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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1932 has returned 89 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Company: Appointed day Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 140Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Ancient Monuments Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 139Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Education (Representatives on School Management Committees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 138Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Public Health (Preservatives, etc. in Food) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 136Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Planning and Housing (County Court) Rules (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 135Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Black Scab in Potatoes Order (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 134Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Rates of Interest (Housing No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 133Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Unemployment Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 128Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Contributory Pensions (Mercantile Marine) Consolidated Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 127Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The National Health Insurance (Outworkers) Amendment Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 126Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Companies (Forms) Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 125Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Companies (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 124Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Dangerous Drugs Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 120Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Electricity (South-Eastern Area Development) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 119Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Local Government: Procedure of Councils Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 117Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Transit of Animals (Amendment) Order No. 2 (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 115Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Instruction of Public Elementary School Pupils in Extra and Special Subjects Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 113Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Foreign Animals No. 3 Order (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 112Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Mental Treatment (Registration of Institutions and Houses) Fees Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 110Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
    The Parliamentary Grant (Education Authorities) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19321932 No. 109Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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