- Draft legislation
This is a draft item of legislation. This draft has since been made as a UK Statutory Instrument: The Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 No. 829
Regulation 2(a)
Regulations 3,4,5 and 6
1. This table is for the determination of payments to disabled persons under regulation 3 (or, as the case may be, regulation 6), and for the determination of payments to dependants of deceased sufferers under regulation 4(1).
2. The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2) or (3) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, the first period specified in regulation 6(1)(b).
3. The age of the disabled person is his age determined in accordance with regulation 3(2) or (3) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, regulation 6(1)(b). In determining the amount payable to a dependant of a disabled person under regulation 4(1), the age to be taken for the purpose of calculating the sum to be deducted from the amount which would have been payable to the disabled person had he still been alive is the age of the deceased at his last birthday preceding his death.
Age of disabled person | Percentage assessment for the relevant period | |||||||||
10% or less | 11%-20% | 21%-30% | 31%-40% | 41%-50% | 51%-60% | 61%-70% | 71%-80% | 81%-90% | 91%-100% | |
£ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | |
37 and under | 26720 | 47718 | 55987 | 57578 | 59168 | 60440 | 61713 | 62985 | 64257 | 65531 |
38 | 25956 | 45806 | 54300 | 56244 | 57893 | 59168 | 60440 | 61713 | 62985 | 64257 |
39 | 25192 | 43897 | 52614 | 54904 | 56624 | 57893 | 59168 | 60440 | 61713 | 62985 |
40 | 24430 | 41988 | 50929 | 53567 | 55348 | 56624 | 57893 | 59168 | 60440 | 61713 |
41 | 23666 | 40081 | 49244 | 52230 | 54079 | 55348 | 56624 | 57893 | 59168 | 60440 |
42 | 22899 | 38174 | 47556 | 50899 | 52805 | 54079 | 55348 | 56624 | 57893 | 59168 |
43 | 21759 | 35945 | 45871 | 49878 | 51917 | 53443 | 54713 | 55987 | 57259 | 58533 |
44 | 20612 | 33718 | 44184 | 48862 | 51024 | 52805 | 54079 | 55348 | 56624 | 57893 |
45 | 19470 | 31492 | 42498 | 47843 | 50136 | 52167 | 53443 | 54713 | 55987 | 57259 |
46 | 18323 | 29266 | 40814 | 46826 | 49244 | 51534 | 52805 | 54079 | 55348 | 56624 |
47 | 17180 | 27039 | 39127 | 45806 | 48353 | 50899 | 52167 | 53443 | 54713 | 55987 |
48 | 16191 | 26147 | 37793 | 43772 | 46826 | 49112 | 50389 | 51660 | 52931 | 54206 |
49 | 15206 | 25259 | 36455 | 41735 | 45301 | 47333 | 48606 | 49878 | 51154 | 52426 |
50 | 14219 | 24367 | 35145 | 39700 | 43772 | 45552 | 46826 | 48097 | 49368 | 50641 |
51 | 13234 | 23476 | 33781 | 37663 | 42245 | 43772 | 45057 | 46314 | 47589 | 48862 |
52 | 12248 | 22586 | 32447 | 35628 | 40716 | 41988 | 43264 | 44535 | 45806 | 47078 |
53 | 11324 | 20997 | 30409 | 33847 | 39189 | 40716 | 41988 | 43264 | 44535 | 45806 |
54 | 10401 | 19406 | 28374 | 32068 | 37663 | 39447 | 40716 | 41988 | 43264 | 44535 |
55 | 9480 | 17814 | 26342 | 30283 | 36135 | 38174 | 39447 | 40716 | 41988 | 43264 |
56 | 8557 | 16222 | 24304 | 28502 | 34611 | 36899 | 38174 | 39447 | 40716 | 41988 |
57 | 7635 | 14632 | 22267 | 26720 | 33088 | 35629 | 36899 | 38174 | 39447 | 40716 |
58 | 7031 | 13298 | 19884 | 23983 | 29774 | 32130 | 33497 | 34835 | 36135 | 37410 |
59 | 6425 | 11959 | 17495 | 21250 | 26465 | 28629 | 30092 | 31492 | 32828 | 34098 |
60 | 5824 | 10623 | 15109 | 18513 | 23161 | 25131 | 26687 | 28153 | 29521 | 30795 |
61 | 5216 | 9288 | 12726 | 15777 | 19850 | 21632 | 23284 | 24812 | 26212 | 27485 |
62 | 4612 | 7953 | 10339 | 13042 | 16543 | 18133 | 19884 | 21473 | 22899 | 24176 |
63 | 4294 | 7188 | 9288 | 11661 | 14715 | 16285 | 17942 | 19470 | 20867 | 22139 |
64 | 3983 | 6425 | 8238 | 10274 | 12883 | 14443 | 16003 | 17464 | 18830 | 20102 |
65 | 3659 | 5662 | 7188 | 8894 | 11056 | 12596 | 14060 | 15461 | 16798 | 18069 |
66 | 3342 | 4901 | 6139 | 7505 | 9227 | 10752 | 12121 | 13455 | 14761 | 16032 |
67 | 3023 | 4135 | 5088 | 6123 | 7397 | 8909 | 10180 | 11452 | 12726 | 13997 |
68 | 2940 | 4005 | 4914 | 5869 | 7144 | 8557 | 9781 | 11102 | 12325 | 13583 |
69 | 2863 | 3881 | 4742 | 5616 | 6889 | 8208 | 9387 | 10752 | 11931 | 13168 |
70 | 2783 | 3755 | 4564 | 5360 | 6633 | 7856 | 8987 | 10401 | 11531 | 12756 |
71 | 2705 | 3624 | 4390 | 5103 | 6378 | 7505 | 8591 | 10053 | 11135 | 12345 |
72 | 2625 | 3500 | 4215 | 4853 | 6123 | 7159 | 8190 | 9702 | 10733 | 11931 |
73 | 2560 | 3438 | 4152 | 4756 | 6027 | 6999 | 8032 | 9449 | 10418 | 11579 |
74 | 2498 | 3372 | 4088 | 4661 | 5935 | 6838 | 7875 | 9195 | 10102 | 11222 |
75 | 2435 | 3310 | 4026 | 4564 | 5835 | 6681 | 7714 | 8938 | 9781 | 10877 |
76 | 2370 | 3242 | 3959 | 4471 | 5741 | 6524 | 7557 | 8685 | 9462 | 10531 |
77 and over | 2309 | 3180 | 3897 | 4373 | 5645 | 6362 | 7397 | 8434 | 9146 | 10180 |
Age of disabled person | Extent of incapacity for the relevant period | |
Partial | Total | |
£ | £ | |
37 and under | 47718 | 65531 |
38 | 45806 | 64257 |
39 | 43897 | 62985 |
40 | 41988 | 61713 |
41 | 40081 | 60440 |
42 | 38174 | 59168 |
43 | 35945 | 58533 |
44 | 33718 | 57893 |
45 | 31492 | 57259 |
46 | 29266 | 56624 |
47 | 27039 | 55987 |
48 | 26147 | 54206 |
49 | 25259 | 52426 |
50 | 24367 | 50641 |
51 | 23476 | 48862 |
52 | 22586 | 47078 |
53 | 20997 | 45806 |
54 | 19406 | 44535 |
55 | 17814 | 43264 |
56 | 16222 | 41988 |
57 | 14632 | 40716 |
58 | 13298 | 37410 |
59 | 11959 | 34098 |
60 | 10623 | 30795 |
61 | 9288 | 27485 |
62 | 7953 | 24176 |
63 | 7188 | 22139 |
64 | 6425 | 20102 |
65 | 5662 | 18069 |
66 | 4901 | 16032 |
67 | 4135 | 13997 |
68 | 4005 | 13583 |
69 | 3881 | 13168 |
70 | 3755 | 12756 |
71 | 3624 | 12345 |
72 | 3500 | 11931 |
73 | 3438 | 11579 |
74 | 3372 | 11222 |
75 | 3310 | 10877 |
76 | 3242 | 10531 |
77 and over | 3180 | 10180 |
1. This table is for the determination of payments to dependants of deceased sufferers under regulation 4(2) or (6).
2. The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2) or (3) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, the first period specified in regulation 6(1)(b).
Age of disabled person at his last birthday preceding death | Percentage assessment for the relevant period | ||||
10% or less | 21%-30% | 31%-49% | 50% or over | ||
£ | £ | £ | £ | £ | |
37 and under | 12565 | 24497 | 27992 | 28950 | 29744 |
38 | 12184 | 23415 | 27040 | 27992 | 29011 |
39 | 11804 | 22332 | 26086 | 27039 | 28279 |
40 | 11417 | 21250 | 25131 | 26086 | 27548 |
41 | 11037 | 20170 | 24176 | 25131 | 26817 |
42 | 10659 | 19091 | 23221 | 24176 | 26086 |
43 | 9970 | 17688 | 22363 | 23317 | 25386 |
44 | 9288 | 16285 | 21500 | 22459 | 24679 |
45 | 8605 | 14886 | 20645 | 21600 | 23983 |
46 | 7920 | 13485 | 19712 | 20738 | 23284 |
47 | 7236 | 12086 | 18930 | 19884 | 22586 |
48 | 6713 | 11705 | 18294 | 19215 | 21726 |
49 | 6186 | 11324 | 17654 | 18547 | 20867 |
50 | 5662 | 10941 | 17020 | 17876 | 20008 |
51 | 5138 | 10560 | 16384 | 17210 | 19151 |
52 | 4612 | 10180 | 15748 | 16543 | 18294 |
53 | 4373 | 9288 | 14540 | 15619 | 17589 |
54 | 4135 | 8397 | 13328 | 14696 | 16892 |
55 | 3897 | 7505 | 12121 | 13775 | 16191 |
56 | 3659 | 6616 | 10911 | 12854 | 15488 |
57 | 3418 | 5728 | 9702 | 11931 | 14791 |
58 | 3197 | 5088 | 8321 | 10309 | 12854 |
59 | 2971 | 4452 | 6936 | 8685 | 10911 |
60 | 2752 | 3818 | 5551 | 7063 | 8972 |
61 | 2531 | 3180 | 4169 | 5440 | 7031 |
62 | 2309 | 2547 | 2783 | 3818 | 5088 |
63 | 2309 | 2498 | 2690 | 3513 | 4534 |
64 | 2309 | 2448 | 2591 | 3212 | 3983 |
65 | 2309 | 2403 | 2498 | 2909 | 3418 |
66 | 2309 | 2356 | 2403 | 2609 | 2863 |
67 and over | 2309 | 2309 | 2309 | 2309 | 2309 |
Age of disabled person at his last birthday preceding death | Extent of incapacity for the relevant period | |
Partial | Total | |
£ | £ | |
37 and under | 24497 | 29744 |
38 | 23415 | 29011 |
39 | 22332 | 28279 |
40 | 21250 | 27548 |
41 | 20170 | 26817 |
42 | 19091 | 26086 |
43 | 17688 | 25386 |
44 | 16285 | 24679 |
45 | 14886 | 23983 |
46 | 13485 | 23284 |
47 | 12086 | 22586 |
48 | 11705 | 21726 |
49 | 11324 | 20867 |
50 | 10941 | 20008 |
51 | 10560 | 19151 |
52 | 10180 | 18294 |
53 | 9288 | 17589 |
54 | 8397 | 16892 |
55 | 7505 | 16191 |
56 | 6616 | 15488 |
57 | 5728 | 14791 |
58 | 5088 | 12854 |
59 | 4452 | 10911 |
60 | 3818 | 8972 |
61 | 3180 | 7031 |
62 | 2547 | 5088 |
63 | 2498 | 4534 |
64 | 2448 | 3983 |
65 | 2403 | 3418 |
66 | 2356 | 2863 |
67 and over | 2309 | 2309 |
Age of disabled person at his last birthday preceding death | Payment |
£ | |
37 and under | 29744 |
38 | 29011 |
39 | 28279 |
40 | 27548 |
41 | 26817 |
42 | 26086 |
43 | 25386 |
44 | 24679 |
45 | 23983 |
46 | 23284 |
47 | 22586 |
48 | 21726 |
49 | 20867 |
50 | 20008 |
51 | 19151 |
52 | 18294 |
53 | 17589 |
54 | 16892 |
55 | 16191 |
56 | 15488 |
57 | 14791 |
58 | 12854 |
59 | 10911 |
60 | 8972 |
61 | 7031 |
62 | 5088 |
63 | 4534 |
64 | 3983 |
65 | 3418 |
66 | 2863 |
67 and over | 2309” |
Latest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team. Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the ‘Changes to Legislation’ area.
Original (As Enacted or Made): The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was enacted or made. No changes have been applied to the text.
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