PART 3SDuties on operators
Data reportingS
10.—(1) The operator of a solvents installation must on request provide SEPA with such information as it may reasonably request to verify compliance under [sub-paragraphs 3 to 6] with—
(a)emission limit values in waste gases, fugitive emission limit values and total emission limit values, or
(b)the requirements of any reduction scheme.
(2) Information may be provided in a [plan equivalent to a] solvent management plan prepared under Part 7 of Annex VII to the Industrial Emissions Directive.
[(3) In the case of continuous measurements the emission limit values must be considered to be complied with if—
(a)none of the arithmetic averages of all valid readings taken during any 24 hour period of operation of an installation or activity except start-up and shut-down operations and maintenance of equipment exceeds the emission limit values,
(b)none of the hourly averages exceeds the emission limit values by more than a factor of 1.5.
(4) In the case of periodic measurements the emission limit values must be considered to be complied with if, in one monitoring exercise—
(a)the average of all the measurement values does not exceed the emission limit values,
(b)none of the hourly averages exceeds the emission limit values by more than a factor of 1.5.
(5) Compliance with requirements derived from Part 4 of Annex VII to the Industrial Emissions Directive must be verified on the basis of the sum of the mass concentrations of the individual volatile organic compounds concerned. For all other cases, compliance must be verified on the basis of the total mass of organic carbon emitted unless otherwise based on a limit derived from Part 2 of Annex VII to the Industrial Emissions Directive.
(6) Gas volumes may be added to the waste gas for cooling or dilution purposes where technically justified but must not be considered when determining the mass concentration of the pollutant in the waste gas.]
Monitoring of emissionsS
11.—[(1)] The operator of a solvents installation must monitor emissions from the installation in accordance with [sub-paragraphs (2) to (4)]
[(2) Channels to which abatement equipment is connected, and which at the final point of discharge emit more than an average of 10 kilogrammes per hour of total organic carbon, must be monitored continuously for compliance.
(3) In other cases, SEPA must ensure that either continuous or periodic measurements are carried out. For periodic measurements at least three measurement values must be obtained during each measurement exercise.
(4) Measurements are not required where end-of-pipe abatement equipment is not needed to comply with these Regulations.]