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Environmentally Sensitive Areas Designation Order (Northern Ireland) 2005


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

Article 3


1.  That area of land in County Down which is shown coloured green on the map marked “Map of Mourne Mountains and Slieve Croob Environmentally Sensitive Area” dated 26th May 2005, sealed with the Official Seal of the Department and deposited at the offices of the Department at Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.

2.  That area of land in County Antrim which is shown coloured green on the map marked “Map of Antrim Coast, Glens and Rathlin Environmentally Sensitive Area” dated 26th May 2005, sealed with the Official Seal of the Department and deposited at the offices of the Department at Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.

3.  That area of land in County Fermanagh which is shown coloured green on the map marked “Map of West Fermanagh and Erne Lakeland Environmentally Sensitive Area” dated 26th May 2005, sealed with the Official Seal of the Department and deposited at the offices of the Department at Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.

4.  That area of land in County Armagh which is shown coloured green on the map marked “Map of Slieve Gullion Environmentally Sensitive Area” dated 26th May 2005, sealed with the Official Seal of the Department and deposited at the offices of the Department at Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.

5.  That area of land in County Tyrone and County Londonderry which is shown coloured green on the map marked “Map of Sperrins Environmentally Sensitive Area” dated 26th May 2005, sealed with the Official Seal of the Department and deposited at the offices of the Department at Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.

Article 4(1)


1.  The farmer shall –

(a)comply with the Good Farming Practice with regard to the Environment(1), published by the Department;

(b)include all land designated in Schedule 1 in an agreement entered into with the Department in writing under these Regulations;

(c)retain and not damage any habitat, landscape or water feature, or heritage feature;

(d)retain existing field boundaries and not remove any hedge, tree, copse, scrub, ditch, dyke or wall or any part thereof, except with the prior written permission of the Department;

(e)maintain open drains and sheughs in accordance with the written advice of the Department;

(f)keep the eligible land free from rubbish and litter;

(g)seek the permission of the Department before undertaking work which may have a detrimental impact on any habitat, landscape feature or heritage feature; and

(h)comply with management plans provided by the Department for field boundaries, farm wastes and each of the habitats specified in the agreement.

2.  The farmer shall not –

(a)undertake ploughing, levelling or reseeding of unimproved land, or any semi-natural grassland;

(b)apply any herbicide, pesticide, fungicide or insecticide on any land other than improved land except spot treatment or weed wiper application of herbicide for control of noxious weeds or with the prior written permission of the Department;

(c)undertake any land reclamation or install new underdrainage or substantially modify the existing drainage system;

(d)apply lime to any habitat other than improved land unless with prior written approval of the Department;

(e)cause severe damage to vegetation by poaching or repeated vehicular access, (including all terrain vehicles) nor graze land with livestock in such numbers as adversely to affect the growth quality or species composition of vegetation (other than vegetation normally grazed to destruction) to a significant degree;

(f)carry out any activity or deposit on, or extract from the land, any article, material or substance in a manner likely to detract significantly from the natural beauty of the land or damage or destroy flora and fauna or materially alter the geological or physiographical features of the land; or

(g)realign, dredge or dam any watercourse nor alter the water levels within any existing water feature without the prior agreement of the Department.

Article 4(2) and (4)


maximum payment rates under article 4(2)

Column 1Column 2
ActivityMaximum Payment Rate

1.  In relation to the whole farm –

(a)field boundary management;

£10 per hectare per annum for the first 100 hectares and £2·50 per hectare thereafter.

(b)farm waste management.

£10 per hectare per annum for the first 100 hectares and £2·50 per hectare thereafter.

Article 4(3) and (4)


Column 1Column 2
MatterMaximum Payment Rate

1.  In relation to unimproved land –

(a)management of unimproved land of 100 hectares or less;

£50 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of unimproved land over 100 hectares and less than and including 200 hectares;

£25 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of unimproved land over 200 hectares.

£10 per hectare per annum.

2.  In relation to management of species rich grassland –

(a)management of species rich hay meadows;

£170 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of species rich grassland where there is a restricted grazing period;

£155 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of species rich grassland where there is a closed grazing period.

£155 per hectare per annum.

3.  In relation to wetlands –

management of fen, swamp and reed beds£90 per hectare per annum.

4.  In relation to breeding wader sites –

(a)management of breeding wader sites where there is a restricted grazing period;

£80 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of breeding wader sites where there is a closed grazing period;

£130 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of improved land for breeding lapwing;

£180 per hectare per annum.

(d)management of unimproved land for breeding lapwing;

£150 per hectare per annum.

(e)management of fallow plots for breeding lapwing.

£325 per hectare per annum.

5.  In relation to moorland –

(a)management of heather moorland of 50 hectares or less;

£45 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of heather moorland over 50 hectares up to and including 100 hectares;

£25 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of heather moorland of over 100 hectares;

£10 per hectare per annum.

(d)management of rough moorland grazing of 50 hectares or less;

£35 per hectare per annum.

(e)management of rough moorland grazing over 50 hectares up to and including 100 hectares;

£20 per hectare per annum.

(f)management of rough moorland grazing of more than 100 hectares.

£10 per hectare per annum.

6.  In relation to lowland raised bogs –

(a)management of lowland raised bog of 50 hectares or less;

£45 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of lowland raised bog of over 50 up to and including 100 hectares;

£25 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of lowland raised bog over 100 hectares.

£10 per hectare per annum.

7.  In relation to broadleaved farm woodland and farm scrub –

(a)management of broadleaved farm woodland and farm scrub of 10 hectares or less where there is a restricted grazing period;

£85 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of broadleaved farm woodland and farm scrub over 10 hectares up to and including 20 hectares where there is a restricted grazing period;

£40 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of broadleaved farm woodland and farm scrub over 20 hectares where there is a restricted grazing period;

£20 per hectare per annum.

(d)management of broadleaved farm woodland of 10 hectares or less where there is a closed grazing period;

£115 per hectare per annum.

(e)management of broadleaved farm woodland over 10 hectares up to and including 20 hectares where there is a closed grazing period;

£60 per hectare per annum.

(f)management of broadleaved farm woodland over 20 hectares where there is a closed grazing period.

£30 per hectare per annum.

8.  In relation to archaeological features –

management of archaeological features.£300 per hectare per annum for the first 2 hectares, £150 per hectare per annum for the next 1 hectare and £50 per hectare per annum thereafter.

9.  In relation to parkland –

(a)management of parkland of 100 hectares or less;

£65 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of parkland over 100 hectares up to and including 200 hectares;

£30 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of parkland over 200 hectares.

£10 per hectare per annum.

10.  In relation to arable lands managed for wildlife –

(a)retention of winter stubble;

£80 per hectare per annum.

(b)undersown cereals;

£75 per hectare per annum.

(c)establishment of conservation cereal;

£115 per hectare per annum.

(d)establishment of wild bird cover crop;

£510 per hectare per annum.

(e)creation of rough grass field margin.

£330 per hectare per annum.

11.  In relation to chough feeding sites –

management of chough feeding sites.£50 per hectare per annum.

12.  In relation to winter feeding sites for migratory swans and geese –

(a)management of improved land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese of 5 hectares or less;

£120 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of improved land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese over 5 hectares and up to and including 25 hectares;

£60 per hectare per annum.

(c)management of improved land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese over 25 hectares;

£30 per hectare per annum.

(d)management of arable land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese of 5 hectares or less;

£205 per hectare per annum.

(e)management of arable land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese over 5 hectares and up to and including 25 hectares;

£100 per hectare per annum.

(f)management of arable land for winter feeding of migratory swans and geese over 25 hectares.

£50 per hectare per annum.

13.  In relation to traditional orchards –

restoration of traditional orchards.£370 per hectare per annum

14.  In relation to grass margins –

(a)management of a grass margin on unimproved or improved land where grazing is not permissible;

£420 per hectare per annum.

(b)management of a grass margin of less than 0.2 hectares on unimproved or improved land involving the planting of trees.

£1110 per hectare per annum.

15.  In relation to heather regeneration –

(a)burning of heather;

£100 per hectare per annum.

(b)flailing of heather.

£50 per hectare per annum.

16.  In relation to bracken –

(a)control of bracken by tractor spraying;

£140 per hectare per annum.

(b)control of bracken by knapsack spraying.

£260 per hectare per annum.

17.  In relation to restoration of field boundaries –

restoration of 1 metre of field boundary for every hectare of farm per annum.£10 per hectare per annum.

Article 4(3), (4), (5) and (6)


Column 1Column 2
MatterMaximum Payment Rate

1.  Field boundaries –

(a)restoration of drystone wall –

(i)double skinned;

£17 per square metre run.


£10 per square metre run.

(b)hedge restoration –


£3·10 per square metre run.


£1·40 per square metre run.


£3·30 per square metre run.

(c)reinstating sod banks.

£3·30 per square metre run.

2.  Tree planting/management –

(a)tree/shrub planting;

£0·70 per plant.

(b)installation of tree guard and stake;

£0·90 per tree guard and stake.

(c)installation of spiral rabbit guard;

£0·60 per guard.

(d)planting standard parkland trees;

£13·00 per tree.

(e)planting traditional fruit trees;

£13·00 per tree.

(f)tree surgery;

60% of cost approved by the Department.


60% of cost approved by the Department.

3.  Orchards –

restorative pruning.60% of cost approved by the Department.

4.  Items to enhance wildlife value –

(a)installation of nest boxes;

£6·00 per small nest box.
£8·00 per large nest box.

(b)installation of bat boxes;

£6·00 per box.

(c)installation of red squirrel feeders.

£42·00 per feeder.

5.  Structures/work to raise water levels.

60% of cost approved by the Department.

6.  Creation of scrapes.

£1.40 per square metre surface area (to maximum of 100m2)

7.  Provision of alternative watering sites –

(a)installation of trough;

£34·00 per trough.

(b)installation of up to 150 metres of pipeline;

£1·00 per metre.

(c)installation of over 150 metres of pipeline.

£0·90 per metre.

8.  Restoration of traditional and heritage features –

(a)restoration of traditional farm buildings;

60% of cost approved by the Department.

(b)restoration of features of historic interest;

60% of cost approved by the Department.

(c)restoration of traditional gates;

£30·00 per metre (wooden)
£54·00 per metre (metal)
£36·00 per metre (composite)

(d)restoration of traditional pillars and posts –

(i)rebuilding pillar;

£133·00 per pillar.

(ii)rebuilding pillar cap;

£28·00 per pillar cap.

(iii)repointing pillar cap;

£34·00 per pillar cap.

(iv)replastering pillar cap;

£28·00 per pillar cap.

(v)provision of wooden post;

£18·00 per post.

(vi)provision of stone post.

£68·00 per post.

9.  Erection of protective fencing –

(a)3 line strained wire;

£1·40 per metre.

(b)additional line wire;

£0·20 per metre.

(c)woven wire and 2 lines wire;

£1·50 per metre.

(d)woven wire and 3 lines wire;

£1·70 per metre.

(e)proofing against rabbits and hares;

£1·10 per metre.

(f)protection for planting parkland trees.

£59·00 (1.8m square) per guard.
£97·00 (3.6m triangular) per guard.
£118·00 (3.6m square) per guard.

10.  Provision of plastic recycling bin.

60% of cost approved by the Department.

ISBN 1 855 524 4

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