Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Duties on persons responsible for farmed animals

  5. 4.Additional duties on persons responsible for poultry, laying hens, conventionally reared meat chickens, calves, cattle, pigs or rabbits

  6. 5.Codes of Practice

  7. 6.Offences

  8. 7.Penalties

  9. 8.Revocations

  10. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      General conditions under which farmed animals shall be kept

      1. 1.Staffing

      2. 2.Inspection

      3. 3.Where animals are kept in a building, adequate lighting (whether...

      4. 4.Where any animals (other than poultry) are kept in a...

      5. 5.Any animals which appear to be ill or injured shall...

      6. 6.Where necessary, sick or injured animals shall be isolated in...

      7. 7.Record keeping

      8. 8.The record referred to in paragraph 7 shall be retained...

      9. 9.Freedom of movement

      10. 10.Where animals are continuously or regularly tethered or confined, they...

      11. 11.Buildings and accommodation

      12. 12.Accommodation and fittings for securing animals shall be constructed and...

      13. 13.Air circulation, dust levels, temperature, relative air humidity and gas...

      14. 14.Animals kept in buildings shall not be kept in permanent...

      15. 15.Where the natural light available in a building is insufficient...

      16. 16.Animals kept in buildings shall not be kept without an...

      17. 17.Animals not kept in buildings

      18. 18.Automatic or mechanical equipment

      19. 19.Where defects or worn parts in automated or mechanical equipment...

      20. 20.Where the health and well-being of the animals is dependent...

      21. 21.The back-up system referred to in paragraph 20(a) shall be...

      22. 22.Feed, water and other substances

      23. 23.Animals shall not— (a) be provided with food or liquid...

      24. 24.All animals shall have access to feed at intervals appropriate...

      25. 25.All animals shall have access to a suitable water supply...

      26. 26.Feeding and watering equipment shall be designed, constructed, placed and...

      27. 27.(1) No other substance, with the exception of those given...

      28. 28.Breeding procedures

      29. 29.Animals shall not be kept for farming purposes unless it...

      30. 30.Electrical immobilisation

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of laying hens in non-cage systems

      1. 1.All non-cage systems of production for keeping laying hens shall...

      2. 2.All systems shall be equipped in such a way that...

      3. 3.Where a system is equipped with nipple drinkers or cups,...

      4. 4.Where a system has drinking points plumbed in, at least...

      5. 5.The floors of installations shall be constructed so as to...

      6. 6.If systems are used where the laying hens can move...

      7. 7.If laying hens have access to open runs—

      8. 8.The stocking density shall not exceed nine laying hens per...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of laying hens in enriched cages

      1. 1.All cage systems shall be enriched to comply with the...

      2. 2.Laying hens shall have— (a) at least 750 cm2 of...

      3. 3.A feed trough which can be used without restriction shall...

      4. 4.Each cage shall have a drinking system appropriate to the...

      5. 5.To facilitate inspection, installation and depopulation of hens there shall...

      6. 6.Cages shall be fitted with suitable claw-shortening devices.

      7. 7.While the cages are occupied the surfaces and all equipment...

      8. 8.Cages shall be suitably equipped to prevent hens escaping.

      9. 9.Accommodation comprising two or more tiers of cages shall have...

      10. 10.The design and dimensions of the cage door shall be...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Additional conditions applicable to all systems in which laying hens are kept

      1. 1.All hens shall be inspected by the owner or other...

      2. 2.In all systems in which laying hens are kept—

      3. 3.(1) All buildings shall have light levels sufficient to allow...

      4. 4.Those parts of buildings, equipment or utensils which are in...

      5. 5.Droppings shall be removed as often as necessary and dead...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of conventionally reared meat chickens

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.Training

      3. 3.Drinkers and feeding

      4. 4.Litter

      5. 5.Ventilation and heating

      6. 6.Noise

      7. 7.Light

      8. 8.Inspection

      9. 9.Cleaning

      10. 10.Record keeping

      11. 11.Notification of stocking density

      12. 12.Stocking density limits

      13. 13.Requirements for higher stocking densities

      14. 14.Approval for stocking in excess of 39 kilograms

      15. 15.Food chain information and chickens dead on arrival and mortality

      16. 16.Identification of poor welfare conditions and follow up

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of calves confined for rearing and fattening

      1. 1.Accommodation

      2. 2.Inspection

      3. 3.Calves that are kept outside shall be inspected by the...

      4. 4.Tethering

      5. 5.Artificially lit buildings

      6. 6.Cleansing and disinfection

      7. 7.Floors

      8. 8.Bedding and lying area

      9. 9.Bovine colostrum

      10. 10.Additional dietary requirements

      11. 11.Muzzling

      12. 12.Feeding

      13. 13.Drinking water

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of cattle

      1. 1.Where lactating dairy cows or calving cows are kept in...

      2. 2.Where any calving cows are kept in a building, they...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of pigs


        1. 1.Interpretation


        1. 2.Inspection

        2. 3.Tethering

        3. 4.(1) Where tethers are used in accordance with paragraph 3,...

        4. 5.Accommodation

        5. 6.(1) The dimensions of any stall or pen used for...

        6. 7.Artificially lit buildings

        7. 8.Prevention of fighting

        8. 9.Cleansing and disinfection

        9. 10.Bedding

        10. 11.Floors

        11. 12.Where concrete slatted floors are used for pigs kept in...

        12. 13.Feeding

        13. 14.Drinking water

        14. 15.Environmental enrichment

        15. 16.Prohibition on the use of the sweatbox system

        16. 17.Noise levels

        17. 18.Noise levels above 85dBA shall be avoided in that part...

      3. PART 3 BOARS

        1. 19.Boar pens shall be sited and constructed so as to...

        2. 20.The lying area for boars shall be dry and comfortable....

        3. 21.Subject to paragraph 22, the minimum unobstructed floor area for...

        4. 22.When boar pens are also used for natural service, the...


        1. 23.Pregnant gilts and sows shall, where necessary, be treated against...

        2. 24.Farrowing

        3. 25.In the week before the expected farrowing time sows and...

        4. 26.During farrowing, an unobstructed area behind the sow or gilt...

        5. 27.Farrowing pens where sows or gilts are kept loose shall...

        6. 28.Group housing

        7. 29.The pen where the group is kept shall have sides...

        8. 30.The total unobstructed floor area available to each gilt after...

        9. 31.For gilts after service and pregnant sows a part of...

        10. 32.Sows and gilts kept on holdings of fewer than 10...

        11. 33.In addition to the requirements of paragraph 13, sows and...

        12. 34.All dry pregnant sows and gilts shall be given a...

      5. PART 5 PIGLETS

        1. 35.Piglets shall, where necessary, be provided with a source of...

        2. 36.A part of the total floor where the piglets are...

        3. 37.Where a farrowing crate is used the piglets shall have...

        4. 38.Subject to paragraph 39 piglets shall not be weaned from...

        5. 39.Piglets may be weaned up to 7 days earlier than...


        1. 40.As soon as possible after weaning, weaners and rearing pigs...

        2. 41.If weaners and rearing pigs unfamiliar with one another have...

        3. 42.The use of tranquillising medication in order to facilitate mixing...

        4. 43.If signs of severe fighting appear, the causes shall be...

        5. 44.The unobstructed floor area available to each weaner or rearing...

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of rabbits

      1. 1.Hutches or cages in which any rabbits are kept shall...

      2. 2.Where rabbits are kept in accommodation that is exposed to...

  11. Explanatory Note