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The Fish Labelling (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2006

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Scottish Statutory Instruments

2006 No. 105


The Fish Labelling (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2006


6th March 2006

Laid before the Scottish Parliament

7th March 2006

Coming into force

6th April 2006

The Scottish Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 16(1)(e) and (f), 17(2) and 26(1)(a) of the Food Safety Act 1990(1) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, having had regard in accordance with section 48(4A)(2) of that Act to advice given by the Food Standards Agency and after consultation as required by Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety(3), hereby make the following Regulations:

Citation, commencement and extent

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Fish Labelling (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2006 and shall come into force on 6th April 2006.

Amendment to the Fish Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 2003

2.  The Fish Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 2003(4) are amended as follows–

(a)at the end of regulation 4(2) insert–

and shall be names prescribed by law for the purposes of paragraph (1); and

(b)for the Schedule substitute the contents of the Schedule to these Regulations.


Authorised to sign by the Scottish Ministers

St Andrew’s House,


6th March 2006

Regulation 2(b)


Regulation 4


1.  Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the commercial designation for any species of fish specified in column 2 of the Table shall be a name specified for that species in the corresponding entry in column 1.

2.  A customary name may be used for any species of fish which has been subjected to smoking or any similar process, unless the name of the species in column 2 of the Table is followed by an asterisk. In such cases the name used for the food when the fish is smoked shall be either–

(a)a name specified for that species in column 1 of the Table preceded by “smoked”; or

(b)in the case of Salmo salar (L.), “smoked Pacific salmon”.

3.  Paragraph 1, as read with the Table, shall not apply to fish regulated by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2136/89(5) laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1181/2003(6) or Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1536/92(7) laying down common marketing standards for preserved tuna and bonito.


Column 1Column 2
Commercial designationSpecies of fish
Sea Fish
AnchovyAll species of the family Engraulidae
ArgentinesAll species of the family Argentinidae
BarracudaAll species of Sphyraena
BarramundiLates calcarifer
Bass or Sea bassDicentrarchus labrax (L.)
Japanese sea bassLateolabrax japonicus
Spotted sea bassDicentrarchus punctatus
Southern rock bassParalabrax callaensis
BigeyeAll species of Priacanthus
Bluefish or TailorPomatomus saltatrix
BogueBoops boops

All species of Sarda

All species of Euthynnus, with the exception of Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis

All species of Auxis

BrillScophthalmus rhombus (L.)
BrislingSprattus sprattus (L.) when canned
Catfish or Rockfish or WolffishAll species of Anarhichas
Sea CatfishAll species of the family Ariidae
CobiaRachycentron canadum
Cod or CodlingGadus morhua
Pacific cod or CodGadus macrocephalus
Greenland cod or CodGadus ogac
Saffron codEleginus gracilis
Red codPseudophycis bachus
Blue codParapercis colias
Coley or Saithe or CoalfishPollachius virens (L.)
CongerAll species of Conger
Croaker or Drum or Jewfish

All species of the family Sciaenidae

Alternatively, the following may be used:–

Southern meagre or MullowayArgyrosomus hololepidotus
MeagreArgyrosomus regius
DabLimanda limanda (L.)
Yellowtail dab or Yellowtail flounderLimanda ferruginea
Pacific sand dabCitharichthys sordidus
Yellowfin soleLimanda aspera
Dogfish or Flake or Huss or Rigg or Rock Salmon or Rock Eel

All species of Galeorhinus

All species of Mustelus

All species of Scyliorhinus

Galeus melastomus

Squalus acanthias (L.)

Silky shark or SharkCarcharhinus falciformis
Blacktip shark or SharkCarcharhinus limbatus
Sandbar shark or SharkCarcharhinus plumbeus
Basking shark or SharkCetorhinus maximus
Shortfin mako or Shortfin mako shark or SharkIsurus oxyrinchus
Porbeagle or SharkLamna nasus
Blue shark or SharkPrionace glauca
Whale shark or SharkRhincodon typus
Dory or John Dory or St Peter’s fishZeus faber (L.)
EelAll species of Anguilla
EmperorAll species of Lethrinus
Escolar or Snake MackerelAll species of the family Gempylidae
FlounderPlatichthys flesus (L.)
Speckled flounderParalichthys woolmani
Arrowtooth flounderAtheresthes stomias
Flying fishAll species of the family Exocoetidae
GarfishBelone belone
GreenlingOphiodon elongatus

All species of Mycteroperca

All species of Epinephelus

GurnardAll species of the family Triglidae Peristedion cataphractum (L.)
HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus (L.)

All species of Merluccius

Alternatively, the following may be used:-

Cape hake

Merluccius capensis

Merluccius paradoxus

White hakeUrophycis tenuis

Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.)

Hippoglossus stenolepis

Greenland halibut or Black Halibut or Mock halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum)
HerringClupea harengus (L.)
HilsaTenualosa ilisha
HokiMacruronus novaezelandiae
Chilean hokiMacruronus magellanicus
Indian mackerelAll species of Rastrelliger
Jack or Scad or Horse Mackerel or Trevally

All species of Caranx

All species of Hemicaranx

All species of Seriola

All species of Trachurus

All species of Decapterus

Alternatively, the following may be used:–

Yellowtail or AmberjackSeriola lalandi
KingklipGenypterus capensis
LadyfishAll species of the family Elopidae
LeerfishLichia amia
LingAll species of Molva except Molva dypterygia
Blue LingMolva dypterygia
Lumpfish or LumpsuckerCyclopterus lumpus
MackerelAll species of Scomber
King Mackerel or KingfishScomberomorus cavalla
Sierra mackerel or Pacific sierraScomberomorus sierra
Mahi MahiCoryphaena hippurus
MarlinAll species of Makaira
MegrimAll species of Lepidorhombus
MilkfishChanos chanos
Monk(fish) or Angler(fish)

Lophius piscatorius (L.)

Lophius americanus

Lophiodes caulinaris

Lophius budegassa

Cape monk(fish) or Cape angler(fish)Lophius vomerinus
Pacific monk (fish) or Pacific angler (fish)Lophius litulon
Red mullet or GoatfishAll species of the family Mullidae
Grey mulletAll species of the family Mugilidae
Opah or MoonfishAll species of Lampris
Orange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus
ParrotfishAll species of the family Scaridae
Peruvian moonfishSelene peruviana
PicarelSpicara smaris
PilchardSardina pilchardus (Walbaum)
Pacific pilchardSardinops sagax which has been caught in the Pacific Ocean
South Atlantic pilchardSardinops sagax which has been caught in the South Atlantic Ocean
PlaicePleuronectes platessa (L.)
American plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides (Fabr.)
Pollack or Pollock or LythePollachius pollachius (L.)
Pacific pollack or Pacific pollock or Alaska pollack or Alaska pollockTheragra chalcogramma (Pallas)
Pomfret or Butterfish

All species of Brama

All species of Stromateus

All species of Pampus

Poor codTrisopterus minutus
Pout or Pout Whiting or Pouting or BibTrisopterus luscus
Rascasse or Black scorpionfishScorpaena porcus
Rainbow runnerElagatis bipinnulata
Redfish or Ocean perch or Rose fish

All species of Sebastes

All species of Helicolenus

SablefishAnoplopoma fimbria
SailfishAll species of Istiophorus
SardineSmall Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum)
SardinellaAll species of Sardinella
Scabbard fish or Sabre or Sabre fish or Silver sabre or Black sabre

Lepidopus caudatus

Aphanopus carbo

Sea bream or PorgyAll species of the family Sparidae except Boops boops

Small Clupea harengus (L.), when canned

Small Sprattus sprattus (L.), when canned

Silverside or Sand smeltAll species of the family Atherinidae
Skate or RayAll species of the family Rajidae
RokerRaja clavata
Small sandeelAmmodytes tobianus
Smelt or SparlingAll species of Osmerus

All species of the family Lutjanidae

Alternatively, the following may be used:-


All species of Aphareus

All species of Aprion

All species of Pristipomoides

SnookAll species of Centropomus
Sole or Dover soleSolea solea (L.)
Butter soleIsopsetta isolepis
Californian soleParophrys vetulus
Lemon soleMicrostomus kitt (Walbaum)
Petrale soleEopsetta jordani
Rex sole or Long-finned soleGlyptocephalus zachirus
Rock soleLepidopsetta bilineata
Pacific soleMicrostomus pacificus
Torbay sole or WitchGlyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.)
SpratSprattus sprattus (L.), except when canned
StargazerAll species of the family Uranoscopidae
SwordfishXiphias gladius
TarponAll species of the family Megalopidae
Threadfin breamAll species of Nemipterus
Toothfish or Icefish

Dissostichus mawsoni

Dissostichus eleginoides

Torpedo sand perchDiplectrum maximum
Tuna or TunnyAll species of Thunnus
Skipjack tuna (or tuna)Katsuwonus pelamis
Albacore tuna (or tuna)Thunnus alalunga
Yellowfin tuna (or tuna)Thunnus albacares
Bluefin tuna (or tuna)Thunnus thynnus
Pacific bluefin tuna or Oriental bluefin tuna (or tuna)Thunnus orientalis
Southern bluefin tuna (or tuna)Thunnus maccoyii
Bigeye tuna (or tuna)Thunnus obesus
TurbotPsetta maxima
WahooAcanthocybium solandri
WeeverAll species of the family Trachinidae

Small Clupea harengus (L.)

Small Sprattus sprattus (L.)

(except when canned)

WhitingMerlangius merlangus (L.)
Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou (Risso)
Southern blue whitingMicromesistius australis
Winter flounderPseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum)
WrasseAll species of the family Labridae
Salmon and Freshwater Fish
BachaEutropiichthys vacha
BatashiPseudeutropius atherinoides

All species of the family Cyprinidae

Alternatively, the following may be used:-

MowralaAmblypharyngodon mola
BanspataDanio devario
BataLabeo bata
KalibousLabeo calbasu
GhaniaLabeo gonius
RuhiLabeo rohita
PuntiPuntius sarana
ChelapataSalmostoma bacaila
BarbelBarbus barbus
TenchTinca tinca
Freshwater breamAbramis brama
RoachRutilus rutilus
Catfish or American catfish or Channel catfishAll species of the family Ictaluridae

All species of the family Clariidae

All species of the family Siluridae

All species of the family Bagridae

All species of the family Pimelodidae

Alternatively, the following may be used:-

MagurClarias batrachus
GulshaMystus bleekeri
BuzuriMystus tengara
TengraMystus vittatus
PabdaOmpok pabda
AyreSperata aor
BoalWallago attu
ChapilaGudusia chapra
CharAll species of Salvelinus
KakilaXenentodon cancila
KeskiCorica soborna
KhalishaColisa fasciatus
KoiAnabas testudineus
LargebaimMastacembelus armatus
MeniNandus nandus
Nile PerchLates niloticus
PacuPiaractus mesopotamicus
PatabaimMacrognathus aculeatus
Pike or Northern pikeEsox lucius
Queen fishBotia dario
River cobbler, or Basa, or Pangasius, or Panga(s) or any of these together with the term “catfish”All species of Pangasius
Salmon or Atlantic salmonSalmo salar (L.)*
Cherry salmon or Pacific salmonOncorhynchus masou masou*
Chum salmon or Keta salmonOncorhynchus keta (Walbaum)*
Medium red salmon or Coho salmon or Silver salmonOncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)*
Pink salmonOncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum)*
Red salmon or Sockeye salmonOncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)*
Spring salmon or King salmon or Chinook salmon or Pacific salmonOncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum)*
Pollan or Arctic ciscoCoregonus autumnalis
VendaceCoregonus albula
SholChanna striata
TakiChanna punctata
Tambaqui or CachamaColossoma macroponum

All species of Tilapia

All species of Oreochromis

Trout or Brown troutSalmo trutta trutta (L.) which has spent all of its life in fresh water
Sea trout or Salmon troutSalmo trutta trutta (L.) which has spent part of its life in sea water
Cut-throat trout or troutOncorhynchus clarki clarki
Rainbow trout or Steelhead trout or troutOncorhynchus mykiss
Zander or Pike-perchStizostedion lucioperca
Abalone or OrmerAll species of Haliotis
Ark clam or ArkshellAll species of the family Arcidae
Clam or Hard shell clam

Mercenaria mercenaria (L.)

Venus verrucosa (L.)

Clam or Razor clam or Razor shellAll species of Ensis and Solen
Geoduck or Geoduck clamPanopea abrupta
Manila clam or Japanese carpet shell

Tapes philippinarum

Ruditapes philippinarum

Native clam or Grooved carpet shell or Palourde

Tapes decussatus

Ruditapes decussatus

Venerupis decussa

Soft shell clam or GapersMya spp
Surf clamAll species of Spisula
Otter shell clamLutraria lutraria
CockleAll species of Cerastoderma
Amande clam or Dog cockleGlycymeris glycymeris

All species of the order Brachyura

All species of the family Lithodidae


All species of the family Astacidae

All species of the family Parastacidae

All species of the family Austroastacidae

All species of the family Cambaridae


All species of Sepia

Rossia macrosoma

LobsterAll species of Homarus
Slipper lobsterAll species of the family Scyllaridae
Squat lobsterAll species of the family Galatheidae
Crawfish or Spiny lobster or Rock lobster

All species of Panulirus

All species of Palinurus

All species of Jasus

Indian ocean lobster or Whip lobster

Puerulus sewelli

Puerulus carinatus

Puerulus angulatus

MusselAll species of the family Mytilidae
OctopusAll species of Octopus

All species of Crassostrea

All species of Ostrea

Oyster or Portuguese oysterCrassostrea angulata (Lmk.)
Oyster or Pacific oyster or Rock oysterCrassostrea gigas (Thunberg)
Oyster or Native oysterOstrea edulis (L.)
Prawn or Shrimp

Whole fish (of a size which, when cooked, have a count of less than 397 per kg) or tails (of a size which, when peeled and cooked, have a count of less than 1,323 per kg) of–

  • all species of the family Palaemonidae,

  • all species of the family Penaeidae,

  • all species of the family Pandalidae and

  • all species of the family Aristaeidae

King prawn

All species of the family Palaemonidae

All species of the family Penaeidae

All species of the family Aristaeidae

  • – where the count is less than

  • 123 per kg (head on/shell on) or less than

  • 198 per kg (head off/shell on) or less than

  • 242 per kg (head off/shell off)

Tiger prawn

Penaeus monodon

Penaeus semisulcatus

Penaeus esculentus

Penaeus kerathurus

Penaeus japonicus

Parapenaeopsis hardwickii

Parapenaeopsis sculptilis

Scallop or King scallopPecten maximus
Atlantic scallop or ScallopPlacopecten magellanicus
Queen scallop or Queen or ScallopChlamys (Aequipecten) opercularis
Scallop or Common scallopAll species of the family Pectinidae
Scampi or Norway lobster or Dublin Bay prawn or LangoustineNephrops norvegicus (L.)
Pacific scampi

Metanephrops andamanicus

Metanephrops challengeri

Metanephrops thomsoni

Sea urchinAll species of the family Echinidae

Whole fish (of a size which, when cooked, have a count of 397 per kg or more) or tails (of a size which, when peeled and cooked, have a count of 1,323 per kg or more) of–

  • all species of the family Palaemonidae,

  • all species of the family Penaeidae,

  • all species of the family Pandalidae, and

  • all species of the family Aristaeidae

Shrimp or Pink shrimpPandalus montagui
Shrimp or Brown shrimpAll species of Crangon
Mantis shrimpSquilla mantis

All species of Loligo

All species of Illex

Ommastrephes sagittatus

Arrow squid

Nototodarus sloani

Nototodarus gouldi

WhelkAll species of Buccinum
WinkleAll species of Littorina

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations, which extend to Scotland only, amend the Fish Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 2003 (“the principal Regulations”) (S.S.I. 2003/145) which provide for the execution and enforcement of Title 1, Chapter 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products (O.J. No. L 17, 21.1.00, p.22) and Commission Regulation (EC) No.

2065/2001 laying down detailed rules on the application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 as regards informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture products (O.J. No. L 278, 23.10.01, p.6).

The Regulations–

(a)amend regulation 4(2) of the principal Regulations by providing that commercial designations having effect in other member States are names prescribed by law (regulation 2(a)); and

(b)replace the Schedule to the principal Regulations (which provides a list of commercial designations for the species of sea fish, salmon and freshwater fish and shellfish listed therein) with the Schedule to these Regulations which makes a number of insertions and amendments (regulation 2(b)).

A Regulatory Impact Assessment, which includes a compliance cost assessment of the effect which these Regulations would have on business costs has been prepared and placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre. Copies may be obtained from the Food Standards Agency, 6th Floor, St Magnus House, 25 Guild Street, Aberdeen AB11 6NJ.


1990 c. 16; section 1(1) and (2) (definition of “food”) was substituted by S.I. 2004/2990; section 17(2) was amended by the Food Standards Act 1999 (c. 28) (“the 1999 Act”), Schedule 5, paragraphs 8 and 12; section 48(4) is disapplied in respect of these Regulations by virtue of section 48(4C) which was inserted by S.I. 2004/2990; amendments made by Schedule 5 to the 1999 Act shall be taken as pre-commencement enactments for the purposes of the Scotland Act 1998 (c. 46) (“the 1998 Act”) by virtue of section (2) of the 1999 Act. The functions of the Secretary of State, so far as within devolved competence, were transferred to the Scottish Ministers by virtue of section 53 of the 1998 Act. In so far as not so transferred, those functions were transferred to the Scottish Ministers by the Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 2005 (S.I. 2005/849).


Section 48(4A) was inserted by paragraph 21 of Schedule 5 to the 1999 Act.


O.J. No. L 31, 1.2.02, p.1.


O.J. No. L 212 22.7.89 p.79.


O.J. No. L 165, 3.7.03, p.17.


O.J. No. L 163, 17.6.92, p.1.

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