule 3 of 85 per cent of qualifying expenditure;
(k)details of the exercise in relation to the school of any power granted to the local education authority or to the Secretary of State under Part 1 Chapter IV, during the period starting three years before the date of the publication of the proposal;
(l)details of the exercise in relation to the governing body of any power granted to the local education authority or to the Secretary of State under Schedule 15, during the period starting three years before the date of the publication of the proposal;
(m)details of the tenure (freehold or leasehold) on which the site of the school is held and, if the premises are held on a lease, details of the lease;
(n)details of any trusts on which the school premises are held or it is proposed will be held or any proposed trusts on which it is proposed the school premises will be held;
(o)details of the body or authority to whom, on the date on which it is proposed that the school change category, it is proposed that land should be transferred in accordance with regulations.”