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Scotland Act 1998

Section E1: Road Transport
Purpose and Effect

This Section reserves certain matters relating to road traffic and transport.

Parliamentary Consideration
Details of Provisions

In general, matters relating to road traffic and road transport are reserved where there is a need to ensure consistency of treatment and approach between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom.

The Scottish Parliament has competence to legislate about the promotion of road safety and about payments for hospital treatment of road traffic accident casualties.  Bus fuel duty rebate is also not a reserved matter, in line with other aspects of bus policy.


This Section provides that the subject-matter of the following Acts are reserved matters:


the Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) Act 1952.  This Act deals with the issue of international driving permits and the recognition of foreign permits;


the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 and the Transport Act 1985, so far as relating to the system of public service vehicle operator licensing. The licensing system is administered by the Traffic Commissioner for the Scottish Traffic Area constituted under the 1981 Act;


sections 17 and 25 and Parts V and VI of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. These deal respectively with:


what traffic can use special roads (which are defined in section 151 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and can include motorways);


the design, layout and operation of pedestrian crossings;


the regulation of traffic signs; and


speed limits.


the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988. The Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 deals with the prosecution and punishment of offenders for a range of road traffic offences.  The Road Traffic Act 1988 covers a range of matters:


road safety provisions (Part I), such as the main criminal offences relating to road safety. However, as indicated below, the Scottish Parliament has legislative competence in relation to the promotion of road safety;


construction and use of vehicles and equipment (Part II);


licensing of drivers of vehicles, including drivers of large goods vehicles and passenger carrying vehicles (Parts III and IV);


driving instruction (Part V). As the provision in the 1988 Act is about paid instruction in the driving of a motor car on a road, this reservation is supplemented by a general reservation for the regulation of the instruction of drivers of other types of motor vehicles;


third party liabilities (Part VI) - the compulsory insurance of motor vehicles.


the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994.  This Act deals with the licensing and registration of vehicles;


the Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995.  This Act deals with the revocation of driving licences during the licence-holder’s probationary period; and


the Goods Vehicle (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995.  This Act provides for the system of licensing of operators of goods vehicles. The licensing system is administered by the Traffic Commissioner for the Scottish Traffic Area constituted under the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981.

Various other matters are also reserved:


regulation of proper hours or periods of work by persons engaged in the carriage of passengers or goods by road;


the conditions under which international road transport services for passengers or goods may be undertaken; and


regulation of the instruction of drivers of motor vehicles.  As indicated above this provision supplements the reservation of the subject-matter of Part V of the Road Traffic Act 1988 which deals with instruction of motor car drivers to ensure that the reservation covers the paid instruction of drivers of all types of motor vehicles.


The subject-matter of:


sections 39 and 40 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (road safety information and training).  This means that the Scottish Parliament is able to legislate about matters concerned with the promotion of road safety by local authorities or other bodies and to subsidise bodies other than local authorities to give road safety advice and training. Both the Scottish Ministers and UK Government Ministers will have functions exercisable in or as regards Scotland in relation to the promotion of road safety.  This is because section 52(1)(h) of the Act gives them concurrent powers; and


sections 157 to 159 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (payment for treatment of traffic casualties).  The Scottish Parliament is able to legislate about payments for hospital treatment of road traffic accident casualties.  This is consistent with the devolution of other health matters. The National Health Service in Scotland, through Health Boards and NHS Trusts, can recover the costs incurred in treating road traffic casualties from insurance companies.

Executive Devolution

The following functions have been included in the Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 1999 (S.I. 1999/1750).

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (c.27):


sections 14(1), (2), (3) and (5), 15(2), (3), (5), (6) and (7); and 16(2) and (2A);

Section 14(1) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority by order to restrict or prohibit temporarily the use of a road, or any part of it, to such extent and subject to such conditions or exceptions as he may consider necessary.

Section 14(2) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority by notice to restrict or prohibit temporarily the use of a road where it appears to him that the restriction or prohibition should come into force without delay.

Section 14(3) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority, when considering the making of an order under section 14(1) or the issue of a notice under section 14(2), to have regard to the existence of alternative routes suitable for the traffic which will be affected by the order or notice.

Section 14(5) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority to make provision in any order made or issued by him any such provision as is mentioned in subsection (4) as respects any alternative road for which he is the traffic authority or to consent to provisions as respects any alternative road for which he is the traffic authority in an order made by a different traffic authority.

Section 15(2) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority, if he is satisfied, and it is stated in the order that he is satisfied, that the execution of the works in question will take longer than eighteen months, to disapply the time-limit of eighteen months; and in any such case to revoke the order as soon as the works are completed.

Section 15(3) - The function of the Secretary of State, where an order subject to the time-limit of eighteen months has not ceased to be in force, from time to time to direct that the order shall continue in force for a further period not exceeding 6 months from the date on which it would otherwise cease to be in force.

Section 15(5) - The function of the Secretary of State, at the request of an authority that has made an order subject to the time-limit of six months in subsection (1), from time to time to direct that the order shall continue in force for a further period from the date on which it would otherwise cease to be in force.

Section 15(6) - The function of the Secretary of State, where he refuses a request under subsection (5) in respect of an order, to consent to the making of a further order.

Section 15(7) - The function of the Secretary of State by regulations to alter the number of days for the time being specified in this subsection.

Section 16(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to the procedure to be followed in connection with the making of orders and the issue of notices under section 14 including provision for notifying the public of the exercise, or proposed exercise, of the powers conferred by that section and of the effect of orders and notices made or issued in the exercise of those powers, and all functions conferred on him by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Procedure Regulations 1992 SI 1992/1215.

Section 16(2A) - The function of the Secretary of State by regulations under subsection (2) to make, in relation to such orders as he thinks appropriate, provision:


for the making and consideration of objections to a proposed order; and


for any of the matters mentioned in paragraph 22(1) of Schedule 9.


section 17(2) and (5);

Section 17(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to the use of special roads but only to the extent that such regulations can apply to special roads specified in the regulations and not to special roads generally or to all special roads of a particular class.

Section 17(5) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority to declare the date on which a special road or part of that road is open for use as a special road.


section 28(4)(a);

Section 28(4)(a) - The function of the Secretary of State to authorise the use by a school crossing patrol of signs of a description not prescribed by regulations.


section 64(1)(b) and (2);

Section 64(1)(b) and (2) -


The function of the Secretary of State to authorise any object or device so that it becomes a traffic sign within the meaning of subsection (1);


The function of the Secretary of State to authorise the size, colour and type of a traffic sign which is not prescribed.


section 65(1);

Section 65(1) - The function of the Secretary of State as Traffic Authority to cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on or near a road.


section 65(2) and (3A)(b)(ii);

Section 65(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to give directions (but not general directions) to a local traffic authority as to the placing, replacing or converting of a traffic sign of a prescribed type or authorised character.

Section 65(3A)(b)(ii) - The function of the Secretary of State to prescribe a body appearing to him to be representative of the interests of road users or any class of road users in relation to the placing of a temporary traffic sign.


sections 69(1), (2) and (3), 70(1), 71(1), 79(1), 82(1)(b), (2) and (3), 83(1) and 84(1), (1A) and (1B);

Section 69(1) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority to give written notice requiring the removal of an object or device for the guidance or direction of persons using the road.

Section 69(2) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority to effect the removal required in terms of subsection (1) in the event of default and to recover expenses incurred.

Section 69(3) - The function of the Secretary of State to give directions to a local traffic authority requiring the removal of any traffic sign or any object or device mentioned in subsection (1).

Section 70(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to be able to carry out work required to comply with any direction given under section 65(2) or section 69 and to recover the expenses incurred.

Section 71(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to be able to enter any land and exercise such powers as may be necessary for the purpose of placing, replacing, converting and removing traffic signs or generally for the purposes of the exercise of powers and duties under section 69.

Section 79(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to make advances towards expenses incurred by a council in the discharge of any obligations imposed on them by the relevant provisions of the Act in relation to the erection, maintenance, alteration or removal of traffic signs.

Section 82(1)(b) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations to specify a classification or type of road so as to make it a restricted road for the purposes of section 81.

Section 82(2) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority to direct that a road which is a restricted road for the purposes of section 81 shall cease to be a restricted road or that a road which is not a restricted road for those purposes shall become a restricted road.

Section 82(3) - The function of the Secretary of State as traffic authority  to declare the date on which a special road or part of that road is open for use as a special road.

Section 83(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to make an order so as to give the direction under section 82(2).

Section 84(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to make an order as respects any road (except a special road) for which he is the traffic authority to prohibit the driving of motor vehicles at a speed exceeding that specified in the order either generally or during periods specified in the order or for the time being indicated by traffic signs in accordance with the order.


section 85(1) and (3);

Section 85(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to comply with the duty in relation to a road for which he is the traffic authority to erect and maintain traffic signs to secure that adequate guidance is given to drivers of motor vehicles as to the speed limit to be observed on that road.

Section 85(3) - The function of the Secretary of State to execute works in the event of default by the local traffic authority to erect, maintain, alter or remove traffic signs and to recover the expense incurred in doing so.


section 85(2); and

Section 85(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to give directions (but not general directions) for the purpose of securing that adequate guidance is given to drivers of motor vehicles as to whether any, and if so what, limit of speed is to be observed on any road.


Schedule 9, Part I, paragraphs 1, 3(1), 4, 7, 8 and 9, Part II, paragraphs 13, 15, 16(1) and (2) and 17 and Part III, paragraphs 21, 24 and 26(1) and (2).

Schedule 9, para 1 - The function of the Secretary of State to give a local authority a direction in relation to specified provisions of the Act.

Schedule 9, para 3(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to exercise the power to make an order under any of the provisions specified in paragraph 1 in addition to those powers still being capable of being exercised by the authorised authority.

Schedule 9, para 4 - The function of the Secretary of State to do anything to make effective any order which he has made under paragraph 3 and to recover from the authorised authority any expenses incurred by him in doing so.

Schedule 9, para 7 - The function of the Secretary of State to hold a public inquiry as necessary and to vary or revoke any order made or having effect as if made under or by virtue of any of the provisions of the Act referred to in paragraph 1.

Schedule 9, para 8 - The function of the Secretary of State before giving any direction under paragraph 2 or making any order under paragraph 7 to be satisfied that the duty under section 122(1) is not being satisfactorily discharged by the authorised authority and that the direction or order is necessary to secure compliance.

Schedule 9, para 9 - The function of the Secretary of State to be satisfied that there are special circumstances which make it expedient that an order under paragraph 7 should be made notwithstanding that he is not satisfied in terms of paragraph 8.

Schedule 9, para 13 - The function of the Secretary of State to consent to the inclusion of certain provisions in an order proposed to be made by a local authority under or by virtue of certain provisions of the Act.

Schedule 9, para 15 - The function of the Secretary of State to make an order adding or removing from the orders for which his consent is required by paragraph 13 certain other specified orders made by local authorities for specified purposes and specified circumstances.

Schedule 9, para 16(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to give his consent to an order either in the form submitted or with such modifications as he thinks fit.

Schedule 9, para 16(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to comply with a duty to take sufficient and reasonably practical steps to inform the local authority and other persons likely to be concerned where consent to an order is proposed to be given with modifications which appear to him substantially to affect the character of the order.

Schedule 9, para 17 - The function of the Secretary of State to make an order granting a general consent for the making of orders requiring that consent under this part of the Schedule.

Schedule 9, para 21 - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations for providing the procedure to be followed by a local authority in relation to the making of orders and any functions conferred on him by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 S.I. 1999/614.

Schedule 9, para 24 - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to the procedure in connection with the making by him of any order made by virtue of paragraph 3 or made under paragraph 7 of Schedule 9 or of any order which he is authorised to make with respect to roads for which he is the traffic authority under any of the provisions referred to in paragraph 20(1) and any functions conferred on him by the Secretary of State’s Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1987 S.I. 1987/2244.

Schedule 9, para 26(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to consider any objections made to an order under any of the provisions referred to in paragraph 20(1) of the Schedule before giving a direction under paragraph 2.

Schedule 9, para 26(2) - The function of the Secretary of State in complying with the duty to take such steps as appear to him to be sufficient and reasonably practical for informing any local authority and any other person likely to be concerned of any modifications which appear to him to affect substantially the character of the order.

The Transport Act 1985 (c.67):


section 19(7); and

Section 19(7) - The function of the Secretary of State to make an order designating bodies appearing to him to be eligible in accordance with subsection (8) for the purposes of the granting of permits for the use of a small bus in terms of subsection (3) for educational and other bodies; and to make provision for the issues referred to in paragraph (a) to (c) in subsection (7).


Schedule 4, paragraph 15.

Schedule 4, paragraph 15 - The function of the Secretary of State* of being consulted by the Lord Chancellor on appointment of judicial members of the tribunal, retention of a judicial member beyond normal retirement age, removal of a judicial member, and the terms and conditions of service.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 (c.52), sections 13(2), 13A(1), 27(6) and 31(2).

Section 13(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations (generally or as regards any area, class or description of competition or trial or any particular competition or trial) to authorise or provide for authorising the holding on a public way of competitions or trials (other than races or trials of speed) involving the use of motor vehicles; and to impose conditions.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 (c.52), sections 13(2), 13A(1), 27(6) and 31(2).

Section 13A(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations to authorise a motoring event in a public place other than a road.

Section 27(6) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations prescribing the procedure to be followed in connection with the making of orders by a local authority dealing with the control of dogs on roads and requiring the publication in a prescribed manner of a notice of the making and effect of the order.

Section 31(2) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations to authorise or provide for authorising the holding on a public way (other than a bridle way) of races or trials of speed of any class or description or of a particular race or trial of speed involving cycles; and to impose conditions.

The following functions have been made exercisable by a Minister of the Crown subject to a requirement for agreement of or consultation with the Scottish Ministers by the Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 1999 (S.I. 1999/1750).

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (c.27):


section 17(2);

The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to the use of special roads but only to the extent that such regulations can apply to special roads specified in the regulations and not to special roads generally or to all special roads of a particular class.


section 25(1) and 64(1)(a);

Section 25(1) - The function of the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to the precedence of vehicles and pedestrians respectively, and generally with respect to the movement of traffic (including pedestrians), at and in the vicinity of crossings.

Section 64(1)(a) - The function of the Ministers acting jointly to specify by regulations as a traffic sign an object or device for conveying to traffic on roads or any specified class of traffic, warnings, information, requirements, restrictions or prohibitions of any description.


section 65(1);

The function of the Secretary of State as Traffic Authority to cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on or near a road.


section 81(2);

Section 81(2) - The function of the Ministers acting jointly by order made by statutory instrument and approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament, to increase or reduce the rate of speed which applies on a restricted road.


section 85(2)(a); and

The function of the Secretary of State to give general directions for the purpose of securing that adequate guidance is given to drivers of motor vehicles as to whether any, and if so what, limit of speed is to be observed on any road.


sections 86(2) and 88(1) and (4).

Section 86(2) - The function of the Secretary of State by regulations to vary the speed limits which apply to specified classes of traffic.

Section 88(1) and (4) - The function of the Secretary of State in the interests of safety or for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic, by order to set speed limits for a period not exceeding 18 months and of continuing such limits either indefinitely or for a specified period.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 (c.52), section 36(5).

The function of the Secretary of State for Scotland, acting with the Secretary of State for Transport and the Secretary of State for Wales, by regulations to specify any traffic sign, failure to comply with which carries the penalty of discretionary disqualification.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 (c.52), section 36(5).

The function of the Secretary of State for Scotland, acting with the Secretary of State for Transport and the Secretary of State for Wales, by regulations to specify any traffic sign, failure to comply with which carries the penalty of discretionary disqualification.

The following functions have been included in the Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 2000 (S.I. 2000/1563).

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (c.27), section 881)(a) and (4)

Section 88(1)(a) and (4) of the 1984 Act concern temporary speed limits.. Under section 88(1)(a), the Secretary of State can make an Order imposing a maximum speed limit, for periods up to 18 months, on:

  • all roads in an area specified in the Order;

  • all roads of a class specified in the Order; or

  • any particular road specified in the Order.

Under section 88(4) such Orders can be continued in force for further periods or indefinitely.  This Order transfers the functions under sections 88(1)(a) and (4) in respect of temporary speed limits but only in relation to making orders applying to specified roads.

Residual Functions

The functions of the Secretary of State for Scotland under sections 64, 65 and 81 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and section 36(5) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (regulations specifying objects or devices as traffic signs; directions as to the placing of traffic signs; orders to increase or reduce speed limit on restricted roads; specifying traffic signs for certain purposes of the 1988 Act) were transferred to the Secretary of State by the Transfer of Functions (Road Traffic) Order 1999 (S.I. 1999/3143).

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