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Housing Act 1985

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Original Print PDF of King's Printer Version

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Impact Assessments

There are no associated impact assessment for this legislation.

List of all changes (made to the revised version after 2002) :

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Sections thatConfers power or Apply Blanket Amendments: Help about Sections That

Confers power

Section 1Section 2Section 4Section 5
Section 36ASection 59Section 61Section 67
Section 83Section 96Section 108Section 111
Section 118Section 119Section 120Section 121
Section 121AASection 121BSection 122Section 123
Section 124Section 125Section 125ASection 125B
Section 125CSection 125DSection 125ESection 126
Section 127Section 128Section 129Section 130
Section 131Section 136Section 137Section 138
Section 139Section 140Section 141Section 143
Section 143ASection 143BSection 144Section 145
Section 146Section 146ASection 146BSection 147
Section 148Section 149Section 150Section 151
Section 151ASection 151BSection 152Section 153
Section 153ASection 153BSection 154Section 155
Section 156Section 157Section 158Section 159
Section 160Section 161Section 162Section 163
Section 164Section 165Section 166Section 167
Section 168Section 169Section 170Section 171
Section 171ASection 171BSection 171CSection 171D
Section 171ESection 171FSection 171GSection 171H
Section 172Section 174Section 175Section 176
Section 177Section 178Section 179Section 180
Section 181Section 182Section 183Section 184
Section 185Section 186Section 187Section 188
Section 245Section 259Section 326Section 330
Section 332Section 365Section 369Section 382
Section 425Section 429Section 441Section 442
Section 443Section 444Section 445Section 446
Section 447Section 448Section 449Section 450A
Section 450BSection 450CSchedule 4 paragraph 8Schedule 6 paragraph 16B
Schedule 6 paragraph 16CSchedule 6 paragraph 16DSchedule 7 paragraph 1Schedule 7 paragraph 2
Schedule 7 paragraph 3Schedule 8 paragraph 3Schedule 9 paragraph 4Schedule 13 paragraph 13

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