Time limitsE+W
1. The authorised project must commence no later than the expiration of seven years beginning with the date this Order comes into force.
Detailed offshore design parametersE+W
2.—(1) The total number of wind turbine generators comprised in the authorised project must not exceed 231 and a total rotor swept area of 8.8 square kilometres.
(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), each wind turbine generator forming part of the authorised project must not—
(a)exceed a height of 325 metres when measured from LAT to the tip of the vertical blade;
(b)exceed a rotor diameter of 265 metres;
(c)be less than 41.8 metres from LAT to the lowest point of the rotating blade; and
(d)be less than one kilometre from the nearest wind turbine generator in all directions.
(3) The reference in sub-paragraph (2)(d) to the location of a wind turbine generator is a reference to the centre point of that wind turbine generator.
(4) Wind turbine generator foundation structures forming part of the authorised scheme must be one of the following foundation options: monopile foundation, mono suction bucket foundation, jacket foundation or gravity base foundation.
(5) No wind turbine generator—
(a)jacket foundations employing pin piles forming part of the authorised project shall have a pin pile diameter of greater than four metres; and
(b)monopile foundation forming part of the authorised project shall have a diameter greater than 15 metres.
(6) The total seabed footprint area for wind turbine generator foundations must not exceed—
(a)435,660 square metres excluding scour protection; and
(b)1,623,182 square metres including scour protection.
3.—(1) The total number of offshore electrical installations and offshore accommodation platforms shall not exceed 21, and shall consist of no more than—E+W
(a)12 offshore type 1 substations;
(b)four offshore type 2 substations;
(c)four offshore HVAC booster stations;
(d)six offshore subsea HVAC booster stations; and
(e)three offshore accommodation platforms.
(2) The dimensions of any offshore type 1 substation forming part of the authorised project must not exceed—
(a)90 metres in height when measured from LAT;
(b)100 metres in length; and
(c)100 metres in width.
(3) The dimensions of any offshore type 2 substation forming part of the authorised project must not exceed—
(a)110 metres in height when measured from LAT;
(b)180 metres in length; and
(c)90 metres in width.
(4) The dimensions of any offshore HVAC booster station forming part of the authorised project must not exceed—
(a)90 metres in height when measured from LAT;
(b)100 metres in length; and
(c)100 metres in width.
(5) The dimensions of any offshore subsea HVAC booster station forming part of the authorised project must not exceed—
(a)15 metres in height when measured from the seabed;
(b)50 metres in length; and
(c)50 metres in width.
(6) The dimensions of any offshore accommodation platform forming part of the authorised project must not exceed—
(a)64 metres in height when measured from LAT;
(b)60 metres in length; and
(c)60 metres in width.
(7) Any bridge located between any offshore substation or accommodation platform shall be no longer than 100 metres.
(8) Offshore accommodation platform foundation structures forming part of the authorised project must be one of the following foundation options: monopile foundations, mono suction bucket foundations, jacket foundations, or gravity base foundations.
(9) Offshore installation foundation structures forming part of the authorised scheme must be one of the following foundation options—
(a)for offshore type 1 substations, offshore HVAC booster stations and offshore subsea HVAC booster stations either monopile foundations, mono suction bucket foundations, jacket foundations, gravity base foundations, jacket foundations or box-type gravity base foundations; and
(b)for offshore type 2 substations, either monopile foundations, mono suction bucket foundations, jacket foundations, gravity base foundations, jacket foundations, box-type gravity base foundations, pontoon gravity base 1 foundations, or pontoon gravity base 2 foundations.
(10) No offshore installation or offshore accommodation platform—
(a)jacket foundation employing pin piles forming part of the authorised project shall have a pin pile diameter of greater than 4 metres; and
(b)monopile foundation forming part of the authorised project shall have a diameter greater than 15 metres.
(11) The total seabed footprint area for offshore accommodation platform foundations must not exceed—
(a)8,836 square metres excluding scour protection; and
(b)28,628 square metres including scour protection.
(12) The total seabed footprint area for offshore electrical installation foundations must not exceed—
(a)138,900 square metres excluding scour protection; and
(b)267,900 square metres including scour protection.
4. The total volume of scour protection for wind turbine generators, offshore accommodation platforms and offshore electrical installations shall not exceed 2,709,673 cubic metres.E+W
5.—(1) The number of cable circuits shall not exceed six.E+W
(2) The total length of the cables comprising Work No. 1(c) shall not exceed 830 kilometres.
(3) The total length of the cables comprising Work Nos. 2(c), 2(d) and 3(d) shall not exceed 1,371 kilometres.
(4) The total volume of cable protection (excluding cable crossings) shall not exceed 2,201,000 cubic metres with a maximum footprint of 1,540,700 square metres.
(5) The total volume of cable protection associated with cable crossings shall not exceed 784,875 cubic metres with a maximum footprint of 747,500 square metres.
(6) The total number of the cable crossings must not exceed 44 unless otherwise agreed with the MMO.
Phases of authorised developmentE+W
6.—(1) The authorised development may not be commenced until a written scheme setting out the phases of construction of the authorised project has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority, in relation to the connection works, or the MMO, in relation to works seaward of MHWS.
(2) The phases of construction referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall not exceed two, save that each phase may be undertaken in any number of stages as prescribed in the written scheme.
(3) The scheme must be implemented as approved.
Detailed design approval onshoreE+W
7.—(1) Construction of the connection works in either Work No.9 or Work No. 10 shall not commence until details of—
(a)the layout;
(c)proposed finished ground levels;
(d)external appearance and materials;
(e)hard surfacing materials;
(f)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas;
(g)minor structures, such as furniture, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting; and
(h)proposed and existing functional services above and below, ground, including drainage, power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports [,]
relating to that work of the authorised project have been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The details submitted under sub-paragraph (1) must be in accordance with the limits of deviation set out in the onshore limits of deviation plan and substantially in accordance with the design objectives and principles.
(3) The connection works in Works No.9 and 10 must be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
(4) The connection works in either Work No.9 or Work No. 10 shall not commence until explanation of the choice of HVDC or HVAC for that phase has been provided in writing to the relevant planning authority, either before, or at the same time as, the details referred to in [sub-paragraph] (1).
Textual Amendments
Commencement Information
Provision of landscapingE+W
8.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until for that phase a written landscape plan and associated work programme (which accords with the outline landscape plan and outline ecological management plan) has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant SNCBs and the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.
(2) The term “commence” as used in requirement 8(1) shall include any onshore site preparation works.
(3) The landscape plan must include details of—
(a)surveys, assessments and method statements as guided by BS 5837 and the Hedgerows Regulations 1997; ...
(b)location, number, species, size and planting density of any proposed planting;
(c)cultivation, importing of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment;
(d)existing trees and hedges to be retained with measures for their protection during the construction period; and
(e)implementation timetables for all landscaping works.
(4) The landscape plan must be carried out as approved.
Textual Amendments
Commencement Information
Implementation and maintenance of landscapingE+W
9.—(1) All landscape works must be carried out in accordance with the landscape plans approved under requirement 8 (provision of landscaping), and in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards.
(2) Any tree or shrub planted as part of an approved landscape plan that, within a period of ten years after planting, is removed by the undertaker, dies or becomes, in the opinion of the relevant planning authority, seriously damaged or diseased must be replaced in the first available planting season with a specimen of the same species and size as that originally planted unless otherwise approved in writing by the relevant planning authority.
Ecological management planE+W
10.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until for that phase a written ecological management plan (which accords with the outline ecological management plan and the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards) reflecting the survey results and ecological mitigation and enhancement measures included in the environmental statement has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant SNCBs and (where works have potential to impact wetland habitats) the Environment Agency.
(2) The onshore site preparation works may not commence until a written ecological management plan (which accords with the outline ecological management plan) for those works reflecting the survey results and ecological mitigation and enhancement measures included in the environmental statement has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant SNCBs; and
(3) The ecological management plan must include an implementation timetable and must be carried out as approved.
Highway accessesE+W
11.—(1) Construction of any new permanent or temporary means of access to a highway, or alteration, or use of an existing means of access to a highway, shall not commence until an access plan for that access has been submitted to and approved by Norfolk County Council as the local highway authority.
(2) The access plan must include details of the siting, design, layout, visibility splays, access management measures and a maintenance programme relevant to the access it relates to.
(3) The highway authority must be consulted on the access plan before it is submitted for approval.
(4) The highway accesses (including visibility splays) must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.
Fencing and other means of enclosureE+W
12.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until for that phase written details of all proposed permanent fences, walls or other means of enclosure of the connection works have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) Any temporary fences, walls or other means of enclosure must be provided in accordance with the outline code of construction practice.
(3) All construction sites must remain securely fenced in accordance with the code of construction practice at all times during construction of the relevant phase of the connection works.
(4) Any temporary fencing must be removed on completion of the relevant phase of the connection works.
(5) Any approved permanent fencing in relation to an onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or onshore HVAC booster station must be completed before that onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or onshore HVAC booster station is brought into use and maintained for the operational lifetime of the onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or onshore HVAC booster station.
Surface and foul water drainageE+W
13.—(1) No phase of the connection works shall commence until for that phase written details of the surface and (if any) foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control) have, after consultation with the relevant sewerage and drainage authorities and the Environment Agency, been submitted to and approved by the lead local flood authority.
(2) The surface and foul water drainage system for each phase must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.
Contaminated land and groundwater schemeE+W
14.—(1) No phase of the authorised development within the area of a relevant planning authority may be commenced until a scheme to deal with the contamination of any land (including groundwater) within the Order limits that is likely to cause significant harm to persons or pollution of controlled waters or the environment has been submitted to, and approved by, the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency and, to the extent that the plan relates to the intertidal area, the MMO.
(2) The scheme must include an investigation and assessment report, prepared by a specialist consultant approved by the relevant planning authority, to identify the extent of any contamination and the remedial measures to be taken for that stage to render the land fit for its intended purpose, together with a management plan which sets out long-term measures with respect to any contaminants remaining on the site.
(3) Such remediation as may be identified in the approved scheme must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.
Surface waterE+W
15.—(1) No part of the onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or onshore HVAC booster station shall commence until, in respect of that installation, a detailed surface water scheme has been prepared in consultation with the Environment Agency and Norfolk County Council and submitted to and approved in writing by Norfolk County Council.
(2) The detailed surface water schemes must accord with the outline code of construction practice and—
(a)be based on sustainable drainage principles;
(b)an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or onshore HVAC booster station, as applicable; and
(c)include detailed designs of a surface water drainage scheme.
(3) Construction of the onshore HVDC/HVAC substation or HVAC booster station as applicable must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.
Onshore ArchaeologyE+W
16.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until for that phase a written scheme of archaeological investigation (which must accord with the outline onshore written scheme of investigation) for Work Nos. 6 to 15 has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with Norfolk County Council and the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.
(2) The term “commence” as used in requirement 16(1) shall include any onshore site preparation works.
(3) Any archaeological investigations must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.
(4) The archaeological site investigations and post investigation assessment must be completed for that phase in accordance with the programme set out in the written scheme of archaeological investigation and provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition secured for that phase.
Code of construction practiceE+W
17.—(1) No phase of any works landward of MLWS may commence until for that phase a code of construction practice (which must accord with the outline code of construction practice) has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority, in consultation with the Environment Agency, the relevant SNCBs, the relevant highway authority and, if applicable, the MMO.
(2) The term “commence” as used in requirement 17(1) shall include any onshore site preparation works.
(3) All construction works for each phase must be undertaken in accordance with the relevant approved code of construction practice.
Construction traffic management planE+W
18.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until written details of a construction traffic management plan (which accords with the outline construction traffic management plan) for that phase has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant highway authority. The construction traffic management plan shall include, in respect of Link 89, as referred to in the Environmental Statement, a Cawston Highway Intervention Scheme agreed between the undertaker and the relevant highway authority.
(2) The term “commence” as used in requirement 18(1) shall include any onshore site preparation works.
(3) The construction traffic management plan for each phase must be implemented as approved for that phase.
European protected species onshoreE+W
19.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until final pre-construction survey work has been carried out to establish whether a European protected species is present on any of the land affected, or likely to be affected, by that phase of the connection works or in any of the trees to be lopped or felled as part of that phase of the connection works.
(2) Where a European protected species is shown to be present, the relevant part of the connection works must not begin until, after consultation with the relevant SNCBs and the relevant planning authority, a scheme of protection and mitigation measures has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority or a European protected species licence granted by Natural England.
(3) The connection works must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.
(4) In this Requirement, “European protected species” has the same meaning as in regulations 42 and 46 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 .
Commencement Information
Marginal Citations
Restoration of land used temporarily for constructionE+W
20. Any land landward of MLWS within the Order limits which is used temporarily for construction of the connection works and not ultimately incorporated in permanent works or approved landscaping, must be reinstated in accordance with such details as the relevant planning authority in consultation with, where appropriate, the MMO, and the relevant highway authority, may approve, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within twelve months of completion of the relevant phase of the connection works.
Control of noise during operational phaseE+W
21.—(1) Prior to commencement of any phase of works landward of MHWS, a noise management plan (NMP) for Work Nos. 9 and 10 shall be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The NMP must set out the particulars of—
(a)the noise attenuation and mitigation measures to be taken to minimise noise resulting from Work Nos. 9 and 10, including any noise limits; and
(b)a scheme for monitoring attenuation and mitigation measures provided under sub-paragraph (a) which must include—
(i)the circumstances under which noise will be monitored;
(ii)the locations at which noise will be monitored;
(iii)the method of noise measurement (which must be in accord with BS 4142:2014+A1:2019, an equivalent successor standard or other agreed noise measurement methodology appropriate to the circumstances); and
(iv)a complaints procedure.
(3) The NMP must be implemented as approved.
Local skills and employmentE+W
22.—(1) No phase of the connection works may commence until for that phase a skills and employment plan (which accords with the outline skills and employment plan) in relation to the authorised development—
(a)within the boundaries of Norfolk County Council has been submitted to and approved by Norfolk County Council; and
(b)within the boundaries of North East Lincolnshire Council has been submitted to and approved by North East Lincolnshire Council.
(2) The skills and employment plan described under requirement 22(1)(a) shall be prepared in consultation with Norfolk County Council, North Norfolk District Council, Broadland District Council, South Norfolk Council and the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, or such other body as may be approved by Norfolk County Council.
(3) The skills and employment plan described under requirement 22(1)(b) shall be prepared in consultation with Humber Local Enterprise Partnership, or such other body as may be approved by North East Lincolnshire Council.
(4) Each skills and employment plan shall identify opportunities for individuals and businesses based in the regions of East Anglia or the Humber to access employment opportunities associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of the authorised development.
(5) The skills and employment plans shall be implemented as approved.
Onshore decommissioningE+W
23.—(1) Within three months of the cessation of commercial operation of the connection works an onshore decommissioning plan must be submitted to the relevant planning authority for approval unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The relevant planning authority must provide its decision on the onshore decommissioning plan required under requirement 23(1) within three months of submission of such plan unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authority and the undertaker.
(3) The decommissioning plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authority.
Notification of generation of powerE+W
24. The undertaker shall notify the relevant planning authority and the MMO upon first generation of power from each phase of the authorised project not less than seven days after the occurrence of this event.
Requirement for written approvalE+W
25. Where the approval, agreement or confirmation of the Secretary of State, relevant planning authority or another person is required under a requirement, that approval, agreement or confirmation must be given in writing.
Amendments to approved detailsE+W
26.—(1) With respect to any requirement which requires the authorised project to be carried out in accordance with the details approved by the relevant planning authority or another person, the approved details must be carried out as approved unless an amendment or variation is previously agreed in writing by the relevant planning authority or that other person in accordance with sub-paragraph (2).
(2) Any amendments to or variations from the approved details must be in accordance with the principles and assessments set out in the environmental statement. Such agreement may only be given in relation to immaterial changes where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the relevant planning authority or that other person that the subject matter of the agreement sought is unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.
(3) The approved details must be taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved in writing by the relevant planning authority or that other person.